High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1343:

"Sure enough, as long as the right way is mastered, even the heretic angels can be easily cleaned up." After a while, Qin Heqing once again harvested a long exhaled breath from the heretic angel waiting for refining. Thought full of emotion.

   Had it not been for the successful experience and lessons from the previous time, how could Qin Heqing this time simply get rid of the Cthulhu Angel that made him troublesome and nearly capsized?

   It is estimated that it will be the same as the previous time, fighting hard, and in the end can only reap a possible success, right?

   It’s just that, a question posed before Qin Heqing again.

   That is, do you want to take advantage of the victory and chase, and get rid of the other Cthulhu angels before the Cthulhu officially reacts. Not only can it reduce the burden of the world, but it can also quickly strengthen one's own background, allowing one to reach the realm of heaven and gain the capital to face the evil god.

   "Isn't it impossible to consider."

Immediately Qin Heqing opened the demon pot and flew around the no-man’s land, absorbing all the evil abilities that had been spilled due to the presence of the evil god’s angels, and adjusted the local yin and yang with the five-element avenue magic to restore the environment here. After returning to a normal level and becoming harmless, his figure flashed, and he returned to the hotel with the supernatural power of the gods.

   "I'm back." Qin Heqing exclaimed.

   "Welcome back." The real householder who was sitting on the bed playing with his mobile phone and letting the TV play local programs indiscriminately replied casually.

   "What are you looking at?" Qin Heqing jumped again and appeared on the bed. The probe looked at the well-known mobile phone and asked.

   "Receive the information from the other side of the country." Madokura said frankly without stopping or covering up.

   "How about it, what's new?" Qin Heqing uttered an ‘oh’, straightened his body, took the remote control that was on the side, and asked casually while the broadcaster was looking for a TV program of interest.

   "It can be said that everything is normal."

   Except for the mirages that appear more and more frequently, there is really a terrible incident on the island country that has not broken out. I don’t know if the Cthulhu Apostle was frightened by Qin Heqing, and he was too lazy to make trouble anymore, or changed his strategy and turned the original sabotage activities underground, or Qin Heqing had killed the Cthulhu Apostle and let the Cthulhu Apostle be killed. There is no living soil.

   In short, it is calm and harmonious.

There are also those murloc monsters. Although there are still active figures in the Seto Inland Sea and the Sea of ​​Japan, the situation of attacking the land like the previous two times has never appeared again, and even if there are sporadic squads. , They were all smashed into the sand under the greetings of Lu Zi's and Hai Zi's hard ships, sharp guns, and heat guns. They became the research material in the hands of the researchers of the Countermeasures Bureau Research Institute, and they were not even the slightest threat.

   makes the entire island nation look like the pure earth of the earth, only a little worse than the country with the suppression of the Kyushu barrier.

   "Then book the ticket back, let's go back." Qin Heqing said again without comment.

   "Are you done with your business?" Madokura turned to look at him in surprise.

   "Hmm." Qin Heqing nodded.

Even if there is something wrong, it is also an activity to pursue the evil **** angel, and the location is also in America, Africa and Europe. It does not matter whether to stay in the country or not. It is better to go back first, just in time for a wave of exam seasons. With Kato Megumi to take the admission test of Musashino University, she did her best as a boyfriend.

   As for his own, isn’t there a countermeasure? After paying so much, he should also experience the taste of privilege.

   "Then I'll book the tickets." Mato Know simply said.

   Then he picked up his phone again, entered the airline's ticketing system, and booked two first class tickets for the flight from Star City to Tokyo tomorrow afternoon.

   "Okay. Plane at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon."



   Then the next afternoon, they had a good meal of Star City food and the two returned to the island country by plane. He stood on the ground in Tokyo three hours later.

   "Sure enough, it's better at home." Qin Heqing sighed quietly, looking at the pedestrians passing by outside the window.

   "What?" Mado knew that he was surprised.

   She naturally understood which country Qin Heqing said that the country refers to.

   "The weather, and the women's clothes." Qin Heqing replied.

Although the Star City side is the same as the island country side, there will be light rain from time to time after entering March, but in general, it is mostly sunny and the temperature is much warmer, so even the girls on the Star City side The dress should also be open and youthful. In the street, you can often see girls with exposed arms and thighs, stylishly dressed, and cute and cute.

  Can the island country be here? I don’t know if it’s affected by the environment or the fashion atmosphere. Although there are many girls with arms and thighs, the formal dresses are the same and mature, so they look much older than the domestic ones. It's a bit depressing, and I don't like it.

"Well, there is no way. After all, one is inland and the other is coastal. There are big differences in climate and cultural customs. Besides, I don’t think there is any problem with women’s dressing in China. More often, there are problems with your personal thoughts. If you really want to see beautiful girls and thighs, I suggest you go to school, which should meet your thoughts and needs.” Akatsuki Mado, who understood Qin Heqing’s meaning, said with a lip. .

   "School...it is not impossible~www.ltnovel.com~Qin Heqing pondered for a while, and said with a smile.

   It seems that I am also looking for a time to meet Shiyu Xiazhiqiu.

   The real householder was speechless, and when he rolled his eyes, he put on a look as though he didn't bother to care about him, bowed his head and played with his mobile phone.

   This is a habit she developed from the domestic side.

After all, the language environment is different, even if the real householder has received Chinese training as an intelligence officer, but still can’t fully adapt to the domestic situation and entertainment programs, so most of the time in China, she uses her mobile phone to log on to the island’s network To pass the extra time, and coupled with her original nature of work-to receive shared information from the Bureau of Countermeasures through her mobile phone, she gradually developed the problems of many young people in modern cities and became a mobile phone controller. And mobile entertainment enthusiasts.

But Qin Heqing didn’t say much about it. After all, the reality was there, and he couldn’t concentrate on staying with her to give her the experience of getting her boyfriend in all directions, so he could only let it go and continue to be his own scumbag. Male.

   Just like now, he also took out his mobile phone and initiated a text message with Shiyu Xiazhiqiu.

   "What are you doing?"

   "I am looking for a place to eat, how about you?"

"missing You."

   "Hey, nauseating, you should keep it and tell Kato Kei, I won't be fooled by you."

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