High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1347:

The result was not unexpected. Even because of Qin and Qing’s strengths being strengthened again, the speed of dealing with the Cthulhu Angels was faster than the previous suppression of the Cthulhu Angels in the no-man’s land in the country. In just over five minutes, the Cthulhu Angels of the U.S. were on their way In the footsteps of Maozi and domestic evil **** angels, they became objects to be refined and were collected by Qin Heqing into the pot world.

At this point, all the evil **** angels floating outside were suppressed by Qin Heqing, and only the evil **** angels were active in the realm of the evil **** (Europe, Egypt).

"Obviously I saw the hope of breaking through the realm and entering a higher level, but I was stopped by reality again. I really don't know if it's a good thing, or if the sky is not in me, the world is unlucky." Qin Heqing sighed and took all the evil powers in the domain and various evil monsters that mutated due to the influence of the evil powers.

As I said earlier, although the earth immortal and the heavenly immortal are only one word, one step away, the meaning and the things they can do are worlds apart!

At least after reaching the gods, even if Qin and Qing still couldn't stop the collision of the world, they had capital to enter the void of the universe, and even directly intervened in the front lines of the gods to participate in the battle against the evil gods.

Coupled with the magical powers in his hands, Qin Heqing may not be able to change the result of the destruction of the two worlds and make things develop in a better direction.

Even use the power of time and space mastered by the Queen of Heaven to touch the long river of time and space, play a trick of historical reversal, and throw yourself into the past to prevent the devil from destroying the Song Dynasty and collapsing the heavens, thereby changing reality and making the present better. and many more……

However, it is a pity that hope was blocked by the ultimate boss of Cthulhu.

It is worthy of the title of the final boss that Qin Heqing added to him, it is really a stumbling block in front of hope, a thorny road in front of a happy life.

"Forget it, let's take a look at what arrangements the devil has."

Thinking of this, Qin Heqing turned his head to the north, where Maple Leaf Nation is, and looked for a while, and then activated the space supernatural powers again, disappearing, although it was dilapidated, messy, and messy, but it was no longer covered by evil powers, and it could be restored after a good repair. The old rice base that was put into use disappeared into the air.


The next moment, in the western part of Maple Leaf Country, in a villa on the edge of a large farm near a town in Alaska, Qin Heqing's figure appeared in it.


"grown ups?!"

The owner of the room, the three witches headed by Judy each exclaimed with vigilant and surprised expressions.

"Long time no see, it seems that your life is very leisurely." Qin Heqing frowned, Judy who didn't know what he was thinking, and Julie and Lisa, who were surprised, smiled and then moved away. Looking to one side, because of his appearance, she subconsciously said to the purple-haired woman who had held a child who had looked more than one year old in her arms.

If he guessed correctly, that kid should be the king of the world that Judy is after, the co-lord of the demons!

As for women? Naturally, it was also the crimson girl Ichikawa Aki he had seen once.

Unexpectedly, they would live together so harmoniously now, but it was a little bit beyond Qin Heqing's expectations.

"What are you doing?" After a moment of silence, Judy, who waved for Aki Ichikawa to take Solomon away, stood up and asked Qin Heqing coldly after attracting Qin Heqing's attention.

Obviously, even if there is a contract between each other, and the long-term difference makes the power of the contract stronger, but it still hasn't had too much influence on Judy, it is still not pleasing to the eye when Qin Heqing is not pleasing to the eye.

However, this is also a matter of course.

After all, when the two signed the contract, it was not smooth. Not to mention the various twists and turns in the middle, Judy herself is still a part of the will and spiritual boarding body of an ancient primitive demon king who should be sleeping in the abyss according to the legend. Therefore, although the black magic that has always been harmless to people has not directly and completely failed under the influence of the opponent, it has become less effective than expected due to the interference of the opponent's power.

At least the eyes of the two next to him were already shining at this time. Compared to Julie, who could not wait to rush to do whatever he wanted, Judy's performance was too calm and normal.

"Come and visit you, tell me what you don't love, and ask you to confirm something by the way." Qin and Qingchong, Julius and Lisa, beckoned, regardless of whether it reveals the fact that they are his own. , Directly hugged the waists of the two people who rushed forward, and Judy's face changed slightly, but Judy smiled without any unexpected expression.

"Confirm things, what do you want to confirm?" Judy asked in a deep voice.

"The world is going to be destroyed, do you, or the demons behind you, know?" Qin Heqing moved his palm down and landed on the **** of the two of them.

"The world is going to be destroyed, why don't I know?" Judy said in astonishment.

This is true. After all, the Cthulhu returned to the Cthulhu. Although it may destroy the world, it is the world of life. Although it is uncomfortable for Judy, it is not without hope of survival, but another world is about to come. , It’s not that the forces behind him have suffered heavy losses, and now they can only understand what the lingering witch hiding in another country can understand~www.ltnovel.com~ Did the demons behind you tell you? "Qin Heqing said in surprise.

Judy shook her head.

"Then it seems that the king of the world in your hand is not as you imagined, and it has enough influence among the demons." Qin He Qingno said.

"What is going on with the world going to be destroyed?" Judy was silent, and asked with a calm face after a while.

"Do you know about the recent mirages that have appeared all over the world?" Qin Heqing still did not immediately explain, but asked slowly.

Yes, the mirage is good. After all, it is a world-level contact. It is impossible that the projection interference of the mirage will only appear in the island country!

Even if the main body of time and space on the opposite side is the world with Oda Shinna’s ambition as the core movement, it is only the tip of the iceberg, not all, so as the world gradually approaches, other places in the world also have the phenomenon of mirages. Appears, but it is not as frequent and dense as the island countries.

"A Mirage? Is there any problem then?" Judy asked, still puzzled.

"Of course. Because those mirages are not really mirages, but real projections from another world! It means that there is a world approaching us at high speed, and it has reached the level of mutual influence and even interference. If there is contact between the two sides any day, do you think it is possible for our world to survive?"

Judi silently, his brows squeezed closer together. Obviously, he was shocked by the information he received suddenly, and it was difficult for him to make a decision or sort out his own thoughts.

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