High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1366: It's over

The speed of the beam was extremely fast, and it flew in front of the evil **** almost instantly.

If this is an ordinary person, there is no need to think about it, his brain must be shattered, his whole body scorched, and he can't die anymore.

It's a pity that Cthulhu is not an ordinary person, so even if the speed of the beam attack has reached the point where ordinary people, even most powerful practitioners can't respond, the Cthulhu still calmly responds——

At the next moment, only a loud bang was heard, and the huge hexagonal energy barrier was like a barrier of the world, blocking the sword of enlightenment issued by the Taibai Venus with the power of the power of fate.

The strong light burst, and the world was again filled with pale light.

"Sure enough, Cthulhu also has an AT position, and in terms of strength, it is more terrifying than the defense of the Cthulhu Angel's AT position." Qin Heqing muttered.

However, he didn’t hesitate, and immediately stepped into the battle, the gods connected to the void, and the eight swords in his hand danced slowly and swiftly, and then a huge roar of water waves replaced all the sounds between heaven and earth and filled the evil **** , Taibai Jinxing and Qin Heqing’s ears, and then the water vapor surging, a turbulent white wave river suddenly emerged from the void, the river rushed, rushing towards the evil **** shrouded in white light, rushing away. Quick wear: He Qiliu, the ill male protagonist, no pop-up window


The terrifying voice vibrated, and the Cthulhu was instantly enveloped by the endless water of the Tianhe River.

And the most important thing is that the purification rules and power contained in the water of the Tianhe River, almost at the moment of contact with the Cthulhu's body, a large amount of black steam evaporates from the Cthulhu's body without interruption. Like the ashes of plants and trees burned by a fire, it exudes an unpleasant breath of stocks.

The Cthulhu who was under the attack frowned and immediately turned his body shape, transforming from its original human form into a giant octopus like a giant ocean monster. Countless tentacles danced around it, with strange eyes, sweeping rays of light. To all directions.

Seeing that means, it's completely a pie that has dates or not.

Qin Heqing didn't have any hard supports. He walked with the wind knowing the opportunity, only keeping the mana running, to ensure the existence of the sword Qi Tianhe created by combining the true meaning of Tianhe with the method of returning ten thousand swords to the sect to suppress the evil spirits. action. The latest chapters of Ming Dynasty Prodigal

Then Taibai Jinxing, who had completed the sword of enlightenment on the side, flashed, and silently disappeared among the big stars emerging above Europe, causing the big stars to suddenly shine, and in a flash, the light that replaced the moon shines on the world. , And the Jin Xing's vitality among the five elements is prosperous, and the space is filled with gengxin sword aura and Qiu Feng's murderous aura, bringing a wind of real blades and strengthening the swords Qin Heqing made all the time. Qi Changhe, and cooperated with Qin Heqing's attack to suppress the evil god.

Therefore, in just a moment, the Cthulhu, who thought that the incarnation monster would be able to avoid the damage of the water in the Tianhe Sword Qi, was covered with dense wounds, which made the Cthulhu more and more mad.


The Cthulhu roared, and the tangible sound wave was like a hurricane, instantly blasting the Tianhe sword energy that hit it, and then the body was transformed into an octopus head, human body and legs, but there were countless tentacles hanging down and flying around the waist. The huge evil **** image stood in the sky, his huge red eyes rolled around, and the attack with the terrifying death aura once again fell on Qin Heqing. Catalog of the works of Wan Yao Emperor

"The Eye of Death?" Qin Heqing asked in amazement.

But then, the death energy and the opportunity of destruction in his body were suppressed and refined by the power of the refining pot and the world in the pot, allowing him to escape from the edge of death.

"Do you think this will kill me? Dreaming!" With lingering fears, he couldn't wait to immediately tear the Cthulhu to Qin Heqing. He immediately activated the supernatural powers seen in the air, and captured all the Cthulhu's future actions as a super observer. possibility--

Even because of the relationship between Cthulhu's personality and strength, the capture was very unsuccessful, or even its movement was not captured at all.

But Qin Heqing didn't believe it, the air around it also contained the supreme power of interfering with time!

Therefore, after discovering that Cthulhu’s movement could not be captured, he immediately shifted the target, locked the surrounding space, and inferred the change of Cthulhu’s movements based on whether the space could be judged, and then reversed it based on this, that is, using supernatural powers. Knowing the future conducts data deduction, and finally sends out his strongest blow with the killing sword in his hand-the catalog of the works of the spicy little chef

For example, the mark of the sky.

So the next moment, I saw a white light that was more dazzling than the light released by the Star of Enlightenment, and an eyeball of the Heretic God burst into pieces with a "poof".

The emerald blood shot, with terrible corrosiveness, melted the ground in an instant, making the site that had been dilapidated by the battle even more dilapidated.

Then Qin Heqing was so powerful that he attacked Cthulhu again in the same way.

As for Cthulhu, it is not the kind of guy who doesn’t know how to repent if he suffers a loss. After noticing Qin Heqing’s attack plan, more tentacles lifted up from his waist, revealing one by one on his head. His eyes are not too big~www.ltnovel.com~ The red light flashes, like countless lasers, it hits Qin Heqing——

If he doesn't hide this time, even if he doesn't die, he probably won't feel good! Xueba's Black Technology System Works Catalog

Anyway, don't count on the attack.

Therefore, I had to temporarily stop the urging of the magical powers, and flashed to the side with the method of spatial movement.

Then countless platinum rays of light descended from the sky, like a sword of slashing the sky, cutting off the tentacles flying around the evil god's body and even under the head in an instant, saving Qin Heqing from trouble.

"Nice job!" Qin Heqing said inwardly, knowing that the attack came from Nali.

However, even more unexpected, it can be said that the attack was reasonable, but it also surfaced in a way beyond Qin Heqing's expectation——

In an instant, just listen to the sound of the screaming of the chains rang out from the void, and then the real regular chains shot out of the void, like ropes and spirit snakes, quickly entangled in the confrontation. He and the evil **** of Taibai Venus bound its body and restrained it in place.

"this is……"

"What are you waiting for!?" Qin Heqing's inexplicable voice blasted from the bottom of Qin Heqing's heart.

"Taibai!" Qin Heqing shouted.

At the same time, Qin Heqing, who had already understood the source of the attack, didn’t hesitate anymore. He directly used the sword of Xuanyuan Sacred Dao, and coordinated with the sword of revolution and innovation from the sky from the Taibai Venus, and landed on the evil **** imprisoned by the rules issued by the gods. .




The dazzling light flashed, and the tall Cthulhu was directly enveloped by terrifying energy, and was swallowed in the boundless energy storm...

"Have you succeeded..." Qin Heqing whispered, looking at the energy center in front of him that could burn people's eyes.

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