High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1369: Just 1 point

???? But Qin Heqing did not pay attention to these, nor did he have the mind to pay attention to it. After all, the Cthulhu hasn't been sealed yet. How can he have the time for a **** to think about these things that are completely irrelevant and meaningless to him?

???? Didn’t you see that the world was going to be destroyed? Could it be said that if you keep your land, your country can escape the final judgment of the end?

???? With that time, you might as well think more about how to live the last remaining time under the doomsday.

???? So since the explosion started, Qin Heqing not only did not divert his attention, even the attack-the sky full of Shangqing Purple Mansion God Thunder, and the attack of the sword dragon dragon did not stop, even if they pierced the earth. At the same time, in the posture that he did not hesitate, seeing the gods who were hiding in the dark watching the battle here was very shocked.

???? "How much power does this guy have?!"

???? "It's terrible, when will there be such a powerful master in the world."

???? "I heard that they belong to the Eastern Gods?"

???? "It is said to be the descendant of the island gods."

???? "Then how do you use the magical means of the Eastern Heavenly Court system?"

???? "Then who knows."

???? It took a while, until the ground sank several kilometers, and the mud on the edge of the pothole was glazed by thunder and lightning, Qin Heqing suspended the blows of the kendo dragon and the purple mansion thunder and waved away. The residual fog of energy gathered all over the sky, looking at the Cthulhu body at the bottom of the pit——

????how to say? Only one tragic word can describe it...

???? The body is directly divided into countless pieces of meat that cannot be counted by the endless swordsman dragon, varying in size and shape, but what can be seen is that every remaining piece of the evil god's flesh and blood is already in the thunder. Under the bombardment, it turned into pieces of pitch-black charred pieces that looked like clay scorched stones, and the surface trembled slightly, indicating the fact that he was the flesh and blood of the evil **** rather than the mud.

???? And this is only able to survive before the attack stops. As for the more part, it has already been smashed in the thunder's chopping, and even a bit of scum has not been left behind. It can be said that the death is extremely miserable.

???? But Qin Heqing still did not dare to relax at all.

???? As mentioned before, Cthulhu is a special creature that conforms to the rules, so even if it is chopped into scum, and the flesh and blood are burned to scorch by the thunder, it does not mean that it is real. If he is dead, a further seal is needed to be considered a real victory.

???? So following, Qin Heqing floated to a diameter of hundreds of meters, but a depth of several kilometers, above the pit like a passage of hell, his figure flashed and appeared directly above the flesh and blood residue of the evil **** , With a thought, released the projection of the world in the pot.

???? Suddenly, a lively and abundant world of vegetation emerged from the void, replacing the surrounding soil and colored glaze, and became the new color of this space.

???? Then Qin Heqing's mind turned again, and the invisible black hole suddenly appeared under the fragments of the Cthulhu's flesh and blood residues, and those who did not refuse to send them into the pot world one by one, and immediately responded to them. They carried out the most thorough refining work.

????Because he didn't want to overturn the boat in his gutter, and let the evil **** toss around in his own pot world again.

???? It's just that, after all, is it a strange trick?

???? At the moment when Qin Heqing was absorbing the blood and flesh of the Heretic God, a surprising reminder sounded abruptly in his heart——

????"Be careful!"


continue reading! The bright red light descended from the sky and blasted straight into the deep pit of Qin Heqing.

???? But the purpose is not to save the evil god, but to attack him!

???? Or both.

???? At this moment, Qin Heqing felt a strong threat.

???? Qin Heqing didn't dodge, and there was no place or time for him to dodge, so he had to turn the edge of the projected world into virtual reality and directly use the power of the world as a barrier to block the bombardment from the sky.


???? Then more red awns spread in the dilapidated, city-like Austria, devouring matter, absorbing flesh, life, and vegetation, and supplying all the energy obtained to the evil god.

???? Yes, Cthulhu.

???? Although it looks like it was divided into countless sections by the Shenlong Swordsman, and the body was smashed and burnt into coke by the God Thunder of the Purple Mansion, the core things, such as the soul and the core flesh and blood, are in Under the protection of other surplus flesh and blood, he melted into the land at the moment of contact with the ground, and escaped from Qin Heqing's attack lock.

???? This is also the reason for the subsequent bombardment and proliferation of Hongmang.

???? Then the violent shaking like a magnitude eight earthquake spread from the ground, and the glazed pit where Qin Heqing existed instantly collapsed in the violent earth turbulence, exploding countless huge boulders towards Qin Heqing in the pit. Smashed past.

???? Even these are not threats to him...

???? But still let Cthulhu seize a moment, and his body gradually resurfaced from the red light.

???? Even if the height and body are not as mighty and majestic as before, it seems to be able to stand upright, but it is still extremely tall, with a height that ordinary people can never grow to-three meters away.

???? Muscles bulge, like heroes and warriors in Western myths and legends, giving people a strong pressure.

???? It’s just that, without waiting for him to stop, one, no, several flying meteors suddenly appeared in the sky~www.ltnovel.com~ with a long tail flame towards the ground , Especially the location where Cthulhu is located.

???? "Are you here..." Still patiently cleaning up the various lives in Europe, suppressing the number of Cthulhu's family members, and the upper limit of the explosion Taibai Jinxing muttered while looking at the several meteors that appeared in the sky.

???? Because these flying meteors weren't obtained by others, they were precisely the attacks that Qin Heqing had prepared right away!

???? is the hand raised to the sky before the official launch.

???? That is not meaningless, but to summon the satellites of various countries in the sky to pull them from the geosynchronous orbit and turn them into meteors to help them fight.

???? I just didn't expect that it will wait until now before it really comes.

???? And the Cthulhu immediately took control of it-because the next moment, a huge palm covering the sky and the sun suddenly appeared in the sky above the clouds, as if reaching out to grab a toy, directly The meteors transformed from the satellites that do not know which country belongs to were held in the palm of the hand and stopped in the air, waiting for the arrival of a certain moment.

???? Following that, the sound of "crashing" sounded, compressing the world's projection and turning into an enchantment vestment, Qin Heqing, who was enveloping him as if he were enchanted vestments, rose from the bottom of the pit.

???? Then Qin Heqing attacked his arm, and the kendo dragon in the sky suddenly collapsed, and the eight-handed sword reappeared in his hand...


continue reading! In response, the big hand that had stopped at high altitude also made a throw-throwing motion downward. A satellite landed at a faster speed than before, like a light, with a dark red energy tail towards Qin Heqing. Bumped over.

???? "Never want to succeed!"

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