High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1361: Recite

"It's okay, remember to go to the clubhouse and find me to'play'." When he left the house, Qin Heqing said in Ms. Hayami's ear in a way of sound transmission.

Suddenly, Ms. Hayami's cheeks blushed, her eyes drooped when she glanced at him quickly, but her head was hard to find without the attention of others, and she clicked gently.

"Okay, just send it here." Mr. Qin Heqingchong Sushui who got a positive answer laughed.

"Okay, then I won't send it, Qin Jun is careful on the road." Mr. Hayami laughed without knowing anything.


Then Qin Heqing left the Hayami House while watching the Hayami family and disappeared into the distance of the street...

Then Qin Heqing returned to the clubhouse by spatial movement and sat down in his office.

"While there is still time, digest the feedback from the evil **** angel."

After speaking, Qin Heqing closed his eyes and gave feedback instructions to the Demon Refining Pot.

Suddenly, a powerful force surged from the demon refining pot, like a torrent, pouring into Qin Heqing's body——

However, the result was just as Qin Heqing had expected, the harvest of a single Heretic God angel after refining was not enough to allow him to complete the transformation from an earth fairy to a heavenly fairy!

Even if he was in the Maple Leaf Country among them, the many demons and monsters that Judy was able to capture were the same.

After all, his earthly immortal to heavenly immortal is different from the ordinary cultivator’s achievement of heavenly immortal. The foundation is based on the pot world, so as long as the pot world does not reach a certain critical point to complete a certain transformation and expansion, even if Qin Heqing owns the heavenly fairy. The realm of the same cannot become a god.

At this point, it is much easier for cultivators who simply cultivate the golden core and primordial spirit system, as long as the realm is enough, then the gods are really at hand.

However, correspondingly, Qin Heqing is also stronger than the world-based immortal. If he is fully capable, he will not be more than the so-called true immortal in the pure cultivator system. It can be leapfrogged. The strong of war.

So too much resource consumption is too much, Qin Heqing recognized.

"Sure enough, we need to catch another evil **** angel..." After a long while, Qin Heqing, who had digested the feedback, opened his eyes again and sighed.

After that, there was nothing wrong for the night, and the time came to the next day in a blink of an eye.


"Mei." Outside the subway station near Kato Ke's house, Qin Heqing greeted Kato Ke, who came into his sight.

"I thought you forgot." Kato Hui who heard the greeting hurriedly walked a few steps to Qin Heqing's side and whispered softly.

"How is it possible? Even if I forget to eat, I can't forget what I promised you." Qin Heqing shook his head exaggeratedly, "Did you bring everything?"

"Well, they are all in the backpack." Kato Megumi sideways revealed the backpack she was carrying.

"Then let's go." Qin Heqing reached out for his backpack and said.

However, Megumi Kato didn't agree. He still took his backpack and entered the subway station with Qin Heqing, then transferred to the main line and went to Musashino Art University in Kodaira, located on the outer edge of Tokyo's 23rd ward.

Because today is the day of admissions examinations, Musashino Art University did not prohibit the entry of irrelevant foreign personnel, so Qin Heqing was able to enter the campus with Kato Kei as an examinee to browse the internal scenery of Musashino Art University.

But there is nothing too worth watching.

It is not a place of scenic beauty.

So I accompanied Kato Megumi to complete the various examination procedures-such as taking the registration form, filling in the identity information and other matters, and then followed Kato Megumi to the large classroom dedicated to the test——

At this time, there are already a lot of people sitting in the inner center, men and women, or are they bowing their heads playing with their phones, or chatting in low voices with familiar companions, or else just flipping through the books and reviewing them?

Anyway, there are various postures, and the atmosphere becomes tense in an instant, and even Megumi Kato seems to be affected and becomes tense.

"Believe in yourself, you can." Qin Heqing whispered to Kato Hui encouragement, "What's more, even if you really fail the exam, I can help you get in."

"I know." Kato Megumi looked around, and saw that no one heard Qin Heqing's somewhat overpowering or even hateful words, and whispered, "Well, you go out quickly, I can do it myself. ."

"Well, then you come on yourself, I will wait for you outside."

After that, Qin Heqing and Kato Kee separated, turned out of the large classroom for exams, and came to the campus of Musashino Art University, and sat down on a bench nearby where people could rest.

However, the development of the matter seems to be somewhat contrary to Qin Heqing’s ideas. Just when Kato Megumi's exam was in the past, a well-known phone called suddenly came over—

"What's the matter?" Qin Heqing asked straightforwardly, knowing that she was always silent.

"Interference and sabotage have appeared." Madohaki replied simply without hypocritical.

"Interference and destruction? What's the matter?" Qin Heqing asked with a frown.

"Just now, a mirage projection incident occurred in Kushimoto Town, which belongs to Higashimurou County, Wakayama Prefecture. The only difference is that this projection seems to bring real quality to Kushimoto. The buildings and land in the town caused a substantial impact, resulting in the collapse of a large number of residential buildings~www.ltnovel.com~The land was destroyed. Up to now, it has caused about a dozen casualties. At present, the local municipal and fire department are working Work together to try to suppress the scale of the disaster to the smallest extent." Madoaki explained.

"It's so peculiar to pick the time." Qin Heqing muttered irritably, "Is the projection still there now?"

If he was still there, he would really like to know if he could use this spatial fusion to directly cross the barriers of the two realms into the Warring States time and space, and complete his transformation from earth immortal to heaven immortal level by slaughtering the monsters there.

"It has disappeared." Akatsuki Mahato replied.

"Tsk. Continue to pay close attention to the changes in the projection, and notify me as soon as there is new news." Qin Heqing gave a light tusk and ordered.

"Okay." Real householder replied.

Afterwards, the real household hung up the phone, knowingly, not disturbing Qin Heqing.

After all, she also knew what Qin Heqing was doing at this time.


But what's even more **** is that shortly after Qin Heqing hung up the phone, the entire sky, no, it should be said that in the sky under the special vision of a special person like him, billowing clouds and golden light suddenly appeared, and at the same time a large energy chain appeared. It kept shaking, and there was a sound of metal crashing--

"This is... a rule hedge?" Qin Heqing, who had already stood up from the resting chair, muttered in astonishment.

In addition, the novel app I'm using recently, [\\mi\\mi\\read\\app\\\\] Android and iPhone support!

But the voice just fell, rumbling, even ordinary people could hear the thunder, and it stirred up from the sky.

A blast of blue lightning tore the clouds in the sky, together with the dark red clouds that suddenly appeared like dusk, the whole world as a backdrop was like the end of the day...

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