High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1346:

After comforting Qin Zhizi and Jianshan Huangquan, Qin Heqing went back to the main hall of the shrine to enshrine the gods, sat down directly in the hall, and sorted out the various changes and changes brought about by this feedback. reward.

   First of all, it is the perception of space——

In fact, it is reasonable to say that Qin Heqing, who has reached the realm of the earth immortal realm, has the first rule power to master the various supernatural powers of the space system. After all, the earth immortal mainly cultivates the cave sky, which is the inner world, and wants to develop a supporting one. Starting from the earth to enter the Tao, or even to continue to progress, upgrade to a small world of the level of a heavenly heaven and even a world-class golden immortal, it is not enough if you do not master enough space rules.

Therefore, for every cultivator who walks the earth, that is, the cultivation path of the cave world, the way of space is the first and most proficient magical power they have mastered, which can be used to evolve various magical attacks and applications. .

   Such as the universe in the sleeve.

Although it was originally born out of the Taoist Secret Art of the Hutian, which is the so-called Huzhong Tiandi, Huzhong Sun Moon Long magic, but after passing through the earth immortal, especially the town known as the ancestor of the earth immortal After the optimization and transformation of Yuanzi Daxian, it has long become a great supernatural power that is not lost to the Buddhist kingdom in the palm of Buddhism.

But it is a pity that Qin Heqing did not follow the pure path of immortality, but the magical power passed down by Nuwa, which is based on the magical power of good offices, and was born out of the evolvement of the previous generation of Hu Zhongxian and the help of Xuanyuan sword. There are no specific path restrictions, but the specialization is really not as good as the earth fairy who walks the path of the earth and the sky and the world, or the sword fairy who walks the man and the sword. pulse.

   Not to mention, his own world was opened up with the help of the power of refining the demon pot and the inherent rules of the world in the pot, so Qin Heqing actually skipped a lot of the understanding that a normal immortal should have.

   is the control of space!

This is the fact that he clearly has the reality of the earth immortal, and can also play the basic operations of various earth immortals, but in terms of space application methods, except for the magical power application in the Thirty-six Law of the Taoist line, it is like teleportation. , Shrinking the ground, the real reason why the operation of the space system such as whip mountain and stone is so rough.

   Then there is a visual change.

   After all, the first thing in immortal Taoism is the soul, so whenever there is a great level of improvement in practice, the changes there may not be so obvious, but there is definitely an extraordinary gain in the soul!

   What's more, it is the great hurdle of the earth immortal crossing the heaven and immortal realm.

  According to common sense, or the system of the inner alchemy, he should have become the primordial yang by now, thoroughly trained the pure yang primordial soul, and possess the ability to transform into thousands of transformations and incarnate.

   But what about the facts?

   Qin Heqing’s primordial spirit has indeed turned yang a lot, but if there is no yin quality to completely pure yang, it has not yet reached.

   The simplest reason is because he hasn't passed the Tribulation of Chengxian yet...

   Although his cultivation system is not practical for Thunder Tribulation's forging, and now the world's heaven has collapsed, where are the Thunder Gods to help complete this forging process.

   So if he really asked for lightning strike, he could completely use his great magical powers to create a nine-day thunder calamity and baptize himself.

   Otherwise, he can only use the source quality fed back to him after the world in the refining demon pot has grown to refine the primordial spirit, purify the primordial spirit, and obtain a true fairy body.

But even so, the scope of Qin Heqing's divine consciousness has also been greatly improved. From his original position in Tokyo, he can know major events in the country. It has directly expanded to the point where people in an island country can know domestic affairs. It can be said that it has doubled. expand.

   Naturally, there are even more things he can do.

   magical powers can also be used more mysteriously.

Then there is mana, this thing Qin Heqing cares the least, and the least cares about, fills the whole body with no margins, it seems that even the magical power of nine breaths has become a solidification skill, in other words, as long as he can breathe, then he There is never the possibility of severing the magic power.

  Of course, this means that if high-intensity operations are not carried out, if there is a level of combat against the Yaki Orochi...

   How long it can last Qin Heqing is not clear, but it took five, six, seven or eight days with Yaqi Orochi, or even ten and a half months, shouldn’t be a problem.

   No way, who would call him a solid foundation.

   What's more, there is also the high-quality energy support of World Yuanli.

Then there are changes in the body. The person is still that person, but I don’t know whether it is the cause of evolution or the impact of upgrading. It makes people feel more harmonious and handsome. Anyway, it is like curing the charm MAX. Although it has not reached the point where everyone loves and flowers bloom, as long as they are not hostile people, everyone’s innate favorability for him will be fixed at a value of +30 upwards, making him even more at hunting women. Calm and terrible.


   After two days of cessation, finally finishing the harvest, and smoothing the surge of power, Qin Heqing did not hesitate to tear open the space and stepped out of the island country and appeared in the United States.

   is the place where Tugong Kagura was almost killed by evil monsters that were almost transformed into by Hei Minggui.

   did not stop, and moved directly towards the position of the Cthulhu Angel that he had sensed.

   still uses various spatial applications that are newly mastered.

   So in the next second, Qin Heqing appeared on the east coast of the United States, and appeared near a certain Laomi base.

   "Goddess...I don't know if one is enough." Qin Heqing looked at the evil spirit angels standing in the air in the evil realm~www.ltnovel.com~ and said inwardly.

After all, the earth immortal is the earth immortal, and the celestial celestial being is the celestial celestial being. The difference between the two is just one word, but the threshold of existence is still a huge difference, so even if Qin Heqing had already sensed the threshold because of digesting the evil **** angel before. Existing, Qin Heqing was not sure, eating another evil **** angel would really break the door and free himself from the Three Realms.

   Because of the same sentence, a qualitative change is needed!

   That required consumption...

   Anyway, Qin Heqing felt that an evil **** angel might not be enough.

   But if you want to continue... then it is estimated that you can only go to Africa, which is Egypt, or you can only enter Europe to enter the realm of evil gods. The danger involved...

   Anyway, Qin Heqing still didn't feel like he enjoyed enough.

   "Forget it, let's take down the evil **** angel in front of you first."

After thinking about it, Qin Heqing didn’t think about it, and went straight into the realm of Cthulhu Heaven to make the evil and strange. Ascend to the Heavenly Stars, set up Liujia Qimen with the power of the evil evil spirits of the stars, and then create Heavenly Punishment. The Cthulhu angel launched a suppression attack.

   "Boom, boom, boom..."

   The bright thunder light landed, and the space in front of me was directly flooded with strong light, turning into a blazing environment that was even more dazzling than the day, making people blind.

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