High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1350: Intimate communication

Soon after, in the temporarily idle guest room inside the villa where Judy lived, with an exclaim, Judy dressed in a white gauze skirt was dragged into the house by an invisible force and fell into the light at this time. Armed, in the arms of Qin Heqing, who was playing adult games with Julis and Lisa.

"Are you finished?" Qin Heqing looked down at Judy in his arms and asked with a smile.

"You let me go first." Judy asked calmly.

"Let go of you? Impossible! It's all in my hands, how could I still let you run away from my hands? Let me review my original passion first." Qin Heqing raised his eyebrows , Hehe said with a smirk.

And the action is like this. Pulling hard with both hands, the white gauze skirt on Judy's body splits apart with the sound of "tear and pull" the cloth. The fragments fly around, and the costume will not be changed because the sacrifice has just been completed. Judy's body was exposed to the air again.

Then Qin Heqing rolled over to suppress her, bowed his head and kissed Judy's lips.

Julie and Lisa helped, and the room fell into an extremely glamorous charm in an instant.

Until a long time later.


"Have you asked?" Afterwards, Qin Heqing lay on the bed with Judy in his arms, and while playing with Baby Bao, he asked the questions when they first met.

"I have asked. Indeed, as you said, the world is about to be destroyed." Judy didn't bother to move his body anymore, letting Qin Heqing's hands do strange things.

"What is the arrangement with the devil?" Qin Heqing asked.

"do not know."

"Huh? I don't know?"

What are you asking?

"Although the demons do know the news that the world is about to be destroyed, the news seems to only circulate among the high-ranking demons above the middle and high levels. The demons at the bottom do not know this, so they have not made any relevant preparations."

"What about the high-level demon?" Qin Heqing frowned and asked, who did not expect that the chaos on the side of the devil had reached such a point.

"It seems that there are other plans." Judy also recalled for a while the other party's performance when communicating with Asmod's subordinate demons, frowning and replied.

"What's the plan?"

"I don't know, but I think it should be related to the original Demon King in the legend." Judy speculated.

"That person, according to the legend, is already asleep? Is there a way to wake up? Also, the current demon princes, are you willing to wake him up again?" Qin Heqing said with a strange expression.

This is the same as the ancient crown princes finally ascending to the throne and becoming emperors, even if they share the rights with other brothers and sisters and become substantive kings, they will no longer hope that there will be an emperor on top of their heads.

What's more, these demon princes in the abyss are not friendly.

Not counted as the demon leader Satan in name, how can the seven princes who are based on the Seven Deadly Sins of Christianity as their source power be willing to be the younger brothers of others.

This is not like King Solomon and his seventy-two demon pillars, which are said to be subordinates, but they are similar to brothers. Therefore, the seventy-two demon kings are willing to do everything for Solomon that does not exceed their bottom line.

Although, with the virtues of the demons, it is already incredible to be able to do this.

"I don't know. But based on the performance of the high-ranking demon I finally summoned, the Abyss does not seem to be very worried about the destruction of the world. I think there should be some way to avoid or solve this disaster." Judy said with some uncertainty.

This is why she obeyed Qin Heqing's operation so easily and was willing to fool around with him.

If the demons behave really impatiently and look like they have no hope and future, Judy, who has been deeply influenced by the demonic culture, will not have the leisure to follow Qin Heqing.

Of course, she did not rule out the possibility that she wanted to vent the pressure in her heart because she suddenly heard that the world was about to be destroyed.

And want to use this to test and see Qin Heqing's plan, who also knows the news of the destruction of the world, and then take advantage of this close relationship to ride a ride and seek a foreseeable future.

"Speaking of this, what attitude do the demons have towards the evil god?" Qin Heqing nodded thoughtfully, moved his body to make himself more comfortable, and asked again.

"No attitude, let it go," Judy replied.

"Let it go?" Qin Heqing frowned. But when you think about the behavior of the demons, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong. After all, the demons themselves are the manifestation of all negative concepts of human nature, such as disasters, chaos, and killing. They are representatives of evil. Naturally, they will not have any messy ideas about the peak creature Cthulhu who is the same concept of evil.

It can even be said that if the Cthulhu’s pollution is not covered in all directions and covered indiscriminately, the devil would not be in a hurry to welcome the Cthulhu, how could he care about what the Cthulhu would make the world look like?

Demons are not angels, and they don't care about human beliefs.

"What about you, what do you think about the evil god?" Qin Heqing thought for a while and continued to ask.

"When it first came, I might have other thoughts, thinking about whether I could get in touch with the other party and become the other's family, but now, my thoughts about it are probably only hatred~www .ltnovel.com~ Judy thought for a while, and replied with cold and hate in her eyes.

"Hate, because of what?"

"It killed my parents and other relatives, destroyed the power that Grandpa had worked so hard to build-the Silver Star Club, and took away everything that should have belonged to me."

Even if all of this is just a natural influence after the Cthulhu descends, it is not the Cthulhu who actually kills.


"What about you, what do you think of the evil god?" After venting, Judy, who had recovered his calmness, raised her head and asked Qin Heqing's eyes.

"Naturally I want it to disappear." Qin Heqing said softly, "If it weren't for it, how could my life become the way it is now."

"Then do you have a way to solve it?"

"Yes, but we need to wait for a while, and there are still some assistances that have not been done."

"Help, what do you mean?"

"If I said, I need a large number of demons to fill my strength, what would you do?" Qin Heqing asked interestingly, looking at Judy in his arms.

"Do you want to recruit demons to become subordinates? Although it is not impossible, I want to remind you that the demons are not necessarily the evil gods, and there are opponents of the evil gods." Judy reminded.

"So what I need is the lives of the demons, not their combat power." Qin Heqing replied ruthlessly.

"Life...how much do you need?" Judy asked in surprise.

"Naturally the more the better." Qin Heqing laughed.

"The last question, what are your plans for the world that is about to be destroyed?" Judy's expression changed twice, and she stared directly at Qin He Qing Youshen to confirm.

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