High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1336:

   But looking at the very powerful AT defensive stance, it didn't last long under Qin Heqing's attack. After all, Qin Heqing’s attack was mixed with the power to break the rules, not to mention the power of the artifact itself, the power that can erupt is much higher than one to two times under normal conditions, and it completely exceeds the evil god. The defensive upper limit of the angel's protective power, so after a short while, a clear cracking sound rang from the AT position——

The large cracks began to spread around Qin Heqing’s attack point as the center, and filled the entire AT position in the shortest time, and then the AT position was directly exposed to the sound of "pop" like glass cracking. It was blown up into fragments of various sizes and specifications, turned over and dissipated in the air.

   Then Qin Heqing's attack was no longer blocked, and it fell straight to the evil **** angel.

   It's just a pity that more than half of the power has been offset by the previous AT position, so the remaining power is not much, even if it falls on the Cthulhu Tianshen, it may not be able to cause much damage to it.

   Besides, just before the attack was about to fall on its body, the Cthulhu Angels made another round of defensive counterattacks——

Like a Zerg population base and a troop carrier, the muscles on the big head are squirming, revealing a worm mouthpart that resembles a chrysanthemum center and is magnified thousands of times, presenting a huge mouth with a regular prototype, with sharp sharp teeth open. , A shock wave visible to the naked eye was directly magnified, like a transparent barrier erected on the same side, once again colliding with Qin Heqing's attack.


   The violent explosion spread, forming a hurricane, bringing up the sky of dust and sweeping everywhere...

Fortunately, this is a no-man’s land, and because of the influence of the Cthulhu Angel’s spreading domain, there is no army for garrison and surveillance, or it is not in the area that can be affected by the battle, so there is no need to worry about the aftermath of their battle. Cause unnecessary personal injury.

   This is also the real reason why Qin Heqing was able to be so blatant, and launched a large-scale killing of the Cthulhu Angel as soon as he arrived.

   It was a pity, but failed to make a contribution with one blow, and the Cthulhu Angel resisted it with various weird methods.

   But Qin Heqing did not feel discouraged or disappointed about this, after all, these were all within the expectations of the battle, so after the first attack was cancelled, Qin Heqing's second round of blows came out again.

   "The sun, the lunar moon, and the crape myrtle are three and twenty-eight stars. The evil and evil stars listen to my orders, and the stars appear!" Qin Heqing fought with each other and swung his sword to the sky.

Although he could not move and change fights because of his strength and realm, he used the stars as a meteor hammer to throw out to smash people, but he used the Taoist method "Innate Fighting Grandma Golden Light Jinzun Moli Wutian Great Sage Yuan Ming Dao Lao Tian Zun The ceremonial ceremonies in the Scriptures summoned the stars and stars to come forward to assist and there is still no problem.

   So it followed the immeasurable starlight down, as if the Tianhe was hanging upside down, directly showing the brilliance like a galaxy in the dim sky.

After   , they gathered together, as if they were connected to the sky, they wrapped Qin Heqing in in an instant.

The four spirits emerge, the companions of the group, the Beidou and the Nandou stars are murderous, instilling the will, belief, strength and inheritance of all kinds of principles of death and life, killing and fighting into Qin Heqing’s body, allowing him to be on the ordinary ground in an instant The cultivator became the spokesperson of the stars, the executor of the killing, and the **** of death, the **** of the whole body. After looking at an ultrasonic barrier, because of Qin Heqing's changes, the evil **** angel did not shoot out a new attack.

   And the latter?

Even more simply, after roughly confirming Qin Heqing's state, three pairs of six goshawk wings that looked like enlarged versions spread out behind him, unfolding, the black angel halo on his head lit up, and countless murmurs of prayers , There are evil voices and lies like sacred singing in the entire sky, no man’s land, and even outside the no man’s land because of the presence of evil **** angels and the ordinary people's activity area outside the border of the confinement zone.

   Numerous distorted imaginary shadows emerged, and the strong evil aura and evil energy also filled the entire desert of no man’s land in an instant, and suddenly more strange changes occurred——

The desert squirmed quickly as if it had come alive, and then naturally rose, turning into a sand giant with a body height of more than five meters and a rough face. It gathered around and under the evil **** angel, and various desert creatures followed. Growth hormone grows up at an extremely fast speed, from the original little one to a huge monster like the prehistoric monster in the Western fantasy legend. The body twists and brings up a terrible sand...

   What is this, how much better than people?

Naturally, Qin Heqing was not afraid of this. He thought directly, used the power of the refining pot to condense one hundred and eight special golden beans, then took it out, held it in his hand, and muttered it silently, and then all the golden beans in his hand were turned forward. Spilled out--

In an instant, a strong golden light bloomed from the beans, and the beans seemed to be catalyzed from a small one to a man wearing a golden armor, a golden helmet, holding a sword, a gun, a sword, and a mighty majestic. , The majestic man who was more than two meters tall, with cold eyes, fell to Qin Heqing's feet.

What    uses is exactly the technique of throwing beans into a soldier in the Thirty-Six Law of Tiangang!

The only difference is that ~www.ltnovel.com~ The one hundred and eight gods and generals summoned by Qin Heqing are not only gods, but they also have the blessings of stars, just like the water waves of the year. The hero of Liangshan came again, and as soon as he appeared, a hundred and eight rays of light from the heavens and the earth fell from the sky, covering them like a gauze.

Then Qin Heqing turned his magic power again, and six tiers and six great gods came, and the yellow turban warriors were in groups. All kinds of monsters and ghosts that he could summon were all called over with the spells recorded in the gods of heaven and earth. fighting.

So in just a few moments, even people can’t even see a no-man’s land and it has become a realm of demons. All kinds of immortals and demons are everywhere, like two armies facing each other there, only to be ordered by Qin Heqing or the evil **** angel Will launch a fierce attack on the opponent.

And this time did not wait too much, only a moment, did not see any movement from the evil **** angel, a large number of sand giants, desert creatures mutated into an army of monsters, and the ghost-like illusion called out by the power of the evil **** angel The evil demon roared together and slew towards the army summoned by Qin Heqing.

  Naturally, one hundred and eight generals, plus six divine generals and yellow turban warriors, did not hesitate, greeted the demons and ghosts to greet the evil **** army.


   A violent explosion sounded, and the entire no-man’s land became worse because of their actions.

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