High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1329: Matake

After confirming the status of the two of them, and setting up a multi-layer defensive enchantment in the secret room where they are located, they re-explored the water palace by the way, and fixed the demon pot that may cause mutation, or even the game application that has mutated. After re-protecting the water mansion with various barriers and restrictions, Qin and Qingcai really left the water mansion. After a flash, they returned to the surface of the water, letting go of their thoughts, and locked the position of Ayukawa through the contract. Using supernatural power, Yushen Yuqi directly transferred to her side.

So in an instant, Qin Heqing appeared beside Ayukawa.

"Let's go."

"Where are they?" Ayukawa stunned for a moment, and then asked suspiciously.

"I have solved the trouble for them, so I am currently refining the Shuijun Shenyin in the Xiangjun Water Mansion. It is estimated that it will take a few days to succeed. It just so happens that I also have something to wander in this Jingchu land. Come out first, and wait until the matter is over before meeting them." Qin Heqing replied.


"Speaking of, did you feel any abnormalities after entering Huaxia? I mean the mana around your body, did you feel suppression or other changes?" On the way back, Qin Heqing suddenly thought of something and turned to his side. Asked Ayukawa.

"Suppressed? No, everything is normal." Ayukawa heard the words and carefully felt the working condition of the power in his body, and shook his head.

"Isn't there..." Qin Heqing said, and then looked up at the sky that was barely visible in his special vision, and muttered thoughtfully at the flashing traces of the huge barrier barrier.

Regarding the barriers in the sky, Qin Heqing still had some inferences in his heart——

Because if he didn't expect it to be true, the barrier covering the world should be the so-called Great Enchantment of King Yu Kyushu, the guardian barrier of the Central Plains, and the ultimate means to suppress all immortals, demons, and ghosts recognized by the inheritance of foreign and inhumane!

But actually?

Now let alone suppression, even the various restrictive force responses have not been reflected in the slightest. This is also the final feedback Qin Heqing has obtained after testing with great supernatural powers such as Liuding Shenhuo and Youshen Yuqi twice.

Not to mention because both the Six Ding Shenhuo and the Yushen Yuqi are both serious Taoist supernatural powers and great arts, and they are powers recognized by the Kyushu enchantment.

What happened to Ayukawa?

Is it possible that she is treated as nothing because her strength has not reached the altitude, and she is allowed to move freely within Kyushu?

Even if this is the case, the performance of the Kyushu enchantment is somewhat abnormal now-

The evil air turned upward, and the evil spirits were hidden in it. Various filthy and delirium elements spread all over the interior of the Great Enchantment like stars and dots, making it look like a rag pierced by countless sharp objects, dirty and Ugly.

Fortunately, these are all scenes that were only presented under his special vision. If it is replaced with a picture that ordinary people can see, it is estimated to be a national-level smog phenomenon, which is worthy of attention and control at the national level.

Therefore, Qin Heqing felt that it was not that the Kyushu barrier did not want to suppress or restrict special foreigners like him and Ayukawa, but that the current strength of the Kyushu barrier was really incapable. It is estimated that apart from the stable structure that can barely be maintained, the rest The special effects of's have already disappeared or been sealed with the fall of the heavens, the raging evil gods, the slaying of the dragon by Liu Bowen, and the decline and extinction of the divine way, and the disappearance of cultivation.

Therefore, I could only watch the Cthulhu Angels break into the Kyushu barrier, but couldn't completely shield it from the outside to ensure the harmony of Kyushu.

"It seems that you shouldn't be too covetous and expectant for the Nine Provinces barrier..." Qin Heqing whispered to himself with a heavy heart.


In the dull atmosphere, the two smoothly escaped from the no-man's land and returned to the urban area. After a short rest, they greeted Makito and moved towards Wudang Mountain together.

This time it was still not a short formation. It was by plane and bus. When Qin Heqing arrived at the foot of Wudang Mountain, the sky was dark again.

In desperation, Qin Heqing had to stop walking into the mountain for a while, found a star-rated hotel on Danjiangkou, and then refurbished it. Then he was separated from Mato Akatsuki and turned into a midnight ghost alone, heading towards the high forest. Miyi faction flew away from the deep Wudang Mountain.

The first place he arrived was the Taihe Palace, which was built during the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty and was damaged and repaired several times.

Suspended in the air, after a long period of contemplation, he really shot down, appeared in front of the deserted main palace hall, lowered his steps, like a real ghost moving silently, passing through the wall through the courtyard, entering through the door Hu, entered the hall dedicated to Emperor Zhenwu Dangmo, and looked at the condescending, majestic statue of Zhenwu for a moment, then turned his hand into a few incense sticks, lit his fingers, and inserted them in front of the statue. Among the incense burner.

The light smoke was faint, and soared into the air silently.

"Thanks to the real martial demon, the God of Xuantian hangs down, and the monk Qin Heqing from the lower realm, please play it. It is related to the evil demon outside god, the universal common people. I also hope that the protection of the real monarch can come down and talk to me." The breath of good fortune penetrated into the special letter incense dedicated to offering sacrifices to the gods, conveying their meaning.

Then he stood in place, patiently waiting for the feedback from Emperor Zhenwu Dangmo.

If the real Wudang Demon Emperor of this world still exists, and he has not sacrificed in the original battle of the Demon Yuan to destroy the heaven...

Of course, it is necessary for the other party to recognize the energy of good fortune that he finally merged into, and to know that it is the power related to the Nuwa Empress, otherwise, as the other party’s identity as the Supreme Court of Six Imperial Palaces, he would ignore a small lower realm. The prayer of the monk.

Even if the beacon he used is self-evident, few people in the world can know how to make it, and the special beacon that no one has used for nearly a hundred years is the same.

Just like this for one minute, two minutes, three minutes...

Until ten minutes later, the divine avatar Qin Heqing was expecting, and even the traces of the divine mind coming down did not appear.

I don't know if I really didn't receive my letter, or didn't want to pay attention to myself, or the worst kind of situation~www.ltnovel.com~ The Lord of Six Royals has died.

So Qin Heqing couldn't help but frowned. After waiting for a while, that is, shortly after the special incense was completely burned, he changed his hand and used the God-Summoning Edict in the Supreme Induction chapter. His invitation was called out.

"go with!"

In an instant, a streamer flew out and shot into the sky, disappearing into the vast clouds and mist like a meteor.

However, the result was still the same, and there was still no response for ten minutes, making Qin Heqing's heart completely bad.

"It seems that this one is really gone..."

Otherwise, even if it is Liu Bowen who cuts the dragon, completely cut off the last channel of communication between the world and the heavens, and the Kyushu enchantment has the ability to prevent the high gods from going down the earth, it will not make him indifferent after receiving the Supreme Talisman. !

Don't forget, he is too superb.

Even if you don't give the face of Empress Nuwa, it is impossible not to give the face of your own deity.

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