High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1351: Woolen

"My arrangement is to first concentrate on solving the evil gods, let the gods extract the power used to suppress the evil gods, liberate the **** of the gods, and then find a way to unite the gods to deal with the problems of another world. After all. Compared to us, the gods should be more worried about the safety of the world." Qin Heqing did not evade Judy's gaze, and slowly stated his thoughts.

This is also the real reason why he is now clearly capable of intervening in the world's defense line, but still wondering **** the evil god.

Not only for the future, but also for life.

"So what are you going to let me do?" Judy nodded unchecked and asked again.

"Do what you did before, do your best to summon the devil into the world and let me kill it." Qin Heqing replied.

"That requires a lot of sacrifices," Judy reminded.

"Isn't there a farm?" Qin He smiled lightly.

This is where modern society is superior to ancient times. Because of the existence of modern breeding, the purchase of livestock is much more convenient and easier than in ancient times, so even if it is used for evil rituals, it becomes much easier!

Even for true high-level evil rituals, using the flesh and blood of livestock as sacrifices is the lowest choice.

But when he didn't want to become a murderous demon, this was the only option Qin Heqing could think of.

Anyway, he would not sacrifice ordinary humans in order to achieve his own goals.

It's not the Guardian.

"In that case, the demon summoned may not be very advanced."

"It's okay, as long as the amount is large." After a meal, he continued to laugh. "What's more, who has stipulated that high-level demons are only interested in human flesh and soul? What if there is that kind of strange taste? ? Then don't we make a profit."

"Then I will arrange it." Judy nodded, turned to Julie and Lisa lying beside her and Qin Heqing, and said, "Julie!"

"Yes." Jules propped up, kneeling on the bed in response.

"You are responsible for purchasing all kinds of magic materials and related materials needed for the demon summoning ceremony."



After that, Lisa turned over and knelt down, waiting for Judy's order.

"You go to contact all the farms and slaughterhouses near the town, and let them deliver the live animals that can be sold in the farm to our farm within three days to cooperate with the call." Judy said.


"Go get ready."


Then the two turned and got off the bed, grabbed the clothes scattered on the floor, turned and exited the room.

"You drove them away, do you want to occupy my favor alone?" After Julie and Lisa's pretty girl left, Qin Heqing pinched Judy's nose and shook it left and right, and said with a strange smile, "Are you sure you Can one person stand it?"

"Who told you that only I will be with you." Judy asked back.

"Isn't it?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

Following Judy, she sat up, turned around and walked down to the bedroom door, shouting at one side, "Aki, come here."

"..." Qin Heqing was stunned, and then he couldn't laugh or cry.

Should I say that I am a black magician who practices black magic? The brain circuit is really different from ordinary people. I can do anything...

But you want to ask Qin Heqing to refuse?

Sorry, he has become a habit of scum. Naturally he will not give up this kind of welfare that he suddenly obtained. He will be a gentleman and be a gentleman. Naturally, he will take advantage of how much advantage he has until his own business is finished.

So next, Ichikawa Aki replaced Julie and Lisa, became Qin Heqing's partner, and became confused with Judy.


Just one day later, the first batch of sacrifices and the magic items needed for the ceremony were delivered to the farm with the help of express delivery and the owner's initiative.

Then Judy and the three were not wasting time. They started the arrangement directly on the side of the farm, away from the side of the town where the crowd lived, and spent enough energy and time to set the ritual circle for the summoning. Arranged out.

Afterwards, Julius and Lisa became toolmen, killed a cow and sheep, bleed them, and threw them into the circle.

"I'm about to begin." Judy said when he was almost ready for the ceremony.

"Well, let's start." Qin Heqing nodded in response.

It's just a mere devil, Qin and Qing really don't worry about getting each other out.

So in the next moment, the low and weird spell was delivered from Judy’s mouth, and then gradually amplified, and turned into a magnificent sound that lingered through the space for tens of meters, and the blood-colored energy halo seemed to be pressed down. The neon light bursts out of the ritual circle that summons the devil's body, and then rises.

Soon, the figure of a monster with the recurved calf unique to mammals such as cattle and sheep emerged from the circle.

It looks like a human, but apart from the body, it can be said that there are not many signs of being human. The legs are the recurved calves of cattle and sheep, but they are also covered with dark hair, like two fur sleeves. It usually covers its calf, and the feet are hoof feet, but the thighs are smooth ~www.ltnovel.com~ muscles are bulging, which looks very powerful and majestic against the blood-colored skin.

The human waist and human torso, except for the chest where the chest is covered by red flame-like chest hair, the other parts are as muscular as the thighs, the arms are strong and powerful, and the five fingers are also slender and sharp. A terrible feeling of danger.

Then there is the head-a lizard-like head. Two pairs of four bright yellow eyes are inlaid on the left and right sides of the head. The nostrils are as big as holes, and a large amount of sulfur vapor is expelled from the breath. With the snake tongue exposed from the narrow mouth, the evil and strange breath can be described as Fully portrayed.

A sturdy tail hung behind the monster, and kept sweeping, arousing large amounts of dust.

"Human? So, this is the human world?" The monster in the head of the lizard looked at Judy and the others, then turned to look at the surrounding environment, and muttered in surprise with joy.

Only when the voice fell, an invisible force suddenly fell on him. Without giving him extra time to react and resist, he was swallowed by a circle of dark holes that suddenly appeared, and disappeared into Judy and others. In front of people.

"Okay, let's change another one." Qin and Qing Dynasty, who had separated some of the power of the demon refining pot to refine the devil, said with a dull gaze Zhu Di.

"Oh." Judy was stunned, and both Jules and Lisa acted neatly, replacing the lost magic materials and sacrifices, replacing them with new ones, and then stepped aside and waited. Judy held a new round of calling.

Then the declaration-like curse sounded in the space again, and the familiar light and the demon appeared in Qin Heqing's eyes again.

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