High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1370: Sudden help

As the abrupt voice appeared, a bright golden light also shot out from the void, straddling the sky, and in an instant it collided with the falling satellite meteorite——

Passing silently, it directly collided with the big hand behind the satellite.


Suddenly, a violent explosion blasted from the void, and the sky that had been shrouded in night and blood seemed to have returned to the day, becoming dazzling and pale.

"Who is it!" The Cthulhu roared, questioning the void loudly.

But Qin Heqing didn't give it this extra time for chatting. With a wave of his arm, the kendo dragon that had dispersed because of the recall of eight swords turned into a dense rain of swords in the sky, swarming and shooting towards the evil god.

The Cthulhu looked back, raised his hand up to the sky, just holding the palm of his hand, the sky was like paper and the curtain was clenched in his hand, and the space was distorted, and all the matter that entered this area, including the sword air rain made by Qin Heqing They all burst into pieces with the sound of a "boom", and turned into vitality in the sky. Before they could disperse completely, they were polluted by the surrounding red light and transformed into the same substance.

What is its function?

Nothing else, it is the basis of Qin Heqing’s original method used to deal with evil **** angels. It closed the space and turned the area covered by red light into a space confinement area. It could only perform normal flight and transfer like normal human movement. Then use a method similar to tearing the space to jump and dodge by instant movement, making the way of fighting become more realistic.

So the next moment, Qin Heqing, who sensed the red light function, moved his body and rushed to the evil **** like a meteor.

The Cthulhu also simply touched his hand to dance, and then drew towards Qin Heqing.

Qin Heqing dodged flexibly, and then swung his sword away, like a wall of swords impregnated by water and a whirlpool knife of grinded meat. In an instant, all the tentacles that touched the area of ​​his sword were stirred into flesh.

But he couldn't stop the Heretic God's flesh and blood derivation, so although he cut quickly, the Heretic God's tentacles were always lacking. He took over quickly, blocking Qin Heqing's further path.

Then the Cthulhu hammered under the arm raised high, and the entire space was distorted in his actions, like a real white dwarf star material descending into reality, with terrible gravity and pressure on space, as well as interference with the law. Qin Heqing.

As a last resort, Qin Heqing had to move back, swinging his sword, and a purple thunder beam that was as thin as the waist of an adult blasted directly in front of the evil god.


Thunder light exploded, and Cthulhu was once again wrapped in the endless thunder.

Following Qin Heqing's strength and not forgiving, his mind turned, the sky had stopped, but the Jieyun had not officially disappeared, and then became active again, and the purple thunder with the aura of disillusionment attacked the evil **** like no money. .

"Boom, boom, boom!"

And the Cthulhu, who already knows that the thunder is so powerful, is not going to stay in place and be stupidly hacked this time, so when the first robbery thunder falls, the Cthulhu also uses his own power and the power of the surrounding red light domain directly. Flashing back rushed to the front of Qin Heqing, the huge eyeballs on the octopus-like head flashed red, and a majestic black air suddenly emerged from the void and enveloped Qin Heqing's head.

The intensive and noisy chattering sounded, affecting Qin Heqing's will and concentration in an instant.

"wake up!"

continue reading! I helped to solve the sky satellite before, and the voice of the giant hand grasping the satellite sounded. Qin Heqing's consciousness was also concentrated in an instant, and even a round light of merit like the divine light of the Buddha exploded from his head. As he flew back, it also evaporated the black mist that had wrapped around his head.

Then countless chains were born out of thin air, linking the void, entwined with the evil **** in action, fixed it, so that it had to meet the bombardment of Jie Lei once again.

And the most important thing is that at the same moment the Cthulhu was bound by the regular chains, a group of light exuding the warmth of the sun also appeared in a corner of the sky, a hero wearing a white gauze robe in ancient Greek style. The man stood on a chariot pulled by a flying horse, holding a golden bow in his hand, and an arrow of light similar to that used to defeat the big hand and the fallen satellite was placed on the bowstring, and then followed the man’s hand. This action, along with a new batch of Jie Lei, flew towards the evil god.

"call out……"


Then huge explosions and dazzling white spots of sunlight emerged, and the surrounding space was further distorted.

"That's..." Qin Heqing raised his head to look at the man in the sky and frowned.

"Apollo." The voice that had reminded him before and helped him wake up from the evil spirit's psychedelic attack explained.

"You are..." Qin Heqing paused, turning his head and said to the figure that gradually emerged around him.

Although she had already recognized the identity of the person who came from the other party's dress and dress.

"I am the patron saint of the Greek city-states~www.ltnovel.com~Athena." A woman in gilt armor, holding a spear, a shield in one hand, and a female deity whose face is covered by a golden mask. Replied softly.

"Apollo, Athena... is it the only two of you?" Qin Heqing slightly tossed his cheeks, looking at the evil spirit shrouded in white sun flares and asked.

"Other gods still need to maintain the security of the world. And among the existing Western gods, Apollo and Artemis, I have the energy to separate our hearts and minds to participate in battles of this scale. But it can't be too much. Lasting, after all, there is still greater danger to the outside world that we need to deal with." Athena, who also turned her eyes to the evil god, replied.

Of course, the real situation is definitely not as simple and pleasant as she said. There should be other reasons why the gods have not made up their minds to intervene in this level of battle.

It's just not easy to say.

"That's really thank you." Qin Heqing quietly poked his lips, and responded non-committal.

There are five major gods in Europe, and hundreds of high-level gods. In the end, after a long time, only three gods are willing to show up and work with him to solve the dangers in the evil spirit world. I have to say that the quality of the gods in Europe, It's worrying.

But forget it, anyway, he hadn't expected the gods here in Europe to do anything, so he was not too disappointed, so he put aside those who didn't have to be, and continued to observe the evil gods intently--

As for the Cthulhu, its performance was not called Qin Heqing. Just when Qin Heqing doubted that the Cthulhu would perform the same tricks and then run away, the huge magic circle that had been shrouded in the European sky suddenly retracted. In an instant, it was compressed and condensed into a scarlet magical light ball with a diameter of about ten meters, like a meteor, straight blasting into the endless robbery cloud...

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