High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1363:

Taibai Jinxing, who also knew the priorities of the matter, nodded, condensed his supernatural power, followed Qin Heqing, and disappeared into the air——

The next moment, the two reappeared in Egypt in the south of Europe, separated from Europe by the Mediterranean Sea. With a glance, they found the one staying in the sky above Cairo. Cthulhu angels of nuclear nations.

Then the two of them moved again, crossing the space and appearing near the evil **** angel.

"I'm on it, you are careful." Qin Heqing reminded Taibai Jinxing beside him.

"Well, so do adults." Taibai Jinxing responded.

Immediately Qin Heqing didn't say much, stepping, appeared above the Cthulhu Angel, pressing his palm down, the space around the Cthulhu Angel seemed to be covered by invisible glue, and they were glued and fixed together in an instant, becoming indestructible. , It's not suitable for Cthulhu angels or other messy things to break the space and move across the space.

And this is Qin Heqing receiving feedback several times, and re-familiarize himself with the space methods that he has learned after he is familiar with the land of immortality. Otherwise, he can only continue to follow the previous method, first calling for the stars in the sky, and using the power of the evil spirits of the stars to cooperate with the Liujia Qimen The technique is combined into an array of Qimen Dunjia, an alternative way to close the space to shield the displacement skills of the evil **** angel.

Then Qin Heqing expanded the projection of the world in the pot, including the evil **** angels, and used the world projection to fight and suppress the various counterattacks of the evil **** angels. At the same time, they consumed the source power and forcibly collected the evil **** angels into the refining pot...


I don’t know if it’s the natural feedback brought by the changes, or the evil **** has noticed the attack urged by the evil angels here in Egypt. Just as Qin Heqing converges on the world to project and capture the evil angel’s next moment, several lines are extremely gross and flicker. Lightning with blood-red rays fell from the sky and struck Qin Heqing.

"Huh! How can I let go of the duck in my hand?" Qin Heqing laughed coldly, perceiving the danger.

With a wave of his hand, the same sky full of thunder bombarded the scarlet thunder against time and space and gravity.


After that, the hot white light exploded like the sun, and the entire sky over Cairo became pale in an instant.

Then Qin Heqing ignored these and strengthened the consumption of source power, and in an instant collected the struggling evil spirit angel into the demon refining pot, and began a new round of refining and absorption.

"Go." Qin Heqing shouted.

Then Qin Heqing disappeared and left the sky over Egypt.

After that, Taibaijinxing made the Cthulhu chase down to the empty space.



"How long does it take for the adults to complete the breakthrough." Far away from Egypt and even Europe, Taibai Jinxing in a dense forest asked Qin Heqing.

"Quickly." Qin Heqing replied.

Now it's different from the past, he can have a lot of time for his natural digestion, naturally how to come quickly!

Even if it consumes a lot of energy, compared with the harvest after refining the evil **** angel, especially the realm breaking into the heavenly immortal, the consumption is still worthwhile.

It is also most conducive to the current situation.

So while talking, the Demon Refining Pot had already increased the speed of melting in the furnace, decomposing everything about the evil **** angel.

"That's good." Taibai Jinxing nodded.

Although there is no definite evidence, everything is just his subconscious feeling, but Taibai Jinxing still feels that the two of them have not escaped the surveillance of the evil god.

As for the reason?

Without him, just because after reaching their level, it is really a thousand years. After being watched once, it is basically impossible for ordinary people to escape from their perception lock or special level of pursuit.

Unless, those people go to some special place.

But obviously, the place they are now in is not the kind of special secret space that can interfere with the Cthulhu's pursuit, so it is very likely that they have been locked by the Cthulhu at this time when they are speaking.

No, just as soon as his voice fell, pitch-black lightning appeared in the sky out of thin air, blasting down towards Qin Heqing and Taibai Jinxing.

Taibai Jinxing did not hesitate when he saw it, and the sword of Gengjin Slaying in his hand was unsheathed. After only hearing a crisp sound, the dazzling white light once again filled the sky, like a superstar-sweeping sun and the filth of the sky. The thunder crashed together.


Then Taibai Jinxing turned around and took a look at Qin Heqing who was on the side. A sword slashed towards Qin Heqing.

Qin Heqing's expression changed, but out of trust in Taibai Jinxing, he still did not act rashly. Instead, he let a Gengjin sword aura flash past his head and disappeared into the distance.

"Let's change place." Taibai Jinxing followed.

"Okay." Qin Heqing looked at him, did not refute, his figure flashed, and he changed places again.

"It should be okay this time." The reappearing Taibaijinxing didn't talk nonsense. With a wave of his arm, a huge forbidden enchantment covering a radius of more than ten meters was enveloped around the two of them, covering them and the outside world. The connection was broken.

At this point, Qin Heqing also understood the purpose of Taibai Jinxing’s previous sword-to cut off the connection and cause and effect between the Heretic God and them, so that they can get rid of the Heretic God’s search, so that they can quietly survive his transformation into a fairy. This time.

"It's because I didn't think about it well." Qin He apologized, who wanted to understand this.

"It's also because you don't know much about the powers and methods of the level above the gods, and there is no experience in fighting against the characters above the gods~www.ltnovel.com~ Wait for such things to happen in the future. If there are too many, this kind of thing won't happen again." Taibai Jinxing smiled and comforted.

"Hey." Qin Heqing shook his head, closed his eyes and waited for the transformation to come--

Even his own creation can't be compared, it's really embarrassing for him to be the creator...

Although the essence of his creations seems to be the replicas of the real gods back then, and is obviously different from the first low-level creations such as narcissus and dwarf, the problem is the problem. His ignorance or deliberate ignorance does not exist. It is better to accept and correct with an humility.

In this way, more than an hour later, with the demon pot concentrated all its energy and no cost was consumed, the Cthulhu Angel was finally successfully refined in the shortest possible time, becoming the source quality, and Yuanqi melted into the world of the pot, and then Become a feedback resource flowing into Qin Heqing's body.

Immediately, changes began to take place, and Qin Heqing's aura was not under control and suppression, exploding, shaking the void, and agitating the chains of rules.

"It's started." Seeing this, Taibaijinxing couldn't help but solemnly said.

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