High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1328: Reason

As Qin Heqing guessed, the reason for the rebirth of Japan as a priest, Chapter 1328, is that the Xiangjun Water House and even the Xiangjiang River Basin will become as it is now, full of filthy evil energy, and full of mutations. The reason is precisely because it represents Hunan. The influence of the Shuijun Great Seal of the sovereign power!

According to Ehuang and Nyuying, the last generation of Xiangjun was active in the Song Dynasty. Together with Dongting Longjun, it was the Dana deity of the southern water system and received the canonization of the Heavenly Court in the Song Dynasty.

But the same is because they were active in the Song Dynasty. Like the heavenly court, they suffered the impact of the evil spirits killed from the north, and the evil spirits summoned in the process of destroying the heavenly court and the dependents derived from their influence. They were hit hard one after another, and even came to the brink of fall.

Therefore, after the heaven, the world, and all parties worked hard to eliminate the disaster caused by the evil god, the last generation of Xiangjun took the water mansion as the battlefield and the water vein as the circulation, and the evil **** family who invaded the Xiangjiang River valley at that time and their death The generated evil power was sealed, and the Shuijun Great Seal was used as a suppressing object, and they were suppressed in the water veins.

He even left a letter that made it clear, so as to prevent the newly born **** of Xiangshui from releasing evil due to operational errors or because of his eagerness to obtain water rights.

It’s just a pity, it doesn’t seem to be able to stay in the modern age——

Anyway, in the search process after Ehuang and Nyuying came to the Shuifu, they did not find the message of the previous Xiangjun Shuijun, so the first time they found the Shuijun seal, they began to work together to refine the Shuijun **** seal, and prepare Taking the control of Xiangshui with their body-fitting seal, they are plotting to restore their former glory and strength.

But I didn't expect that the evil seal in the Shui Mansion would be released.

It can be said that if the two of them hadn't reacted in a timely manner, blocked the water veins with the half-handed Shuijun authority, sealed the Shuijun mansion, and tried all means to protect themselves, the current Xiangshui environment would not be Qin Heqing. What I saw when I came down was just so filthy on the surface, but it should have turned into a dirty water dragon and ravaged the earth long ago.

"Then how are you doing now." Qin Heqing took a closer look at the two and asked again.

"Fortunately, thanks to your sir, you came in time and saved us from the previous besieged state in time. Otherwise, our sisters may really be unable to persist and be polluted by evil powers and become evil gods. Family members or weird." The female hero replied with a somewhat grateful expression.

"But having said that, how could your lord be here?" Ehuang asked in confusion.

"Do you remember how long it has been since you left?" Qin Heqing did not answer directly, but asked rhetorically.

The two looked at each other and shook their heads, expressing that they were unclear.

After all, since the beginning of refining the **** seal, their thoughts have been blocked by the outside world. At that time, let alone pay attention to changes in time, even if you observe their own abnormalities, you need to be careful and cautious, and I am afraid that one will not pay attention. He was given a chance by the evil power and eroded himself.

"It's been more than a month," Qin Heqing replied.

At the same time Ehuang Nvying also suddenly understood why Qin Heqing appeared here.

The reason is very simple, just because the two of them said at the beginning that if everything goes well, at most one month, they will be able to obtain their due status and leave the country to return to him.

But now? It's been more than a month and I haven't returned. It would be really weird if it weren't for trouble.

In addition, Qin Heqing is more concerned about their safety, otherwise he wouldn't risk coming here to find them at this critical time.

"Thank you for your concern. We made you bother." The female Ying bowed slightly and said politely.

Ehuang was the same, and followed up with a salute.

"No need to. After all, you will come back here. Integrating water rights is also my task. In addition, you are my people. I will be responsible for your actions and safety, so I don’t need to take this too much. Keep things in mind." Qin Heqing waved his hand and said politely.

After a while, she changed the subject without giving Ehuang and Nyuying a chance to speak, "By the way, how is your Shuijun authority integrated?"

"It's almost there. In three or five days at most, you can fully integrate the Xiangshui Divine Power Seal and obtain the status of Xiangjun." Ehuang replied.

As for Mrs. Xiang... that was originally the name of Xiang Jun’s spouse, so as long as he becomes a **** seal and merges successfully, after becoming a new Shui Jun, he can naturally use Xiang Jun’s authority to separate the attached Mrs. Xiang's seal and give it to the female-ying fusion. Then the two work together to conform to the rules of the God of Water. Even if they can't become a new Gonggong clan by then, there is still no problem in obtaining the status of Dragon Lord of Dongting and even Dragon God of Yangtze River.

The key lies in whether the two gods of Dongting Dragon Lord and Yangtze River Water God are occupied.

If not, then naturally there is nothing to say, but if there is...

It is estimated that there may be a fight, or even a waste of time.

"Is three or five days enough?" Qin Heqing was not happy, as he asked hesitantly.

"Enough." Female Ying said simply.

Not to mention that they are the goddess of Xiangshui, they have instinctive familiarity and mastery of Xiangshui's authority and related rules. The existence of Shuijun Shenyin alone is not something that needs time to be merged.

Especially when the last dynasty Xiangjun has completely perished, the unowned Shuijun **** seal is like a stray dog ​​abandoned by others. It is really joy to see a master, and I can’t wait to agree directly with my body to make Ehuang and Nvying. Become your own master.

So the three to five days are not only the result of talking less, but talking more.

Otherwise, if nothing unexpected happens, the two of them will be able to take full control of Xiangshui in two days at most, and then start plotting to seize the gods of Dongting Dragon Lord and Yangtze River Water God.

"In that case~www.ltnovel.com~ then you should continue to stay here to merge the **** seal. It just so happens that I also need to take a trip to the nearby Wudang Mountain in the past few days to see the survival status of the heavenly gods." Qin Heqing thought for a while and replied.

"Do you want to unite with the local heaven?" Ehuang raised his brows slightly and hesitated.

"I have this plan, but what exactly is going to be, I have to meet the gods of the heavens to know." Qin Heqing said.

"The lord, it's better not to have too much hope." Nvying reminded.

After all, even Lord Xiang died, and the ghost knew how many gods were left in the Heavenly Court, the main target of the evil **** summoned by the devil.

Not to mention the activities of cutting mountains and temples in modern times. If it is really unlucky, it may not be impossible for a **** to exist.

"I know, I prepared it in my heart." Qin Heqing looked at him and nodded in agreement.

Then Qin Heqing talked a few more words with the two of them, protecting them from re-entering the cultivation state and starting a new round of refining.

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