High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1358: Shigemitsu

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Soon after, the two returned to Ms. Hayami's home——

Sure enough, as she said, the neighbors around are very far away.

Although it was not three meters away as she described, the voices of the neighbor's children did not pass into her home under the partition of the yard, wall, and yard.

Unless they use big speakers to broadcast, it is possible that they are directly facing Hayami's house.

Then Qin Heqing looked up at the overall structure of the Sushui family. It was normal. Although it was not a strong Feng Shui position, it was blessed by a Feng Shui pattern, but it also did not occupy any position that could cause trouble. There was no trace of other people's actions, so the whole It is very healthy.

In addition to the statement that Ms. Hayami mentioned earlier that the family was purified by the priests and wizards they invited, it can explain the dirty things that have been up for almost a week, but the weather of the whole house is not covered by dark clouds and filth. , The reason for the coverage.

"Sure enough, the problem still lies with people."

Then Qin Heqing walked into the courtyard under the leadership of Ms. Hayami, opened the door and entered the house.

"Sit down, Jun Qin, I'll prepare tea for you." The Ms. Hayami who hung the coat on the hanger at the door and walked into the living room with Qin Heqing greeted.

"No trouble." Qin Heqing waved his hand.

"That's not okay. After all, you are here to help. It's not justified if you don't have a good hospitality." Ms. Hayami shook her head.

"Didn't you already entertained?" Qin Heqing smiled ambiguously.

Suddenly, Ms. Hayami's cheeks blushed, she whited her eyes, and walked quickly toward the kitchen.

"Mom, you're back." At this moment, an unfamiliar voice sounded from the room and came over.

"Shigetsu, when did you come back?" Ms. Hayami, who just walked to the door of the kitchen, turned to ask the voice master.

"Not long after I came back." The boy named Hayami Shigemitsu replied. After a pause, Qin Heqing, who was planning to sit down there, nodded his head to greet him and asked, "This is..."

"This is Jun Qin, Qin Heqing, the priest I asked to come back to help solve the problem at home, please help my mother to entertain him." Ms. Hayami introduced.

"Priest? So young." Hayami Shigemitsu said in amazement.

"Qin Jun, this is my eldest son I mentioned to you before, Chongguang, if you have any questions, just ask him. He also knows the situation at home." Ms. Hayami ignored her son's surprise and turned to Qin Heqing. Said.


"Chongguang, you accompany Jun Qin first, and I will get you some refreshments."

Hayami Shigemitsu didn't say much, and walked over to Qin Heqing with doubts.

"Sit down first." Hayami pointed to the sofa beside him.

"Excuse me." Qin Heqing nodded and sat down short.

"Are you a priest?" Hayami Shigemitsu asked.


"Which shrine's?"

"Qin's Inari Shrine."

"Qin family? Family shrine?"


"You came out to handle business at such a young age, do your family know?" After a meal, he asked supplementally, "Moreover, you seem to be underage, right? You can really be a priest and help us Solve the problem?"

"So, you are suspicious of my identity, or strength?" Qin Heqing looked up and down for a while. The person in front of him didn't know if he was spoiled, or what, in short, a bit dragged, like a social elite reserve. Hayami Chongguang smiled.

"Yes, I am doubting your identity and ability." Hayami Shigemitsu sneered. "I am not as simple as my mother. I don't know anything when I was fooled by someone, and I brought people home. ."

"Yes, my age and appearance do seem a bit unreliable, and it will make people subconsciously feel distrustful, but when it comes to lie to others... it is too arbitrary. How do you know that I am not true? Is there any way to solve the problems in your family?” After saying that, Qin Heqing stared at the Hayami light in front of him with a smile and a smile. Before the latter had time to refute, he said again, “Just like right now, you have been complained. Spirit ridden, do you know?"

"I'm surrounded by evil spirits? It's ridiculous. I have an amulet personally presented by the master of Sensoji Temple! And the master also said that as long as I don't take it off without authorization, ordinary undead ghosts can't approach me. His body caused me harm.” As he said, he seemed to be afraid that Qin Heqing would not believe him. He took out the amulet he was wearing next to his body and sneered at Qin Heqing.

You are a shrine priest from Yeluzi who has never even heard of it. His reputation and strength can still have the reputation and strength of the Great Master of Sensoji Temple. Is it worthwhile to believe?

It's ridiculous.

"It’s pretty good, but it’s a pity that the aura and mana on it are almost consumed, so it’s no problem to use it to guard against imps and avoid ordinary filth. I hope to solve your troubles. ..." Qin Heqing smiled and shook his head.

"Furthermore, it is better for you to converge a little in the future, and don't keep squeezing flowers and grasses, and then make life, otherwise, if the resentful spirits that you host on you evolve into nine sons and mothers, then there is really not much in this world. People can save you."

Now he can see that the source of the trouble encountered by the Hayami family is not elsewhere, but the guy named Hayami Shigemitsu!

Just like the posture of the social elite reserve he displayed, this guy must have relied on his family's capital and his own qualities to deceive girls everywhere, and make the girls' belly bigger.

The most important thing is that this guy is not responsible yet. No, the direct result is that this guy has been entangled by the grievances of the women he has engaged in, and even formed a curse!

This, coupled with the current environment-the influence of Cthulhu, deeply strengthened the power of curses and resentment, forming even more terrifying resentment!

This made his guardian amulet made by a master of Sensoji temple so serious that it was consumed so badly, UU reading www.uukanshu.com even directly degenerated into an ordinary amulet, in addition to avoiding evil, really There is not much effect of exorcism.

So the direct result is that the grieving spirits of the children who died early because of his decision first formed grieving ghosts under the influence of the power of the evil god, and then broke through the protection of the amulet without much hindrance, and entangled him. .

But even more terrible is that this guy seems to be carrying a life on his back?

Although it may not be killed by him, it must have died because of him. Otherwise, the woman’s wraith spirit would not appear with the wraith spirit of the dying child, and become like a ghost mother and be embraced by those wraith spirit children. .

"What do you mean by this?" Hayami Shigemitsu's face changed when he heard this, a little ugly, and a little cautiously asked.

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