High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1348: Useless demon

"So you came here this time..." After a long silence, Judy asked solemnly.

"Isn't it because you have a'king of the world' in your hand, thinking that you should have a good connection with the devil, so I wanted to come over and ask if the devil has any arrangements or plans for the current situation. After all, although the space in which the demons live is not the same as the space in which we live, they still belong to the same world system. If there is a collision, the demons may not be able to escape the fate of being destroyed together." Qin Heqing shot I patted the **** of Julie and Lisa, motioned them to stand up temporarily, and said to Judy who was also entering the formal negotiation stage with a serious expression.

"This, I need to contact the Demon Realm to find out." Judy looked at Qin Heqing carefully and replied.

"Please, I will stay here for the next two days, waiting for you and the demons to reply." Qin Heqing shrugged.

"Okay." After a pause, Judy continued to order, "Lisa, Jules, you two will take Qin Jun down for a break, and I don't need to come back for the time being. If something happens, I will call you."

"Yes." Lisa and Jules responded with joy in their eyes.

Then Judy turned and walked back to the seat and sat down, watching her right arm and Qin Heqing leave the living room, disappearing in front of her own eyes.

"The destruction of the world... the thoughts of the demons..." After a moment of silence, Judy got up again, turned and went to the room where Solomon and Aki Ichikawa were. "Aki, take Solomon and follow me to the basement."

"Yes." Ichikawa Yaji responded.

Then stepped forward and picked up Solomon, who was more than a year old, followed Judy's footsteps to the corner of the bedroom, opened the mechanism, and walked along the rocky stairs exposed from behind the bookshelves towards the dark underground depths.

In just a few moments, I came to a huge space made of stone that was similar to the dark magic secret room inside a certain campus where Aki Ichikawa was discovered in a coma. Seven or eight western palace lamp stands made of brass were inlaid on the square walls. , There was a white magic candle in it, and the faint firelight gleamed, and the basement secret room, which was only slightly ventilated but completely opaque, shone yellow.

There is a huge black magic circle on the ceiling of the secret room and on the ground below the foot, which is suspected to be portrayed by blood. Various secrets are spread all over, forming a special space connected from top to bottom. One is two meters long and nearly one meter wide. , An all-marble polished rectangular stone bed almost eighty centimeters above the ground is placed in the center of the magic circle. On it, thin lines without obvious traces are outlined in an inset manner to form the details, and the surrounding method The formations are linked together and become the core of the entire magic ritual.

Then Judy took Solomon, who had the throne of the world, into his arms from Aki Ichikawa, stepped into the center of the circle, and put Solomon down on the stone bed.

"Solomon, wait for you to sit here weirdly and don't move, do you hear?" Judy has no motherhood, and even his paternity is severely lacking. She said to Solomon on the stone bed with a tool-handling attitude.

Solomon blinked without speaking, but the general expression in his eyes meant that he knew.

Immediately Judy let go of him and regressed to the outside of the circle.

"Aki, take off your clothes." Judy ordered.

And while speaking, he also took off the veil from his regular clothes and stood outside the magic circle in the posture of a human being when he was born.

The same goes for Ichikawa Yaki. Having received a lot of basic black magic training, she understands very well that in the ritual of summoning demons, the fewer and purer the human creations on her body, the higher the success rate during the ceremony and the less likely to be affected by messy information. .

Then Judy swiped her finger, and a long and narrow wound appeared on her wrist. The blood rushed and dripped onto the ground below her feet, flowing into the circle...

After a burst of curses, a bright red light suddenly burst out of the circle.


The called Ichikawa Aki didn't hesitate either. He bit his teeth and released his own blood.

Then Judy's curse sounded louder, like an announcement in an empty Vienna hall, the sound echoed, filling the entire underground space in an instant.

Immediately a stronger magical light blasted out from the magic circle, connecting the sky and the two magic circles on the ground, forming a heavy energy light curtain, covering Solomon on the stone bed. Up.

Fortunately, it didn't last long. In just a moment, the heavy light curtain gradually dissipated, turning into a large cloud of magic mist that filled the entire underground space, and then various weird phantoms appeared, and the evil and **** breath also appeared. Then emerged from the body of the phantom.

To be honest, if it weren't for the actual mental pollution and other anomalies, it would be no exaggeration to say that this place was affected by evil and turned into an evil monster summoning scene!

After that, weird words came from the mouth of the shadow, formed words and phrases, and passed into Judy's ears.

It is the special language that every black magic practitioner will inevitably come into contact with after advanced levels-devil language, or devil language!

As a descendant of the worst magician of this century, this is one of the inherited knowledge that their family can stand on top of the mysterious world. Therefore, Judy is not only familiar with this language, but also can use it as a foreign language. Use this language to talk to the devil ~www.ltnovel.com~ like now.

"The Scarlet Girl, the Devil's Son, and the King of the World are really an amazing combination of summoners, let's say, what do you want to summon me here for so much?"

"Master devil, I want to ask you for an answer." Judy bowed her head slightly, performed a courteous manner, and then spoke respectfully toward the illusory shadow.

"Oh? What do you want to know?"

"Our world is about to be destroyed." Judy didn't communicate with the demon in front of him as much as before, build relationships, or reach some kind of contract, but asked very simply and decisively.

"Our world is going to be destroyed? Why don't I know."

"Don't you know, your lord?" Judy said in surprise.

"Who told you this news."

"A human priest I know, he told me this news himself."

"Clergyman? God's lackey?"

Judy didn't answer, but waited for the demon's next message.

"God doesn’t know how long it’s been gone. How can the clergy in the world understand God’s gospel again? I see, that is probably the message that angels like Gabriel sent in the name of God... Huh? If it's the news from the angel, it's really impossible." After speaking, the demon shadow fell silent, and exuded an unspeakable heavy breath.

"No, I have to go back and confirm."

After finishing speaking, no matter what Judy was, she flashed directly and ended the ceremony, and the magical energy that connected the secret room disappeared into the air...

Really come and go in a hurry.

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