High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1338: Super Link

   One blow after another.

Finally, under several fixed-point, positioning and continuous stab attacks, a ray of light that belongs to nature was reflected from the outside world, but before Qin Heqing had time to rejoice, a tentacle seemed to have discovered a long worm in the passage. Peeked in from the outside, and while blocking the groove, it continued to extend inward. At the same time, the eyeballs exposed at the front of the tentacles were huge, and the eyelids scanned the square without blinking, seeming to be looking for breaking the space confinement. The culprit.

   Seeing this, how can Qin Heqing continue to get used to it? Without saying a word, immediately after that, another sky-scar was beaten out, with a point of breaking the face, it directly pierced the tentacle...

   Then the tentacles twitched violently, and while the eyeballs rolled, they instinctively fell backward and withdrew a certain distance.

Naturally, Qin Heqing did not let go of the opportunity, narrowing the scope of the cave sky projection, turning it into a protective garment like a vestment to wrap around his body, and then shot himself into the void crack cut by him, while continuing to release the sky. The marks and the Heaven Slashing Sword cut the tentacles and knocked them back, while rushing out along the passage that the tentacles avoided when they retreated.

   And not long after, I finally saw the sky.

   However, what catches his eyes is not the familiar no-man’s land, but a suburb of the city full of Baroque architecture, which has obviously broken away from the domestic scope and came to the territory of other countries——

   "Is it possible that the void world in the body of the evil **** angel is shared with each other?"

  Thinking about it, it seems that this is not impossible.

   Otherwise, where did all the evil spirits and ghosts that filled the void realm emerge? Was the void born naturally?

  Although this possibility cannot be ruled out, it is obvious that it is more realistic to be brought into the body by the evil **** angel through other means, and then transformed through the void world.

   Then, the Heretic God Angel's tentacles tumbled, like a big dragon, lashing towards Qin Heqing.

   Qin Heqing evaded, and a scarlet energy beam lased straight at him.

   Qin Heqing opened the entrance of the demon refining pot, and collected the laser into the void like a flame swallowed.

   Then he turned around and slashed directly with a sword. A giant silver sword, which was wrapped by immeasurable starlight, was nearly a hundred meters long and extremely wide, fell on the Cthulhu Angel.

   The Cthulhu Angel resisted, and the familiar hexagonal AT position resurfaced, but it didn't hold on for a few seconds, it was directly broken into fragments of the sky in the fierce roar, and disappeared into the air.

  Then the lightsaber continued to fall towards the Cthulhu Angel.

This time, the Cthulhu Angel did not use the means of resistance to defend, but the same figure flashed, and appeared in the vicinity of Qin Heqing across the space, the boundless magic sound pierced the ears, Qin Heqing’s starlight vestment, the projection of the cave world The barrier was like a substance in resonance, trembling violently. In just a moment, the starlight vestments on Qin Heqing's body suddenly broke apart, exposing Qin Heqing who was only defending by the Dongtian projection.

   Qin Heqing frowned, feeling that it might be bad to continue like this, pinched the seal with one hand, and yelled "Huh!"

   The sound waves visible to the naked eye rippled away, like a shock wave attack born after a little boy exploded, covering the demonic sound of the Cthulhu angel in an instant, and then continued to bombard the body of the Cthulhu angel.

   Suddenly, a bright red glow emerged from the surface of the evil **** angel, blocking Qin Heqing's voice attack.

   But Qin Heqing didn't care about this, but the same flash, appeared above the head of the Cthulhu Angel with eight swords in his hand, and the huge sword light fell towards the Cthulhu Angel's head with the will to penetrate the world.

   Cthulhu Angel wanted to dodge, but because of the lock-in of the will and the unsuccessful attack on the oppression of the space, he could only choose to resist. Therefore, in the next second, the black head ring on the top of the Cthulhu Angel’s head suddenly lit up, like a pyramid, and square scarlet energy cubes were stacked on top of it in a small to large way, and Qin Heqing The attacks collided together.


   A sound similar to the mingling of gold and iron sounded. After the attack penetrated dozens of energy bricks, it still failed to achieve Qin Heqing's ultimate goal and beheaded the Cthulhu Angel.

   Qin He Qing frowned, and discovered for the first time that the huge Cthulhu Angel was so agile, fast, and difficult.

   "It seems that I can only fight for consumption and use some powerful supernatural powers." Qin Heqing said with a heavy heart.

   did not hesitate immediately, as soon as his mind turned, the source power that could help the world flowed into his body quickly, replacing the divine power, immortal energy, and other messy mana in his body, becoming the source of the next battle.

Then, Qin Heqing resorted to the Liujia Qimen in the Thirty-Six Techniques of Tiangang, called the stars and used energy, controlled the five elements, and completely blocked the vast space where he and the evil **** angels were located with the supreme heavenly method, and even changed the space. The fluctuating frequency completely sealed away the possibility of the Heretic God Angel using teleportation to avoid attacks like the previous two times.

Then the two magical powers of seeing and knowing the future from the empty hole are used, entering the long river of time, locking the tributary, or locking the future for the next second, then again raises the sword to point to the sky, and the immeasurable thunder roars in the sky. In the midst of it, rushed and dashed, and in the next moment, he fell to the Heretic God Angel with an aura of destruction.


   Mediation for good luck-God's punishment!

   Cthulhu angels also perceive the threat, and layers of AT stand barriers emerge ~www.ltnovel.com~ like a canopy shrouded in his head.

"Don't think about it!" Qin Heqing, who had already noticed the Cthulhu angel's reaction from the future vision, sneered, urging the source force to use the method of reversing Yin and Yang, and directly and forcefully happened the space where the Cthulhu angel was and the sky defended by AT's position. replace--

In other words, the Cthulhu Angel was directly exposed to the Heaven's Punishment, and it was in a state of no change or abnormality in the real space, so even if the AT position still exists above its head, the Heavenly Punishment's thunder is still the slightest Not bad, all blasted on the body of the evil **** angel.

  In an instant, the dazzling and exploding thunder light burst, and the evil **** angel turned into a sheep in the oven, shrouded in endless thunder light.


   Thunder Tribulation lasted more than ten minutes, and then gradually stopped amid Qin Heqing’s changes in his mind, revealing the body of the evil **** angel again——

   It's just that compared with the previous, the Cthulhu Angel now lacks the slightest sacred majesty, weird and terrifying of the Cthulhu Angel, but is like a scorched corpse, full of charred and carbonized marks all over the body. The tentacles were broken, turned into gray, and the epidermis disintegrated, and even the angel ring on the top of the head was not as dark and translucent as it was at the beginning, but looked dull and dull like a glow stick without reactants.

   The breath is low, staying in the air for a long time without moving, only a twitching reaction...

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