High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1367: Open up

The idea is very good, but unfortunately, if the evil **** is such an easy person to be killed, it would not do such terrible things as the collapse of the heavens and the fall of the immortals with the assistance of the power of the demon in the Song Dynasty. Up.

So in the next moment, a huge, super-complex and weird magic circle composed of countless geometric patterns, magic patterns, and symbols, which is large enough to cover the entire sky of Europe, appeared over the European continent. It flashed, terrifying. The red light bloomed from the magic circle, covering the sky and the sun, bringing the whole of Europe into a kind of residual red like apocalypse.

Then the viscous magic power began to fill the space, and the terrible chatter resounded throughout the void like sacred poems. The earth squirmed, and the thin blood lines rose from the ground like beacons, and spread out in an instant. A large area, and even all over the land of Europe, ascended, gathered, scrambling to enter the super giant magic array in the sky, and then spewed, crashing down toward the location of the evil god.


The huge tremor was generated, and under the power of the sword of Xuanyuan Sacred Dao and the power of renewal contained in the sword of revolution and innovation released by Taibai Venus, it broke into several pieces. It was difficult to eliminate the two without destroying them. The body of the Cthulhu that was restored before the sword intent contained in the sword quickly gathered together under the envelope of red light, and at the next moment, it changed back to the appearance of the Cthulhu. Not to mention, the body shape has become under the influence of blood light. He grew bigger and didn’t seem to care at all. When he became bigger, he would be more likely to be hit, and it would be more difficult to dodge the drawbacks of attacks. In an instant, he expanded from the original tens of meters to 30 meters away, just like a giant standing in the sky. The same appeared in Qin Heqing's eyes.

The terrible breath and energy spilled from it, stirring the void, stirring the regular chains maintained by the gods standing behind it, becoming more and more turbulent, and it was possible that it could not withstand the impact at any time, and it burst into pieces in the air, causing Qin Heqing. I'm very worried.

Will there be a **** who wants to die?

Although the so-called gods not dying is a joke in the eyes of Qin Heqing, the descendant of Nuwa who masters good fortune, but he does not want the gods to die because of the changes in the evil gods, which is really too bad.

After all, he also hoped that after the evil gods were solved, the gods could work together to solve the problem of the arrival and integration of the time and space world of the Warring States Period.

What if you die too much at one time and the gods are not able to do so?

Can't rely on him to turn the sky on his own?

Even if it is the savior, it will be tiring to save the world again and again.

Therefore, Qin Heqing did not dare to hesitate, and immediately shouted "Taibai!"

Taibai, whose body was temporarily integrated into the sky and planet projections, did not respond, but more astrological phenomena quickly emerged from the night sky in the'February', and outlined the posture of a Western white tiger. With a roar, the whole of Europe Into the atmosphere of killing everything.

"God bestows everything to support people, and people have no virtue to repay the sky, kill and kill, kill and kill!"


In the frantic roar, the existence of Jidu among the stars in the sky and the two stars of Luohu suddenly brightened, and the boundless murderous intent of the forest was transformed into reality in an instant, combined with the appearance of the Taibai star, the power and artistic conception of the white tiger. It is directly transformed into an invisible killing sword covering the entire European region, launching an indiscriminate attack on all tangible life in Europe...

"Puff puff puff puff..."

Instantaneous time, whole

continue reading! A large number of bloodline beams within Europe were severed, weakening the blood-colored beam of light covering the evil god.

It can be seen from this that at what price the Heretic God's outbreak was maintained and motivated.

Cthulhu’s angry roar is not for those family members and people that Taibai killed, because to Cthulhu, they are completely dispensable. It shows that they have a deep background and can do more and let themselves. It's not easy to happen. Nothing, and it won't affect anything. Naturally, it won't be affected by it, and the idea of ​​revenge for them will arise.

So what is he angry about? Naturally, it is what Wrath Taibai Jinxing and Qin Heqing did, and the damage they caused.

So the next moment, Cthulhu violently condensed the blood-colored beam of light, compressing it into an almost-substantial energy ball like a ball, and then raised his hand and blasted towards the sky star Venus without hesitation.



A terrifying explosion occurred. Between the world and the earth, even half of the earth was directly covered by the aftermath of the explosion in this explosion. The world became vast, and the timing became reversed.

However, what is even more terrifying is because of the deep-seated impact caused by the two rule-level forces. Numerous rule chains are broken, space is shattered, and even the gods who pay a lot of attention to this battle are affected. I am affected by the explosion of rules. He was backlashed, injured, and even directly exploded, and died on the spot.

The result was that more gods felt scared, so that the gods who had no unified opinion and decided to completely intervene in the battle between Qin Heqing and the evil gods retreated, making Qin Heqing's original help become nothingness...

It’s just that Qin Heqing doesn’t have extra time to think about these things now~www.ltnovel.com~ Because of the distance too close, he is obviously more exaggerated and terrifying than the aftermath of the gods, so he had to rush in. After the world in the pot, pass the danger through the interval of the world.

"Hey, you can't really give Lu Chen the whole of Europe to deal with the evil god..." Qin Heqing sighed in his heart, watching the situation outside through the world barrier.

After all, Cthulhu’s current source of power is the various mutant creatures that European residents and various creatures have transformed into, and the Cthulhu’s dependents, so if you want to cut it off, the Cthulhu must first destroy them all.

This is also the reason why Taibaijinxing immediately opened the field of White Tiger's Seven Kills after Qin Heqing's reminder. It is to cut off all lives in Europe and return the combat level to the initial stage again.

Because and only in this way, it is possible for him and Taibai Venus together to defeat the evil god, and then find a chance to seal it off.

As for killing?

Sorry, Cthulhu's way of playing should be too weird, and in addition to conforming to the rules, hoping to kill it, it is estimated that the rules on which he relies are eliminated from the root stage.

In other words, it is possible to at least be possible to exist at the level of the Creator, the God of Creation, and the Six Saints of Heaven.

Change to Qin Heqing?

It is better to find a place to sleep earlier, after all, he has the opportunity to do this kind of thing only in his dreams.

In reality, it would be better to learn from the ancient Heavenly Court Taishang Laojun, attacking, stumbling, and sealing the Cthulhu in secret.

"If you really can't help it, then you can only apologize to Mr. Spencer and sink the entire Europe to Lu Shen." After a long while, feeling that the aftermath was almost the same, Qin Heqing, who was about to go out, murmured secretly in his heart.

continue reading! #(

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