High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1337:

   But is their battle really useful?

   said that it was useful. At least, neither Qin Heqing nor the Cthulhu Angel would be disturbed by the monsters and monsters that the other party made, and they could carry out their level battles with peace of mind. It’s also useless to say that it’s useless, because whether it’s Qin Heqing’s constellation of stars, the yellow turban warrior who wins, or the prehistoric monster created by the evil **** angel, the sand giant won, and it will not make any substantial contribution to the battle between the two. influences.

  Because their level is not enough, even if they join rashly, they will be smashed or washed away by the aftermath of the battle, and they will not really affect them.

   So after the cannon fodder on both sides officially started, Qin Heqing, who had finished the basic preparations, once again aimed his eyes at the evil **** angel on the opposite side, and aside from saying anything, a constellation **** thunder struck at the evil **** angel.


The Cthulhu angel did not move, the AT-like hexagonal energy barrier that appeared all over his body blocked the thunder and lightning. At the same time, the halo above the Cthulhu angel’s head was bright, and an invisible force exploded in the sky violently, sweeping out an envelop. There was a huge air hole over a kilometer in a radius, and then a similar scarlet lightning shot from the sky under the vacuum and hit Qin Heqing.

   Qin Heqing didn't make it hard, but changed the entrance of the demon refining pot into a hexagonal black hole like an evil **** angel, sending scarlet lightning into the void and chaos of the world in the pot like a huge mouth in the abyss.

   then recoiled, carrying a long constellation light belt, and shot at the evil **** angel in a way of combining human swords.

   The speed was so fast that he was in front of the Cthulhu Angel almost in the blink of an eye.

The Cthulhu angel did not dodge, the sharp teeth in the mouthparts of chrysanthemums rotated, and a horizontal horrific hurricane suddenly formed, enveloping the light belt formed by Qin Heqing, and the sharp teeth were like blades, constantly cutting Qin Heqing. Starlight protection around the body.

   But Qin Heqing still did not evade, nor did he change his direction of travel, and steadily rushed towards the evil **** angel, even if he would end up in the other's mouth.

   Because that's better!

   Just like when the Monkey King Huo Huo Tiefan princess back then, killing the enemy from the inside is easier to achieve their desired goal.

   So the next moment, Qin Heqing rushed into the mouth of the evil **** angel without any surprise...

It’s just unexpected that the inside of the Cthulhu Angel is not a so-called flesh and blood organ, but a vast expanse, like a universe-like pitch black void, all kinds of monsters fill the space, and it will be weird the moment Qin Heqing breaks in. Eyes looked towards Qin Heqing.

   Suddenly, terrible spiritual pollution emerged, and Qin Heqing's mind was shocked in an all-round and uninterrupted manner.

   Qin Heqing frowned, and directly pinched his fingerprints, calling out the six divine fire...

   However, the flame only appeared for a while, just like an ordinary flame without oxygen supply, and disappeared before him.

   But Qin Heqing understands that this is not really because there is no oxygen——

   As the sacred fire used by the Supreme Master to refine alchemy, the burning of the six divine fires mainly relies on spiritual energy, matter, and various metaphysical powers, rather than the supply of oxygen like ordinary flames. Therefore, there is only one reason for the extinguishment of the six divine fire, and that is the ‘forbidden demons’ in this void, or the prohibition of the oriental magic arts he is good at.

   Therefore, if you want to carry out a large-scale fight in this space, in addition to your own background, you must also master some special powers that can not be affected by this forbidden space.

  It just so happens that among the many powers Qin Heqing possesses, there is a kind of imprisonment that can cope with this environment——

   That is the sky projection!

So immediately, before the evil monsters rushed in front of him, the projection of the world in the pot first appeared in the void under the supply of the power of the refining pot. Using the rules of the world in the pot, it opposed the void in the body of the evil **** angel. According to the rules, I won a battle space for myself to burst out all means.

   Even though, the existence and maintenance of this space consumes a lot of power for him, or the demon pot.

   But who told him to find it uncomfortable, he had to drill into the belly of the evil **** angel, so even if he knew that this way of fighting was bad, Qin Heqing could only recognize it.

   What else?

   go out?

Sorry, the exit hole suddenly closed as early as the moment he entered. As long as no special changes occur, or if he finds a way to break the void and break the imprisonment, basically the next battle can only happen here. Piece of space, not outside.

   "What a mistake."

Then numerous evil monsters broke into the cave sky projection. Before they roared and issued various strange attacks, the power of the six divine fire suddenly exploded, covering the sky and the earth, filling the entire "world", and all the evil that broke into the cave sky world Blame it for all the refining!

  Don’t forget that even the great sage with copper skin and iron bones could not withstand the burning of six divine fires, let alone these inexplicable evils in front of them?

   And Qin Heqing didn't waste it, refining them over and over, and while using the power of the refining pot to absorb their ashes, transforming them into power that meets the characteristics of the refining pot to fill the consumption of the refining pot.

   So in general, the consumption is still passable, and it is not as exaggerated and unbearable as Qin Heqing thought at first.

   Therefore, Qin Heqing's actions became bolder and bolder. Instead of staying in place and waiting for the evil monsters to throw themselves into the trap, he turned into a tiger and a hunter, and the reverse evil monsters rushed over.

   And wherever there are many evil monsters, I will run wherever I am, until I am afraid of killing the endless evil monsters in front of me, and dare not rush to make trouble for him, then I have enough mind to think about ways to get out of trouble.

   "It seems that I can only try it with Zhan Tian and draw the sword~www.ltnovel.com~ or the mark of the sky." Qin Heqing muttered.

Immediately Qin Heqing did not hesitate, his figure flashed, and he came to the edge of the cave sky projection, accumulating his skills, until he felt almost the same, he violently stepped out of the effect area of ​​the cave sky projection, and at the same time twisted his sword to save himself. The skill and the source of the blessing of the Demon Refining Pot were stimulated along with the sword moves.


   Suddenly, the dazzling sword light erupted, and the entire pitch-black void seemed to have entered the extreme day, becoming bright.

   Fortunately, the duration was not very long. In just a moment, the sword light gradually converged due to the explosion of power and the consumption of energy, until the effect of Qin Heqing’s attack was revealed——

I saw in the pitch-black void, one more pitch black and narrower, like a crack in the world. A huge crack suddenly appeared above the void, like a scar in the world, exuding awe-inspiring aura, but it still didn’t. Can penetrate the void and link the void with the outside world.

   Therefore, after Qin Heqing judged the situation, he moved his figure decisively and appeared next to the crack with the Dongtian projection. While spreading the projection to cover the crack and protect the existence of the crack, Qin Heqing rebuilt his strength and prepared for the subsequent attack.

   Then it was still a moment later, a more brilliant and dazzling attack than before burst into the sky projection...

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