High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1368:

???? After a while, the smoke dissipated, and the situation in the field was once again clearly presented before Qin Heqing's eyes——

???? Unsurprisingly, the projection of the Venus star summoned by Taibai Venus was blown up.

???? But this is also inevitable. After all, projection is projection. Even with the blessing of astrology, it cannot be changed. It itself is a product of energy aggregation. In terms of mass and hardness alone, it must be impossible to compare with the real planet. compared to.

???? Not to mention that the strike of the Cthulhu just now was a high-intensity blow from the flesh and blood of many European family members. It is a miracle not to be exploded, and to be exploded is a matter of course.

???? However, Taibaijinxing did not die with this attack of the Cthulhu, and the explosion of the Venus projection. Instead, relying on the starlight at the very moment of his death, he flew hundreds of thousands of kilometers in a flash. Outside... ran out of Europe.

???? Although he still has not run through the aftermath of the projected explosion, the power of the follow-up is no longer as terrible as the core of the explosion. It belongs to the degree that he can easily resist and annihilate, so although he is a little embarrassed , But let’s say injured...

???? That's really nothing.

???? Then Taibaijinxing went up to Yingtianxing and went down to Disha, and once again opened up what he hadn't done before——

???? Destroy the lives of all mutant creatures in Europe.

???? So the next moment, the starlight projected from the starry sky evolved into swords and arrows, and in coordination with the evil murderous intent surging from the ground, it began to sweep all life in the territory indiscriminately.

????"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

???? "Puff puff puff puff..."

???? The bloodline kept breaking, and the power that could be summoned and used by the evil **** began to decay geometrically.

???? It can be said that if you don’t hurry to find a way to stop him, Cthulhu’s basic disk in Europe-the people will be wiped out by Taibai Venus, so that it will once again become the same as when it just descended into the world, even Even worse.

The Cthulhu roared, staring coldly at the location of Taibai Venus, and as soon as his mind turned, a crimson lightning shot fiercely from the center of the super-giant magic circle that still enveloped the sky, although the light was dim. , Lased straight towards Taibaijinxing.

???? Taibai held a sword with a slash, slashing the sky and the earth, and the terrible killing intent of killing the gods and killing all things spread from his sword, and finally turned into a plain ordinary slash. The lightning that Cthulhu struck remotely through the magic circle burst into pieces silently, and even the aftermath of a little energy did not escape, and completely disappeared into the air.

???? Obviously, even the energy was beheaded and erased under this sword.

???? Then, grasping the empty Qin Heqing leaped out of the world in the pot, swiping the same sword, the sound of the "rumbling" ground veins tumbling immediately resounded through the sky, and then the earth suddenly exploded, endlessly. The lava of's is like no money, rushing out of the volcanic crater formed at the feet of the Cthulhu, engulfing the Cthulhu.

???? But Qin Heqing understood that this kind of attack, which does not contain mana, is simply an attack formed by the planet's own matter and energy is nothing to the Cthulhu, let alone hurt it by then, just can it break the Cthulhu The AT position outside the body is two different things.

???? So immediately, Qin and Qing Yuanshen linked the void, mediated good fortune, distorted the rules, and created out of thin air the Thunder Tribulation Cloud, the **** of the Purple Mansion of the Qing Dynasty, which claimed to be able to kill everything, created lightning, and struck the evil **** that was enveloped by the volcano Fall down.


continue reading! [Pencil rumbles! "

???? The dazzling purple light exploded out of thin air, replacing the light provided by the moon and stars in an instant, and shining a purple splendor across Europe.


???? Then the thunderbolt exploded, and while annihilating the underground lava that wrapped the body of the evil god, it also blasted the AT position outside the body of the evil god, causing more lightning and thunder to bombard the body of the evil god.

???? "Oh!"

???? The evil **** howls, all the tentacles that have re-grown under the rebirth of blood and light began to dance fiercely, the limbs of the tentacles twitched, and the scarlet beams containing destructive power were launched like crazy. , Sweeping the surrounding world for thousands of meters.

???? Although none of them can accurately hit Qin Heqing's location, it also made Qin Heqing have to dodge around, making the follow-up pursuit that should have been stopped.

???? For a while, the scene seemed to have returned to the beginning, and both sides had their own scruples, so that the situation became balanced again.

???? Fortunately, it didn’t last long. Soon, Qin Heqing took the opportunity to throw the eight-handed sword in his hand into the sky. The eight-handed sword was like an arrow shot by a strong bow. Appeared at an altitude of thousands of meters, and after a meal, countless sword shadows quickly emerged based on the eight-handed sword hovering in the sky. Just after a while, thousands of them were reproduced. An eight-handed sword composed of similar energy.

???? Followed the real eight-grip sword flipped and stood upside down, taking the other eight-grip energy swords that pointed the tip to the ground together with it, lasing towards the tall Cthulhu body.

????"Whirring whirring……"

???? And the most important thing is that the fall of the eight-grip sword is not only one round, almost at the same time as the first batch of tens of thousands of eight-grip swords fly down, it is the same tens of thousands of eight-grip swords. The figures appeared in the sky one after another, paused for a while, and immediately followed the first batch of sword shadows and fell to the evil **** ~www.ltnovel.com~ and then the third batch.

???? The fourth batch.

???? The innumerable batch...

???? In just a moment, a long river of swordsmanship composed entirely of eight-handed swords was formed, like a sword spirit dragon, under the influence of a real eight-handed sword, it turned into a series of swords. Senran Divine Sword pierced straight in front of the evil god.

???? Cthulhu sensed the danger, clenched his fist, and attacked, and the entire space was distorted by the Cthulhu’s blow, causing the space to be misplaced, causing the dragon of sword energy that could have split it into two to be removed. ——

Qin Heqing didn’t know exactly where it was sent, but the rising explosion and the resulting huge cloud that seemed to rise when a mushroom bomb exploded still caught Qin Heqing’s eyes, making him understand what was happening. what.

???? But it was only a moment. Then, the twisted space created by the Cthulhu God was torn apart by the mighty power erupted by the sword aura dragon, and the remaining sword body finally slammed into the Cthulhu's body without any deviation. It is directly divided into two halves.


???? A terrifying explosion sounded, and the two halves of the Cthulhu's body that hadn't landed were once again wrapped in a thick mushroom cloud that suddenly rose up.

???? No matter how the Supreme Qing Divine Thunder smashed it, it couldn't be scattered immediately.

???? The crater on the ground was torn apart, allowing more magma to see the sky and emerge from the ground.

???? It can be said that regardless of the final result of this engagement

continue reading! What, the country of Austria is completely abolished. Whether it is the national system, the people, or this land, it is impossible to survive the battle between Qin Heqing and evil gods of this level. You can only admit your fate and think again. Other ways.

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