High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1364: Tianxian

Generally speaking, the so-called celestial being refers to the celestial being able to ascend to the sky, leave a name in the jade book, and hold a position in the heavenly court.

Even the lowest celestial generals, the goddess of strength, are true celestial beings to the mortals who still remain in the world.

So this kind of celestial being is only the celestial being in the eyes of ordinary people, not the celestial being in the eyes of monks.

What is the fairy like in the eyes of the monks?

Naturally, the name is removed from the book of life and death. The three mountains and five sacred mountains are left in shape. They have the power to travel to the North Sea, and they can transform into thousands. There are noble monks everywhere between heaven and earth!

However, this is still only a representation of the realm of Tianxian. For ancient immortals who truly understand the realm of Tianxian and where this realm should be born, the important place of Tianxian lies in the word heaven.

In other words, all immortals who become immortals are people who have obtained permission from the world and have the right to walk for the heavens.

The authority is the administrator.

Therefore, the oldest gods are all high-ranking gods with names and surnames-

For example, Sanqing.

For example, Six Royal.

These are the most noble ones among the heavenly immortals. They transformed the Tao into form and manifested the existence of the fruits, thus obtaining the appreciation of the heaven and the earth, and possessing the fruit status generated by the authority of the heaven and the earth. Only then can they truly become otherworldly and immortal. The unique one between heaven and earth.

But this is still only a fairy for those monks who follow the traditional cultivation path such as the orthodox Jindan Ninth Turn, Yuan Shen Chunyang and so on. Putting it on Qin Heqing now, there is another difference.

There is no reason for him, just because his foundation is the refining demon pot, which is the world in the pot, so his path of cultivation is not only about the orthodox monks, but also the context of the way of the earth.

That is the evolution of the world.

So in the next moment, the regular chain that was turbulent and manifested along with Qin Heqing’s transformation was abrupt, and separated from the original chain backbone one after another transparent energy chains, like sharp blades, moving towards the transformation. Qin Heqing stabbed in the past, and then did not enter Qin Heqing's body, and then appeared in the pot world inside the demon refining pot, blending and colliding with the rules of the pot world itself, evolving more rules and Variety.


So in the process of expanding and extending the world, more world and earth changes also began to appear in the world in the pot——

For example, the sky, the sun, the moon and the stars suddenly appear, and there seems to be signs of gradually turning from the imaginary to the real. The sun and the moon are added to the pot world, giving the pot world the concept of day and night alternation, thus allowing time to flow. Manifested.

Following the fierce thunder, raging wind, drifting heavy rain, and heavy snow like feathers appeared in the pot world one by one, complementing each other, alternately, transforming the environment and weather of the pot world, adding to the pot world The concept of the so-called four seasons.

The five elements emerge, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth circulating in turns, coupled with celestial phenomena and four seasons, giving birth to the concept of twenty-four solar terms and Tai Sui reincarnation, giving birth to old age, sickness, death, and prosperity to all things in the pot. , Brings life to life from round to round of life.

In a word, at this moment, the world in the pot completely transformed into the real world, including all the concepts in the real world, and while maintaining the'local' speciality, it evolved various suits. The rules and concepts of the characteristics of the world in the pot.

For example, now, as the moon **** Chang'e and the patriarch of the Snow Girl clan who planned the Xuanming throne, Bai Xuebing is deeply blessed by the world transformation, so that the authority and understanding of the two in related aspects have greatly increased. In an instant, he won the honor of the goddess of Taiyin in the pot world and the honor of the winter **** Xuanming, and became the creation of the pot that stepped into the realm of immortals after the goddess Taibai and Mart.

Mrs. Yuan and Qi Ge were eye-catching.

But immediately, they were also favored.

Even if it is not as great as the blessings that Chang'e and Baixue Icicle have received-after all, they have no relevant experience of dignity fit, but the improvement is still countless times faster than usual practice.

In particular, Qi Ge, the **** of justice who rewards good and punishes evil, has a rapid understanding of the relevant rules when the rules of the pot world are manifested, so that the progress has skyrocketed, and soon surpassed the same no honor. Mrs. Shangyuan of Shangyuan reached the level of near immortality. Then, as long as there is a suitable opportunity to let him preside over the authority of rewarding good and punishing evil, and spread the power to the world, then he will become the true **** of justice and the **** of gold. The day of such a fairy **** is not far away.

All kinds of skyflowers fall in disorder and vitality surges, causing the entire world in the pot to rapidly transform into the ancient prehistoric...


The whole process lasted for several hours, and it was not until the sky where they were now that it was really dark that Qin Heqing’s body surged and the whole person’s state became calm and peaceful, like a stone and a stone. Like plants and trees, it blends with heaven and earth, harmonious and natural.

"Heaven and man are one." Upon seeing Taibai Jinxing, he lightly said his breath.

Although the unity of nature and man is not a special thing, it is even very common because of the secular relationship~www.ltnovel.com~ It seems that a master of martial arts can master it, but I really want to say that the unity of nature and man However, in a very high-end realm during the cultivation process, if you have a very high understanding of the Tao and the nature of the heavens and the earth, and your own achievements have reached a very high level, ordinary people can't play the perfection, just like a part of nature. The unity of nature and man can't find anything wrong.

Therefore, as long as it can be normalized to maintain the state of harmony between man and nature, it is not a god, such as an extraordinary creature that has already been in harmony with the sky itself, or a monk with a profound spiritual realm, which ordinary warriors can't practice.

However, correspondingly, if it can be practiced, it must be a top master in the current realm of cultivation, or else I am too sorry for the four words of harmony between man and nature.

In this way, another half an hour passed before Qin Heqing let out a long spit that benefited the surrounding vegetation infinitely. The colorful fairy spirit escaped from the metamorphosis state and opened his eyes.

"Congratulations, my lord for getting the Fairy Fruit." Taibai Jinxing clasped a fist and said congratulations.

"Trouble is too vain." Qin Heqing stood up from the ground, and after adapting to the changes in his lower body, he rushed towards Taibai Jinxing.

"With a little effort, adults don't need to be so polite." Taibai Jinxing shook his head.

"Wait for me to adapt to my own transformation, and then we will solve the evil god." Qin Heqing raised his head and glanced at the darkened sky, and said to Taibai Jinxing.

"All full-screen adults arrange." Taibai Jinxing responded imperatively.

Immediately Qin Heqing stopped talking, and silently adjusted his physical state.

After all, he is not like an orthodox cultivator, he has risen step by step, so even if he has undergone a transformation, he can adapt to his own power in the first time, without losing control of his power and hurting his own people with his hands. The situation arises.

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