High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1349: At a loss

"Master Judy..." Ichikawa Aki turned to look at Judy who looked gloomy, and called out with some caution.

"You go and hug Solomon, and then you go to lie down on the altar." Judy's voice was cold, and he commanded without emotion.

"Yes." Ichikawa Aki opened her mouth, walked obediently into the circle, took her child out of the circle, and then walked into the circle again to the edge of the stone bed and sat down short.

"Ready." Judy shouted.

Aki Ichikawa then lay down on the stone bed.

Judy then began to recite the mantra again, bleed, and summoned the demons in the dark world.

But the result...

But just like the previous ghost demon, Mao didn't say anything about useful news, and he ran back as soon as he got the information from Judy, nicknamed inquiring news.

I just don't want to think about it. They need Judy to use the ritual to summon them when they come to the world. Even if they get the news, how can they pass it to Judy?

Do you rely on dreaming?

After that, Judy also entered the circle, using black magic to transform herself into a certain kind of special existence mentioned in alchemy-intersex people, and then while interacting with Ichikawa Aki, while using a higher level The ritual evokes higher-level demons.

Not to mention, it's really useful.

In just a short time, a certain high-ranking demon who should be the head of the Seven Deadly Sins Demon, Asmod, the lord of lust, responded to the sacrifice and emerged from the void...

"Great demon, please tell me, is the world about to be destroyed?" Judy, who maintained the link posture, raised her head, looking up at the demon figure that appeared in the magic cloud and asked loudly.

If it doesn’t work this time, Judy intends to temporarily end the ritual summoning, and then send someone to prepare fresh offerings and magic materials, hold a real demon summoning ceremony, and summon higher demons to find out the accuracy of the news. Sex!

"Who did you know this news from?" The demon asked rhetorically.

"There is a human priest." Judy replied.

"Priest? Then it seems that the gods are ready to disclose this news."

Suddenly, Judy's eyes changed, and there was an incredible look in her eyes.

So, is the news Qin Heqing told her before, is it true? ! The world is really going to be destroyed! ?

Yes, the reason why Judy does so many sacrificial calls is not only because he wants to know the accurate news about whether the world is about to be destroyed, but also because he wants to calm his heart in this way!

After all, she is not affected by the contract, but she still recognizes Qin Heqing's strength and means, otherwise she would not allow her right hand to accompany Qin Heqing——

Had she not secretly tried to use dark magic to break the contract Qin Heqing imposed on the two of them?

It just failed.

In addition to this, the evil **** ravaged Europe and destroyed the mysterious association of silver stars established by his father himself, resulting in serious losses to her power. In addition to money, only a small amount of manpower was left to call, and she was unable to communicate with Zhu. If Liz and Lisa were so useful and worthy of her trust, she should have replaced them long ago and kept the more reliable people by her side.

So she is really worried, the news Qin Heqing said is true!

But he didn't want to believe it right away, so he had this kind of repeated sacrifices to his family of three to summon demons to listen to news.

It was just unexpected, or what was expected, from the high-ranking demon in front of him, he actually got the accurate news that the world would be destroyed.

This has to be said to be a very bad thing. In an instant, even her heart went cold, let alone other thoughts and desires, naturally staying there, not knowing what to do.

Until after a while.

"Is there no hope anymore?" Judy asked unwillingly.

Holding the king of the world in his hand, seeing that he will be able to rise up completely and become the queen of the magical world after more than ten years. If I have not done enough, the world will be over soon, just like you I was holding a winning lottery ticket in my hand, but when I was about to redeem it, I suddenly learned from the news that the company that was going to redeem the prize suddenly closed down, and the winning lottery ticket in my hand became waste paper. , I have the heart to kill.

"If the original demon king still exists, that majesty may have a way to change the current situation."

But does that majesty still exist?

Although I haven't heard the news that he was killed by someone, this adult has disappeared for many years since God appeared. Counting time, thousands of years are available.

So even if he didn't die, he should be sleeping in a place where ordinary demons can't survive or go.

As for the current sires, they can’t...

If they are willing to work together, there may be hope, but...

Then it is the same as finding the oldest demon before the world officially starts to collide. Hope is also very slim. It is estimated that at the last moment, before life is about to die, it is difficult for these few to let go of the grievances and hatred for thousands of years~www. ltnovel.com~ Work together to save the world.

Especially, when there are so many foreign evil gods outside the world.

The ghost knows whether they will be affected after they go out, and then they are in the same foul spirit with the evil **** and become a member of the world threat?

"This..." Judi was silent, becoming more and more at a loss.

After all, she is a woman anyway, although his behavior and thoughts are different from ordinary people because of the different ways of family cultivation, and even looks very mysterious and decisive in the eyes of ordinary people, but I really have to encounter this kind of beyond specifications. In foreign affairs, she would also involuntarily reveal her weak side, becoming dazed and confused.

And the most important thing is that she still has nothing to rely on now-the family and influence were all destroyed in the coming of the evil god, even if you want to find your father for warmth like a normal little girl, there is no way, it is enough. It's poor.

"Then what are you going to do? Son of the Devil." The demon in midair looked at Judy who was confused and asked in a low voice.

"I...I don't know." Judy opened her mouth, and finally shook her head blankly.

"Then enjoy the sensual pleasures, and indulge everything in this last time before the end of the world."

After speaking, the demon was the same as the previous demons, and disappeared into the air with a flash.

"Master Judy." Aki Ichikawa hugged Judy's body and called softly.

"Take good care of Solomon, I'll meet that man." Judy glanced at Aki under him, turned over and walked off the altar bed without reluctance, came outside the magic circle, and then leaned over and picked up the ground. She wears her white homey gauze skirt and moves towards the basement.

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