High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1339: Win 1

   Seeing that the Cthulhu Angel seemed to have no resistance, or Qin Heqing, who was rebelling, hesitated for a while, still stretched out his hand and pointed at it, and a flash of light shot at the Cthulhu Angel again.

   "Crack, boom!"

   Thunder light exploded, and the Cthulhu Angel did not show any defensive or counterattack except for trembling twice again.

  Qin Heqing's eyes flickered involuntarily--

   Is this really being hacked or is it trying to deceive yourself, first use this false method to deceive yourself, and then wait for yourself to lean in to make a final counterattack?

Qin Heqing thought for a while, and in the end he couldn't hold back the possible gains from swallowing the Heretic Angel. He turned his mind and moved to the top of the Heretic Angel by the method of spatial movement. The projection of the world of the cave that enveloped his body spread out and enveloped in an instant. After removing the broken body of the Cthulhu angel, the power of the demon pot filled the sky with projections, turned into a huge black hole, and began to devour the entire Cthulhu angel...


   And the Cthulhu Angel who seemed to feel some kind of abnormality finally stopped pretending to be dead, and had his own reaction——

First of all, the carbonized flesh and blood on the body surface is falling off in a large area, countless new flesh and blood, and small hair-like tentacles are rapidly growing out. At the same time, the angel ring above the head becomes dark and translucent again, and the invisible force of repelling Like the magnets in the opposition between the north and south poles, it resisted the demon pot from swallowing it. Then the rapidly growing tentacles waved and bit at Qin Heqing for the first time.

   Yes, bite.

  As the tentacles of the Cthulhu angels, it can not only transform its eyes to explore the square when needed, and emit lasers, but it can also transform its mouth, nose, hands and feet to carry out various attacks and killing methods when needed.

   For example, in pursuit of a certain effect, the front end of the tentacles turned into the weird appearance of the mouthparts of the movie, with sharp teeth. With a click, the space was smashed and Qin Heqing was killed.

"I can't help myself." Qin Heqing sneered, and didn't even move. The tentacles shot by the Cthulhu Angel broke apart with a "puff". The front end didn't understand what was going on. The whole tentacles were the Cthulhu Angel. One step fell into the world of the pot----

Don’t forget, the space where the evil **** angels are now in Qin Heqing’s domain. It may be difficult to completely suppress it, but cut off one or two tentacles, and then swallow them for refining before the tentacles produce new changes. The slightest problem.

Therefore, although the Cthulhu angels reacted quickly and attacked sharply, they were quickly digested and wiped out under Qin Heqing’s suppression. They became'food' and were swallowed and refined by the demon refining pot, and became the demon refining pot to clean up. The new impetus to suppress the evil **** angel.

   "It seems that I have to work harder." Qin Heqing muttered as he looked at the evil spirit angel who was struggling to resist the devouring of the refining pot.

After a thought moved, an illusory image of a giant appeared out of thin air in the projection of the cave world, standing upright, standing on the side of the evil **** angel, that is, in the direction of the entrance of the demon refining pot, and then stretched out his hands and brought it With colorful electric lights, it pressed fiercely on the body surface of the evil **** angel.


  In an instant, the monster-like cry of the hollow abyss sounded, and the body of the evil **** angel twitched violently again.

   But the giant didn't pay any attention to this, supporting the ground with both feet, as if pushing a heavy object, pushing the evil spirit angel into the entrance of the demon refining pot.


   The giant roared, the body of the evil **** angel finally couldn't resist the double pressure of the demon refining pot and the giant, and gradually disappeared into the entrance.

   one second.

   Two seconds.

   Five seconds.

   half a minute...

   Finally, after almost a minute or so, the Cthulhu Angel ended the resistance unwillingly, and the entire Demon Refining Pot was collected into the void, and then moved into the furnace, starting a new round of emergency refining.


   finally got one.

   Qin Heqing put away the projection of the cave sky, and dispersed his body there were scenes and environments created by the magical powers of the sky, and let out a long sigh.

   "Go and see where this is first."

   As for returning to China?

With the Yushen Yuqi and the three positioning coordinates of Akatsuki Madoto and Ehuang Nyuying, it is really a matter of a moment to return when you want to. There is no need to hold this tight. One minute and one second, you can't do even a little nosy.

   There is also the evil **** angel in the no-man’s land in the country, and Qin Heqing also needs to wait before he can draw out his strength to deal with it.

After all, he is now hurriedly refining the new Cthulhu angel at hand, so in addition to his own power and some future reserves for dealing with special situations, all the source power has been put into the operation of the refining pot, but There is no way to separate energy and then harm the other party.

   So it can only be possible after waiting.

   So the next moment, Qin Heqing's figure flashed and fell into the nearby town.

Although due to the existence of evil **** angels, there are no living people in the town, only various mutant creatures are left, but there are still many remnants of buildings, and related books and texts preserved inside, according to Qin Heqing. His insights, as well as the impact of Internet information, are enough to make him judge where he is now——

   "Mao Xiong Country..." Qin Heqing murmured, holding the broken page of the newspaper in his hand.

  Maozi’s words are so conspicuous, and the memories extracted after the refining of the humanoid monsters that he grabbed at hand show that they all tell Qin Heqing that this is the bear country, not a European country where Baroque architecture prevails.

What's more, there are only a few countries in the world where evil **** angels exist — rice, Mao, China, Europe, and Egypt ~ www.ltnovel.com~ After excluding several other possibilities, the rest That is the only truth and reality even if it is impossible.

   "It's really, it's quite different." Qin Heqing shook his head, his figure flashed and disappeared into the air.


   The next moment, Qin Heqing appeared near Dunhuang.

   Yes, Dunhuang.

After all, the method of using Yushen imperial qi is to reach the mind, that is to say, if you imagine in your mind, and you really know the place you have been, you can directly transfer the magical powers of the past in a way similar to teleportation, so it is not only similar Really known that the place where such contractors exist is the place where Qin Heqing can move quickly, and it also covers the places he has been.

  It just so happens that Dunhuang near the no-man’s land is known to Qin Heqing, and the place that Qin Heqing has actually arrived at can naturally be reached at a glance.

   Then Qin Heqing turned his head and looked at the no-man’s land——

Although the energy fluctuates tremendously and the Cthulhu Angel’s domain activity is abnormal, the scope of expansion has not increased. It is still within the warning line limited by the military before. It only attracted the attention of the military, so the surrounding area was once again by the military. Martial law was imposed, and no humans and animals were allowed to approach.

   Therefore, after roughly confirming that there is no danger here for the time being, Qin Heqing left again and returned to the Star City where Machito knew.

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