High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1359:

"Mr. Qin, come and have tea." Before Qin Heqing could answer Hayami's question, the voice of Ms. Hayami, who was busy in the kitchen before, rang again, holding a tray with tea cups, snacks, and snacks on it. Coming over, he squatted down to the coffee table placed in front of Qin Heqing and Sushui Chongguang, and placed the tea and snacks in front of them one by one.

"Please use it slowly. I don't know if it suits Qin Jun's taste." Ms. Hayshui stood up and said.

"Excuse me, Ms. Hayami." Qin Heqing said politely.

Then reached out and picked up a small snack and put it in his mouth--

"Well, it tastes good, I like it very much."

"Really? Then I can rest assured." Ms. Hayami exhaled lightly.

Then he turned around and re-entered the kitchen, and started busy with other things.

The main thing is to prepare something that can be used by guests, and there are not many, so after a short time, he walked back again, with an elegant manner, as if he had been carefully trained and sat down in the empty seat beside Qin Heqing.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about some things about college life. After all, I will start my college life in April." Qin Heqing on the side was the first to explain with a smile.

It’s true that I’m going to talk about the shortness of Sushui Chongguang in front of the other’s mother. Although it’s not impossible to do it, the contradiction between the two has not reached the level of wishing each other to die. Will do so absolutely.

Besides, Ms. Hayami wants face. As one of his own "golden masters", Qin Heqing still needs to take care of it.

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"Huh? Isn't Jun Qin a college student?" Ms. Hayami asked in surprise.

After all, Qin Jun’s performance in front of him has always been so mature, stable, and a little cunning. In addition, he has never talked about his age. Therefore, Ms. Hayami is not clear about it. She provides special services to herself, even Taking advantage of her own advantage, she deeply experienced the so-called "off-track" experience, but the boy was still a minor.

This stimulus and the resulting guilt made Ms. Hayami change her color slightly, her eyes freaking out.

"Yes. I won't officially enter the Kokugakuin University until April this year, and become a freshman in Shinto major over there." Qin Heqing avoided Hayami's gaze and gave Ms. Hayami a relieved look and smiled.

Ms. Hayami looked at Qin Heqing and remembered that only she knew those things, and even if someone else knew, they were all her companions in the club. So if something really happened, it would not be the only one who had the problem, but she would also be a little more stable. After coming down, more tension and excitement came to my heart again, and I couldn't help but clamp my legs, making the posture more dignified.

"By the way, how long will it take for the remaining two to come back?" Qin Heqing asked, turning his head to look at the clock hanging on the wall.

"I'll call and ask." Ms. Hayami replied.

Then he stood up, walked aside and made a call, leaving space for Qin Heqing and Hayami Shigemitsu again.

"What the **** did you mean by that just now?" As Hayami felt as if he was still feeling Qin Heqing's words, he immediately lowered his voice and asked in a low voice.

"It means literally, women's resentment towards you has become a curse that has been entwining you, even if it weren't for the Yushuyou who was personally made by a certain master, your house is now more than just getting dirty. Things are so simple, you are very likely to encounter various disasters and die early." Qin Heqing said in a low voice, also in cooperation.

"So it’s okay to play with women, but it’s best to handle the end of the hand well and don’t mess around with human lives, otherwise, even if those women’s grievances can’t kill you, those children who died early because of the decision of you and the woman you were playing with. We will not let you go."

"Especially in the current environment where demons and ghosts are blazing, small problems that may have been insignificant in the past may cause huge disasters and harm."

"This...what you said is true?!" Hayami Shigemitsu changed the expression on his face several times, still confirming with a somewhat unbelievable appearance.

"Does it make sense for me to lie to you?" Qin Heqing asked amusedly.

He came to the Hayami House not because of Hayami Shigumi, nor did he try to see anything from the Hayami Family, nor did the two parties have contacted him. So Hayami Shigemitsu calmed down after hesitating for a while and understood that Qin and Halal had no need to deceive himself.

Unless, he has plans to pit the Sushui family closer.

"In other words, the reason why our house came across dirty things is entirely because of me? Because of those children who didn't make a sound?" After a while, Hayami Shigemitsu asked again.

"We still need to look at the situation of your father and your sister, but from what I have observed so far, it is almost like this." Qin Heqing responded.

After that, Hayami became silent, frowning, no longer thinking about words.

However, it is also true that after knowing that he is playing with a woman's feelings and rashly deciding that a woman's abortion will cause such serious consequences, it is estimated that the mood will not be relaxed and comfortable.


After a while, Ms. Hayami walked back.

"I have already called~www.ltnovel.com~My husband and daughter are on their way back, and it will take a few minutes to get home," Ms. Hayami replied. Then he turned his head to look at the wrinkled Hayami Shigetsu at the door, and said in doubt, "Shigetsu, why are you so ugly."

"Oh, I'm okay, it's just a sudden thought of something." Hayami Shigemitsu returned to his senses and replied.



"By the way, Jun Qin, do you see the problem in my family?" Ms. Hayami looked at Zhongguang, and did not ask too much. After all, the child is already old, an adult, and has his own secrets and ideas. It's not suitable to care about everything like when I was a child, and to ask the bottom of everything, it is better to let the child solve it by himself, so he looked at Qin Heqing again and asked the topic.

"As I expected, it is because of human problems." Qin Heqing replied.

"Human? What does Qin Jun mean by this." Ms. Hayami asked puzzled.

"It means literally. The reason why your family encounters spiritual phenomena is entirely due to human reasons. As for the specific ones, such as villains who are causing trouble, they are brought by other people in your family. You have to wait to see you. The situation of your husband and your daughter can be completely determined afterwards," Qin Heqing replied.


"Can that be solved completely?" Hayami Shigemitsu asked.

"It is not troublesome to solve it, but it is only temporary. If you want to completely eradicate it, it depends on whether the person who caused it is conscious enough to avoid certain things. Otherwise, even if there is no problem for a short time, time If it grows longer, it will cause problems again." Qin Heqing gave him a meaningful look and reminded quite cryptically.

Then a few minutes later, with the sound of a car engine, the host and daughter of the Hayami family finally rushed back from outside.

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