High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1372: seal

"This is... the plane?" Apollo first stepped into the projection space of the world in the pot and Athena was shocked, looking at the space of mountains, water, sun, moon and stars in front of her, astonished.

But then he put his inner thoughts aside and focused his attention on the evil god-

I saw that the mighty and mighty Cthulhu is now standing in the center of the world plain, his body is bound by a regular chain, his feet are sinking into the ground as if stepping into a swamp, except that the position above the calf is still exposed, his arms Captured by two stone giants and pulled outwards, apart from the fact that the head is still free, the whole body has become a target completely, a cargo confined to some invisible imprisonment, waiting for Qin Heqing's attack.

This is what Apollo, who rushed in afterwards, saw. I couldn't help but look strange, and his expression became weird——

Like this, sure you still need his and Athena help? Hello, Mr. Beaver

"It seems that we all underestimated this warrior from the East." Athena sighed in a low voice, sensing the arrival of Apollo.

Then Qin Heqing’s attack arrived, as if going through a sieve, and the fine mesh formed by countless sharp sword auras pierced in front of the evil **** that Qin Heqing had imprisoned by the power of the world in the entire pot, without stopping, from its body. Just pass by.


Needless to say, the Cthulhu was instantly divided into countless slender meat strips with a thickness of no more than five centimeters square. After the sword blade slipped through the net, it spread out in an instant and fell on the ground.

The Cthulhu didn’t scream, and he couldn’t scream in this state. He could only rely on his innate soul to force control of his flesh and blood to return quickly. Only at the beginning, the hot golden flames fell out of thin air, contaminated. On top of its body. Scientists in the stars

"This is the fire of the sun god?! How is this possible, how can he control my fire of the sun god!" Apollo, who witnessed this scene, exclaimed with an incredible expression.

"Maybe, this soldier has the blood of the Eastern Sun God." Athena also speculated with surprise on her face.

Regardless of the facts, the flesh and blood of the anti-good evil **** was directly destroyed by the fire of the sun god, and the remaining flesh and blood are not concerned about whether the newly aggregated body is suitable for combat. It directly turns into a flesh bomb meteor towards Qin He Qingji. Shot away.

Qin Heqing stood high in the sky unmoved, but just swiped forward, a pitch-black void like a black hole emerged out of thin air, and quickly expanded, at the same moment the Heretic God's flesh bullet hit him. It was enough to swallow the meat bomb in one bite, and then swallowed the meat and egg without any pause...

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Then Qin Heqing closed the passage to the world in the pot, and his eyes fell on the part of the evil god's flesh and blood remaining in the projection. Without hesitation, he sent them into the world in the pot in the same way.

At this point, the traces of Cthulhu's flesh and blood presence in the real world have basically disappeared, and Qin Heqing's threat of Cthulhu has been lifted.

Then Qin He Qingfei landed, and came to Apollo and Athena who were watching the show.

"Thank you for your assistance. If it weren't for you, I might not have been able to catch the evil **** so easily and easily, and even seal it off." Before the two of them could speak, Qin Heqing took the lead in a polite way.

It was as if the two of them had done something great, and it made Athena and Apollo feel a little bit embarrassed.

After all, their self-esteem and pride do not allow them to accept such merits that are inconsistent with the facts. Catalog of Works by Beauty Ruyu

In particular, the person who gave the merit is the party, and the strength and level are equivalent to them to some extent, and it is not possible to lose yourself or even the face of the entire Olympus Protoss for a little favor.

"You are too humble, we are not as important as you said." Athena shook her head.

"Yes, we haven't done anything." Apollo agreed.

"By the way, I don't know what your Excellency is called?" Then, Athena, who didn't wait for Qin Heqing to speak, or said that she didn't want to entangle on this topic anymore, immediately took the conversation and asked.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Qin Heqing. I am a monk from the Eastern Island country." Qin Heqing suddenly introduced himself.

"The monk of Eastern Island?" Athena looked at him thoughtfully for a while, nodded, and said clearly. God level planting system works catalog

As for what is clear, only Athena herself knows.

"The Cthulhu is sealed?" Apollo didn't care about this, but asked about the whereabouts of the Cthulhu.

"Yes, it has been sealed by me." Qin Heqing nodded and admitted.

"Can you take us to see the location of the seal? Although it may be presumptuous, I still hope that I can have more power to seal the evil god, even if it is just to add a few more seals to the evil god's seal." Athena Recounted with a smile.

"Uh...how to put it, it's not that I don't want to satisfy your wish of the goddess, but the place where the evil **** is sealed. I really can't take you there, because the sealing place is in my body." Qin Heqing looked at Athens. Na, looked at Apollo who was dissatisfied in the first half of his words, and finally explained with a wry smile.

"You sealed the Cthulhu in your body?!" Athena asked in astonishment~www.ltnovel.com~ What is the difference between this and death?

She didn't think that a warrior who could defeat the Cthulhu had a foolproof sealing method, so that the Cthulhu would never see the sun.

"Yes. After all, I inherited from the Nüwa clan. As far as the seal and good fortune are concerned, I think there are some ways to do it. Coupled with the lack of timing and preparation, I simply don't have the right hand to use as the seal of the evil god. The treasure exists, so instead of using a temporary method to seal the evil god, and then use a new method to completely seal him, it is better to seal him directly in my body. This is not only safer, but also gives me a chance. The evil **** can be refined." Qin Heqing smiled at Athena as if not aware of the danger behind this behavior.

"Nvwa, is that the ancestor of humanities in the East, is the Nvwa who is known as the goddess of creation?" Athena confirmed with a look of surprise.

Qin Heqing nodded.

"That's really rude. I didn't expect your Excellency to be a disciple of the Great God Nuwa. If this is the case, I am a little convinced that you can seal it and refine it." Athena breathed out gently, her expression relaxed. Responded.

Then the light of the whole body lit up, and all the armor on her body turned into golden spiritual energy, which drifted away from her body, revealing Athena's true face--

It really is a goddess-like face, not to mention delicate and pretty, but also with majesty and charm that ordinary people can't match, so even Qin Heqing, who has become a fairy, can't help but feel moved after seeing the true face of Athena. mood.

Of course it's just a heartbeat. As for one step closer...

Forget it, Qin Heqing didn't think that he could impress the legendary goddess with his own virtues, and let her transform herself into an ordinary woman.

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