High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1327: See you in the end

Because of the conditions in the courtyard before, Qin Heqing did not leave the house rashly and continue to explore behind. Instead, he stood inside the house and carefully observed the portrait of Mr. Xiang on the wall. He wanted to see if this portrait was Also affected by the power of evil, became a moth.

Unfortunately, I don’t know if he was frightened by Qin Heqing’s fierce means, or was frightened by the six divine fires flying around him. The characters in the portrait of Xiang Jun did not show the slightest abnormality under his gaze, and still maintained The appearance of looking away leisurely, even the slightest aura of abnormality has never appeared.

"Don't come out... then don't come out at all," Qin Heqing sneered secretly.

Immediately without any hesitation, he directly took the picture scroll with his hand, and then before the picture scroll fell into his own hands, he was thrown into the demon refining pot by Qin Heqing.

He didn't believe it, after entering the world of the pot, what else could it produce?

Then Qin Heqing turned and left the empty big house, came to the left side of the big house, followed the corridor and the ear door to the back of the big house, which is the second courtyard, or the middle mansion in traditional buildings.

Then Qin Heqing's eyes were caught in the legendary east-west wing and main room.

In the middle is a courtyard for the residents of the east and west wing rooms to move out. It is very large, much larger than the previous courtyard. It is connected by various corridors, decorated with flowers and plants and rockery on both sides, and a pavilion is quietly handled. On one side of the courtyard, there is a stone table and a stone chair, and there is also a chessboard and pieces of Go on the table. The pieces are scattered, which seems to indicate that there were people playing here before, and it is not empty. Look like.

But Qin Heqing just glanced casually, walked towards the left-handed Dongxiang nearest to him, opened the door, and walked in——

It turned out to be a bedroom! And just as the style of the water house is very secular, the state of the bedroom is also very full of dynasty, just like the bedroom of the ladies in ancient times, it is directly a three-set bed? Two sets of externally embedded constitute the room. Partition? The entire East Wing is divided into sleeping and meeting rooms, dining and reading spaces.

It can be seen that the lord of the Xiangjun Water Mansion of the previous dynasty is definitely someone who can enjoy it? Or knows how to advance with the times? It is even directly a person from the Tang and Song Dynasties. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain? This Xiangjun Water Mansion The origin and reason of decoration.

The fairies do not pay attention to these.

There was still no trace of Ehuang and Nyuying, so after a simple search? Nothing unusual? After nothing worthy of attention and collection, I turned around and walked out of the east wing and walked towards the west wing opposite.

Then he opened the door and walked in the meantime--

Compared with the luxurious east wing room? The west wing room is obviously much simpler? Although there are also living and entertainment materials such as beds, tables, benches, pianos, chess, etc., both the style and the workmanship are worse than the furnishings in the east wing. There is more than one thing, and it is also very simple. Even if it weren't for these things, Qin Heqing didn't think there were many problems in saying that this was a pile of debris.

Anyway, after Qin Heqing made a round here? He found a lot of mess.

But none of them are effective, and there is no magical effect? ​​So after a cursory look, he threw them back to their original places and left? Entered the main house——

This time, Qin Heqing finally found a lot of good things.

As for the reason?

Naturally, this is because the main house is the study room of the master of the Water Mansion? The place where the office is usually located? So the books contained in it are extremely rich? Not only ancient historical materials, mystery, but also modern times (Xiang Jun still existed in the era) Qin Heqing's practice techniques, travel notes, etc., coupled with the aura of pen, ink, paper, inkstone, and other magic swords and magic weapons, Qin Heqing has also made a lot of money.

I feel very satisfied.

It's just a pity that the whereabouts of Ehuang and Nyuying are still not found.

So after searching all the books and treasures in the study, Qin Heqing moved towards the third entrance of Shui Mansion, the real back house.

And this time, there were even more houses that appeared in Qin Heqing’s eyes. There were seven or eight houses on the left, middle, and right sides. I don’t know if it was for the underlings or the various functional rooms inside the water mansion.

For example, the warehouse.

Practice secret room.

This kind of alchemy room.

Therefore, Qin Heqing is more attentive and full of expectations for the exploration here.

And indeed, as expected, I harvested a lot of things in the Shuifu!

Although they are ordinary equipment such as swords, spears, swords, halberds, armors, etc., which are used to arm the soldiers of the palace, it is obvious that a lot of extraordinary materials have been added to them to maintain the thousand-year immortality. Although Qin Heqing did not use it, it did not prevent him from using it. They take away refining or transformation to arm their men.

There were also some magic weapons used by the sailors to manage and clean up the hydrological state of the Xiangjiang River, such as water forks, water-stirring sticks, and water nets. Qin Heqing did not let them go and collected them all.

This, coupled with the residual medicines found in the warehouse, and the various spiritual materials stored in it, really made Qin Heqing a lot of good things.

But the happiest thing was that Qin Heqing found the whereabouts of Ehuang and Nyuying in the courtyard of Sanjin——

Unexpectedly, the two of them were confined in a room that should be a closed room depending on the situation. The outside was sealed and protected, and the inside was filled with black air. If it weren't for the aura that emerged from the body of the Ehuang and Nyuying, it would be clear and not polluted. Qin Heqing said that he was going to exterminate his relatives righteously, so he directly refined the two of them again.

Qin Heqing carefully looked at the two people who seemed unable to get in touch with the outside world, thought for a moment, and directly opened the entrance of the demon refining pot, enlarged it, and enveloped it outside the restriction, and then used the secret method of breaking the restriction to stop the operation of the restriction. It seemed to have found a catharsis, and swarmed towards the world in the pot.

And it took two or three minutes ~www.ltnovel.com~ to disappear completely, so that there was no trace of filth in the secret room.

Then Qin Heqing walked into the secret room and came to Ehuang Nuying who was sitting cross-legged, and stimulated the two with the power of the soul.

"Ehuang! Female Ying!"

"My lord? Why are you here?" Ehuang Nuying who heard the call slowly opened her eyes, her eyes full of surprise and surprise.

Then the aura around her body disappeared, and the emperor nvying got up from the futon she was sitting on.

"What's the matter with you?" Qin Heqing did not answer, but asked rather curiously.

"It can only be said that something was unexpected." Ehuang Nvying glanced at each other after hearing this, and then Ehuang explained with a wry smile.

After doing it for a long time, it was also related to the great seal of the water mansion, the representative of the Xiang monarch in the water palace!

They also didn't expect that this seemingly commonplace, the Great Seal of the Water Mansion that no one coveted was actually the core of all evil seals.

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