High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1362: Dispatch

But after thinking about it carefully, Qin Heqing didn't feel like that. At least the filthy energy that competes with the chain of rules is not like what can burst out from a serious world collision——

"So, this is the evil **** who noticed something wrong and started to fight back?" Qin Heqing frowned and muttered.


The lightning strikes, and even the cell phone signal began to become unstable.

"It's true that you will be in a hurry." Qin Heqing sighed.

Then the primordial spirit let go, and directly crossed the space and descended to Niiza City. According to the breath and contract, he found the location of Ayukawa. As soon as his thoughts turned, Ayukawa was dragged by him in a way of moving the space.

"Heqing?" Ayukawa called out in a bit of surprise.

"This is Kodaira City in the Tama area. Among the Musashino Art University, Hui is taking the admissions exam for the University of Fine Arts in the teaching building in front of her. It is estimated that there will be half an hour to come out. You stay here and take care of her. Tell her the news that I am leaving, let her not worry, I should be back soon to celebrate the end of the exam with her." Qin Heqing confessed to Ayukawa in front of him.

"Heqing, what do you want?" Ayukawa's eyes flashed and hesitated.

"I'm going to Europe to take a look and observe the movement of the evil god." Qin Heqing sighed, looking up at the increasingly fierce conflict in the sky.

"...Then you be careful." Ayukawa opened his mouth, trying to prevent Qin Heqing from taking risks there, but he understood that this kind of thing cannot be avoided after all. It is either today or tomorrow, or something in the future. One day, when things are coming, Qin Heqing will definitely face it, so instead of facing passively and reducing the space for movement, it is better to lean forward proactively, and there may be some unexpected gains.

Of course, even if there is no gain, failure will have more room for dodge and dodge than when facing passively, which is a more positive response attitude and action.

"Well. I'll leave it to you here." Qin Heqing smiled, then his figure flashed and disappeared into the air.

However, he didn't really go to Europe to observe the Cthulhu situation as he said. Instead, he returned to downtown Tokyo and revealed it in an apartment near the clubhouse.

"Huh?" Taibai Jinxing frowned and looked at the changing void in front of him coldly.

Yes, the place where Qin Heqing appears now is not elsewhere, it is the true fairy-level existence that has never been used seriously since the creation of Taibai Jinxing!

I don't know how far he has recovered after so long, with the support and care of Qin Heqing's most resources.

"My lord, why are you here?" Taibai Jinxing looked at Qin Heqing astonished.

"You should have seen the changes outside," Qin Heqing asked, looking directly at Taibai Jinxing.

Taibai Jinxing nodded.

"Judging from the current signs, it may be the work of the evil god, so I plan to take this opportunity to go to Europe and explore the reality of the evil god." Qin Heqing said again.

"The adult's meaning is too clear, and Taibai is willing to go with the adults." Taibai Jinxing didn't use Qin Heqing to finish speaking, so he stood up and clasped his fists.

"How far have you recovered?" Qin Heqing nodded, looking at Taibai and asked.

"I have successfully retrieved the star life and regained the personality of Taibaijinxing." Taibaijinxing replied.

"What about the strength?" Qin Heqing continued to ask.

"Although it has not been restored to the peak level due to various reasons, the level of heavenly immortals can still be guaranteed. In addition to the various methods and weapons I re-refined in the later period, with the star life, the average true immortal should be Can't hold me." Taibai Jinxing had a little pride on his face, and a little humility that he wanted to show.

"Is it true... it's almost enough. Then let's go over." Qin Heqing looked up and down because of the astringent aura that made him look like an ordinary person, Taibaijinxing, no more nonsense, and immediately announced.

"it is good."

Then the two of them tore through the space at the same time and appeared in a border town in Maozi Country where Qin and Qing had made a mistake once, and then stepped into the air, appeared in the sky at an altitude of 10,000 meters, ignoring the surrounding lightning and thunder, and went straight. Towards Europe, towards the tall evil **** standing in Europe, he looked over.

"Sure enough, this change of heaven is entirely the handwriting of the evil god." Qin Heqing looked into the distance-dozens of hundreds of kilometers away, the evil energy surging around his body, accompanied by lightning and thunder, and even more terrifying and intense The evil spirit surrounded by spirit shock and wraith ghosts frowned and said.

"My lord, what are you going to do?" Taibai Jinxing asked quietly, also floating in the air, and also not being affected and impacted by the Cthulhu pollution.

"If it's up to you, can you deal with it?" Qin Heqing asked, turning his head to look at Taibai Jinxing beside him.

"It may be possible to pin down, suppress...it is estimated that there will be hope after my strength is completely restored." Taibai Jinxing carefully observed Cthulhu for a moment, and found that he still couldn't determine the level and upper limit of Cthulhu's strength~www.mtlnovel. com~ Then deal with it. "Qin Heqing groaned," I was almost able to break through the existing realm with resources and become a world god. It just so happened that the evil gods' angels under the evil gods are the most powerful guarantee to meet my needs, so we will remove them first. The Cthulhu angels that were active outside the Cthulhu realm helped me break through, and then combined the power of the two of us to suppress the Cthulhu together. "

"What do adults need me to do?" Taibaijinxing did not object, but asked the topic.

"It's very simple. When I suppress the Cthulhu Angels, if Cthulhu reacts, help me resist for a while and don't let it ruin my actions." Qin Heqing also explained very simply.

"Yes." Taibai Jinxing thought for a while and agreed.

Then, without talking nonsense, the whole body flashed. The bright silver chain mail was refined, modified, compressed, refined, and combined from the various materials that Qin Heqing gave him at the beginning. The golden boots stepped on the clouds and the white jade crowned the night crown. They appeared on his body one after another, the purple gold ribbon bound his waist, the romantic star pendant fell on his waist, holding the Gengjin Broken Killing Sword, the awe-inspiring majesty was instantly released from Taibai Jinxing.

Then a big star appeared in the void, and a white light fell down, shrouded like a waterfall on the body of Taibai Jinxing, and even with his aura began to rise steadily, just after a short time, it reached a kind of soothing Qin Heqing. The palpitations were so extreme, not to mention that it was the Cthulhu God, and because of the changes here, his gaze was projected.

Suddenly, the majestic mental pressure and mental shock surfaced, stirring the void in front of him like a phantom, twisting and transforming.

"Come and close first, now is not the time to officially put it right." Seeing this, Qin Heqing, who was enduring the kind of discomfort, said to the Taibai Jinxing who was ready to kill him at any time.

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