High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1345: realm

   "Okay, after the investigation of the spiritual veins in the urban area is completed and the layout of the great enchantment is worked out, I will start to rebuild your home." Qin Heqing promised the female tengu who looked forward to it.

   "Then it's settled."

   "Well, it's settled."

   Then Qin and Qing skipped the female tengu and asked about other people's responsibility.

For example, the city hall renovation situation in Tachibana Marie, the implementation progress of the urban renovation plan, the situation on the Tuguiya Kagura side, whether there are any troubles, etc., wait for everything to be inquired, and when you are sure that there is nothing to trouble I sent it out, changed into a priest's costume, and started work for myself...



   "He Qing?" Qin Ren Yamei stopped suddenly as she watched, her eyes were empty, and she seemed to have realized what kind of general Qin Heqing cautiously greeted.

   But just like Qin Heqing's performance at this time, there was no response at all, as if stupid, regardless of external information and stimuli.

   "Branch!" Qin Ren Yamei did not dare to hesitate, and immediately shouted.

   "What's wrong?" Qin Zhizi ran out and asked.

   "Organize people to empty the shrine, and then arrange people to guard the shrine. Don't ask anyone to come to the shrine to disturb Heqing. Heqing seems to have an epiphany." Qin Ren Yamei said with a serious face.

   "Okay." Qin Zhizi walked closer and took a closer look at Qin Heqing, and found that as Qin's Yamei said, the state was very abnormal and immediately responded, "Everyone, come here."

   Then, the likes of Taiqin Zhenzhiko, Haneda Eriko, Hojo Tokiko, Isayama Huangquan, Tsuchiya Kagura, and Nyotengu came over, and looked at Qin Zhizi who had gathered the people together with suspicious eyes.

"what happened?"

"He Qingjun had an epiphany, so in order to ensure the safety of He Qingjun and avoid interruption by unrelated people, I decided to suspend business now, and arrange personnel to stay at the foot of the mountain until He Qingjun's epiphany is over." Qin Zhizina Out of the majesty of the maiden of the family's big house Lingyuan, she confessed to all the people present with a serious face.

   "Who has the problem?"

   Everyone shook their heads, saying that there is no problem.

   "That's good. You three are responsible for cleaning up the believers in the shrine. You must have a better attitude and don’t leave them a negative impression about the shrine."


   After finishing speaking, the three people who were named did not hesitate, and immediately turned around, walked to the side of the few believers in the shrine, and began to persuade them to leave.

   "Ms. Tsuchiya, please go to the torii gate and watch."

   Dougiya Kagura nodded.

   "Miss Isayama, please go to the path below the mountain to check it out, to prevent unrelated people from continuing to climb."

   "Leave it to me." Jianshan Huangquan patted his chest.

   Then, without saying much, Tsuchiya Kagura, who was with him, walked towards the torii of the shrine.

   "What about me?" Nv Tengu asked curiously.

   Qin Zhizi whispered, "Although there should be no unopened eyes to interrupt and clear epiphany at this time, no one can guarantee that chances will happen, right? So the defense of the sky will trouble you Lord Tengu."

   "I see." Nv Tengu looked at Qin Zhizi, nodded, and when her dark wings spread out, she flew deep into the sky.

   Just like Qin Zhizi said, things are impermanent, and no one can guarantee that there will be no coincidences, and danger will suddenly come.

   Just like this time, no one would have thought that Qin Heqing would suddenly fall into an epiphany.

   Then Qin Zhizi sighed slightly and turned back to the side of Qin's Ami, and together with Qin's Ami, he guarded the enlightened Qin Heqing.

   And it didn't last long, almost three or two minutes. The moment after the believers in the shrine were just persuaded to leave, Qin Heqing, who had hollow eyes, regained the look called Mind.

"Huh? What's wrong with the two of you, is there something going on at the shrine?" Qin Heqing, who didn't know what kind of chain reaction his changes caused, looked at him standing beside him, and from time to time, he stared at the surrounding Qin Zhizi and Qin people. The two Yamei said in doubt.

   "Wake up with you!" Qin Zhizi said in surprise.

   "Is there any problem?" Qin Heqing wondered.

   Then Yamei from Qin narrated the situation caused by Qin Heqing's suspected epiphany.

"It turned out to be like this. I'm sorry, I made you worry, let everyone come back." With that, Qin Heqing used the way of sound transmission from the original spirit to guard the Kanshan Huangquan in the Imperial Road under the mountain, and the earth palace in Torii. Kagura, and the female tengu who was flying around in the form of crows in the sky called back.

   "You are awake." said the female tengu who landed in front of Qin Heqing and changed into adulthood.

   "Yeah." Qin Heqing nodded, and then smiled bitterly, "I didn't expect that my little negligence would cause so many things, sorry, I caused everyone trouble."

   Just like he said, the reason why he suddenly appeared like an epiphany is entirely because of his negligence! The wrong estimation of the refining speed of the Demon Refining Pot on the Cthulhu Angel under normal circumstances, and the impact of the feedback from this harvest, made him suddenly stay there while receiving the feedback...

   It’s not an epiphany but it’s also a bit unreasonable!

Because with this feedback on the results, Qin Heqing almost broke the barrier between the earth immortal and the heavenly immortal, and formally set foot in the heavenly immortal realm, so in the process of being in a daze, he really realized something hard to say. thing--

  For example, the manipulation of space ~www.ltnovel.com~ and the perception of time.

  Because only if you are familiar with these two rules and can achieve a certain degree of control, can you truly say that you are jumping out of the Three Realms and becoming an eternal free fairy.

As for the detachment of the five elements, not in the five elements, it is a golden immortal level of realization. It is possible to achieve a degree of freedom and perfection of time, space, and matter without any false external requirements, so it is not burdened and affected by foreign objects. , As for the next step, it is the requirement of energy transformation. Once it is achieved, it is Taiyi, and then it spreads to the sky, spreading across parallel worlds and even many universes, it is Da Luo.

   Of course, this is a scattered number. As for the real success, at least one has to understand that I am who I am, and the only realm of heaven and earth can be regarded as achieved.

   is the so-called Hun Yuan Da Luo.

   As for the next step Hun Yuan Da Luo Jin Xian...

That is to embed oneself into many universes, to realize the world's birth of'I am self-born', and the world is destroyed but I am immortal. That realm is far from Qin Heqing, who is even a small step away from becoming a god. It's far away, so let's first consider how to get through the crisis caused by the evil **** and the collision of the world.

"Tianxian, time and space..." Qin Heqing thought for a while, feeling that the evil **** angel in the U.S. was on the agenda and solved it. He didn't know if he could help himself through the last step and achieve it. The realm of heaven.

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