High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1365: On the front

Qin Heqing couldn't do it. Even if he could achieve the same effect through profound mental induction and the power of the primordial spirit, it was still indispensable to adapt to this step, and he needed to be familiar with it to master it thoroughly.

For example, the change of mana, the intensity of output, the change of power, the upper limit of the explosion, etc.

Fortunately, it is not too time-consuming, so in just over an hour, Qin Heqing once again figured out all the power and output upper limit that his whole body and even the world of the pot can provide to him, and he can find it with confidence. Cthulhu's trouble.

"Let's go, whether this world is still saved, it depends on our battle today." Qin Heqing raised his head and looked at the thunderclouds still rolling in the special vision, and the sky with turbulent rules, bowed his head towards Taibai Jinxing.

"Taibai is willing to die with the adults." Taibai Jinxing responded with a serious face.

"Don't say so decisively, it makes it as if we are going to die, who will live and who will have to fight to know." Qin Heqing smiled and waved his hand.

"My lord said that." Taibai smiled and nodded, and then dissipated the generosity of the whole body, and replied softly.

"Let's go. Don't let the evil **** wait too anxiously."


Then the two of them stepped across, and the mountains, rivers, and space changed rapidly. In just one second, the Egyptian city, which was deserted and dilapidated, full of various mutant creatures, appeared in their eyes again.

The two did not stay, and shot towards the European region covered by the power of the evil god——

Why not just cross the space directly?

It was not impossible, but there were too many uncertain factors, and there was no guarantee that he would be attacked by the evil **** immediately after passing.

After all, cross-space movement also has a backlash. Even if it is only a moment or a moment, it is enough for people of their level to do a lot of things, not to mention that the opponent is still a very high-level evil god. If that is the case, he and Taibaijinxing could be suppressed or even killed with the help of that momentary pause.

Therefore, for safety reasons, it is better to move outside the area affected by the power of the evil spirit, and then rush into the realm of the evil spirit as if on the road.

This is not only safe, but also allows them more time to adapt to the invasion and suppression of the Heretic God's power, so that the sudden changes will not affect their own strength.

So in the next moment, the two crossed the Mediterranean Sea and entered Europe covered by the power of the evil god.

Suddenly, terrible suppression and chaos came, thickening the air, making the two of them feel like they are in the deep sea, and every movement becomes laborious.

At the same time, the terrifying undead aura surged, turning into a series of terrifying and hideous grimace, emerging from the void, like ghosts, of course, the ghosts of Chao Qin and Qing and Taibai Jinxing twined around.

The murmurs of ghosts and babbles constantly impacted the spirits of the two like noise pollution.

"Would you like to overdo it first?" Tai Bai Jinxing, who was annoyed by the noise, turned his head and asked Qin Heqing next to him.

Yes, for ordinary people, and even many cultivators, the ghosts and babbles are terrible and weird. For Taibai Jinxing who has become an immortal, and even Qin Heqinglai, who has gained relevant immunity because of refining evil **** angels. Said, it is like the sound of a duck, it seems very noisy, makes people feel irritable, and wants to kill a lot...

"Pay attention to your mentality, and don't be affected by these sounds." As a person who came by, Qin Heqing, who was already familiar with some of the basic routines of the Cthulhu, reminded Taibai Jinxing with a calm expression.

"Yes, there is indeed something wrong with my state of mind." Taibai Jinxing was shocked and continued to frown and sighed.

After all, although he is the Taibai Venus, and because of the plans of the ancient gods, he was transformed by the real Taibai Venus's memories, and he has many memories of Taibai Venus, but in the final analysis, he is not the real one before the ancients, who was dedicated to killing Dao is rampant in the world, forcibly smashing out a Taibai Venus in the position of the ancient **** of war, but the Taibai Venus in peacetime, so he has the inheritance of combat experience, but it really needs to be used like instinct. It needs an adaptation and The process of stimulation.

This is also the reason why he, who has experienced countless blood battles, will be affected by these babbles.

It is not entirely because his current strength has not fully recovered to its peak.

After that, the two of them ignored the scary things around them, but there was no fart threat to them. They just looked at the disgusting ghost and the irritating voice, continuing to shoot towards the evil god's deity at the same speed.

In just a few moments, he flew smoothly into the territory of the Austrian country where the Cthulhu deity was located. He was a dozen meters tall and mighty and majestic. Just going to that stop was like a Cthulhu embodied in certain rules. Together.

"Be careful, there are magic immunity effects around him, so some spells may be affected by his domain and lose their effect after being sent out. It is better to use pure physical or rule-level attacks as much as possible." From the evil **** angel's body Qin Heqing, who had also judged how much the evil **** possessed, reminded Taibai Jinxing in a low voice.

"I will pay attention." Taibai Jinxing nodded, his expression becoming solemn.

"Then I attacked ~www.ltnovel.com~ Qin Heqing said.

Then, without waiting for Taibai Jinxing to say anything, he grabbed directly towards the ground, and the rocks, land, concrete roads and buildings at Qin Heqing’s feet cracked apart amid the rumbling noise, turning them into countless huge rock fragments. Then, with Qin Heqing's arm waving, it turned into a flying stone like a meteor, with the fire light generated when rubbing the air, it blasted towards the evil **** at a rapid speed.

Cthulhu didn’t move, because he really didn’t need him to move. His waist fell, and his thick tentacles like countless legs and feet danced fiercely, like a lamprey magnified countless times, flying with disgusting mouthparts. The bolide swallowed it.

Qin Heqing ignored this, because he was not alone now, so he directly ignored the attack that might come next...

No abnormal situation appeared, as if he just grabbed it.

Then Qin Heqing summoned the eight-handed sword from the void. Before the attack, a huge planet projection suddenly appeared in the sky above Europe. The fluorescent light flickered and echoed with a certain planet in the sky. With that, the entire space seemed to be affected, and the chain rules were realized.

"The heaven and the earth have no way, and the Taibai connects the Venus. The mysterious capital Yuanyang has obtained the Yuanshi Jade Bureau twice, and the thousand axis has the secret of practice..." Following that, the invisible and vast treasures passed out from the void, like chants and poems, In an instant, he suppressed the ghost sounds and babbles that had suddenly become extremely strong due to the existence of the Heretic God, and turned the originally secluded and strange atmosphere into sacred and solemn.

Then a golden light that was brighter than the sun at noon emerged, and a strong beam that was strong enough to divide the sky and the earth lased fiercely from the projection of the planet suspended above the head of Taibai Venus, piercing the air, and lasing to it. In front of the evil god...

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