High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1342: Routine

Probably because this time all the power was concentrated to refine the evil spirit angels, and the method used was similar to cooking. First, the ingredients were changed into knives and cut into countless pieces, and then the relationship was refined in batches. The Cthulhu Angels, which should be more difficult to deal with than the Yaqi Orochi, are not really as fast as the Yaqi Orochi. It took several days and half a month to complete the refining, but only took three shorts. It was digested before the sky was up, and it was refined into Yuanqi and refilled into the demon refining pot.

The result was far beyond Qin Heqing’s expectations. It was more than expected, that is, the refining of the Baqi Orochi brought more gains. The feedback improvement brought by this is also conceivable, although Qin Heqing still failed to break the upper limit. , Directly became a terrifying existence at the first level of Tianxian, but it still made him improve a lot on the existing basis, and it also deepened his understanding and application of the Thirty-Six Law of Tiangang.

   But more importantly, the talent that comes with the refining of the Cthulhu Angel-chaos immunity, spiritual strengthening!

   What's the solution?

   It means that when Qin Heqing faces evil monsters in the future, even without various protections, he can face the spiritual pollution emitted by evil monsters, and his consciousness is shocked.

   And the upper limit of defense is quite high, almost the same level as the Cthulhu Angel itself!

In addition to the various protective methods Qin Heqing possesses, as well as the resistance effect brought by his own strength, although it may not be possible to fully face the true face of the evil god, it is extremely uncertain compared to the previous situation. The great progress is worthy of Qin Heqing's hard work this time.

So after another day of digesting and stabilizing his realm of strength, Qin Heqing did not stay there, and directly used the great supernatural powers of the travel **** to bid farewell to Akatsuki Mato and returned to Dunhuang without staying, and went straight to where the evil **** angel was. The no-man’s land lased away.

   "Report, found an abnormal situation?" At the same time, a radar monitor suddenly reported in a loud voice in the camp somewhere away from the no man's land cordon.

   "What's the matter?" A middle-aged man wearing a military uniform with a school-level badge on his shoulder walked to the radar officer and asked.

   "Look." The radar crew didn't talk nonsense. After a few simple operations, the situation captured on the radar was displayed——

   is a reaction picture of objects approaching at high speed.

   "Can you determine what it is?" the officer frowned and asked.

   To be honest, this was the first time he saw this radar reaction.

   "The only thing that is certain is that the target is not a metal object, but something similar to a living thing." The radar officer shook his head, explaining in embarrassment.

   "Living creature?" The officer frowned, completely unable to "watch closely."


   Only soon, the radar crew discovered that his attention had no real meaning at all. Because it didn't take long, less than three minutes, that the target entered the interference zone, that is, within the domain of the evil **** angel, and disappeared from his radar screen.


   And Qin Heqing, who was the target, finally appeared again within the observation range of the Cthulhu Angel at this time.

   But before he could stand firm, a scarlet energy beam hit him straight.

   Obviously, this is the Cthulhu Angel who has memorized his appearance and remembered his threat, so he has the idea of ​​first attacking, and wanting to kill him first to relieve the threat when he is unstable.

It's just a pity that Qin Heqing is no longer the Qin Heqing a few days ago. He didn't even borrow the power of refining the demon pot. He waved his hand very flatly, and the power of inverting Yin and Yang was used by him, and the space was dislocated. , The power of the Cthulhu angel hitting him appeared behind the Cthulhu angel in a weird way, and slammed in the opposite direction.

   The speed was so fast that even the Cthulhu Angels themselves couldn't react, and they directly hit each other hard.

   Suddenly, a sound similar to broken flesh and blood sounded, and a strange smell permeated from the body of the evil **** angel.

   But it was only a moment. Then, the wound on the body of the Cthulhu Angel recovered under the extra-logical resilience of the Cthulhu Angel, and his body became complete and intact again, as if the previous attacks were all fake.

   Qin Heqing was not surprised either, he tugged at the corners of his mouth like a mockery, and the starlight appeared in the sky again——

   And the light is brighter and more conspicuous than the last time.

the reason?

   In addition to Qin Heqing's stronger strength, it is also because it is night time. The night has already flooded the sky. It will no longer be like the daytime, because the sun robs the stars of the light.

It's just that the starlight did not shoot down to Qin Heqing, but groups of three or five, as if they had their own missions, descended around the evil **** angels, and then formed a magic circle, completely banning the evil **** angels from the strange composition of stars Within the gate formation-

  As an ‘old hunter’ who has already caught an evil spirit angel, Qin Heqing knows what preparations should be made first when facing the evil spirit angel.

   is like space. It is shielded if it can be shielded. If it is not shielded, the operation mode of the space must be changed forcibly. The space movement ability of the Cthulhu Angel is forbidden, and the possibility of escape and dodge is suppressed.

Then there is the attack. You can’t save yourself, and don’t worry about consumption, because only in this way can you end the battle in the shortest time, and get back your contributions by refining the evil spirit angels, and you can get enough amazing benefits. .

Therefore, after setting up the Liujia Qimen, Qin Heqing decisively used the great magical power of good fortune ~ www.ltnovel.com~ The small world in the pot world was used as a small source to connect with this great source in the real world, and then the world in the pot by himself The personality-driven rules of the creator, combined with the great supernatural powers of good fortune, directly modify the rules of heaven and earth in the no-man’s land, create a heavenly condemnation, and lock the target evil **** angel to kill, and then input energy without hesitation to activate the heavenly condemnation.

   So the next moment, terrifying thunder blasted over the no-man’s land, and the beam of thunder and lightning fell towards the Cthulhu Angel like no money.

Naturally, Cthulhu angels also instinctively wanted to resist, but under the influence of Qin Heqing, who was prepared for a long time, all the defenses were like fakes. Not only did they not work, they became barriers and Liujia Qimen. The evil **** angel dodged and was hindered, and finally was helplessly swallowed by thunder light, and stepped into the footsteps of the previous evil **** angel who was captured and refined by Qin Heqing.

One minute.

   Two minutes.

five minutes.

   In order to ensure the effect, Qin Heqing allowed the Scourge to split for ten minutes this time before suspending the attack of the Scourge, and approached the Cthulhu Angel to check its life state——

   As expected, it turned into crispy chicken legs.

   Then Qin Heqing didn't hesitate anymore, the magical powers of the universe in the sleeves and the Buddha kingdom in the palm of the law of the pot of heaven evolved to compress the space where the evil **** angel was, forcibly narrowed its existence, and threw it into the pot world.

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