High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1373: The mind of the gods

Because of his self-knowledge, Qin Heqing was no longer affected by the so-called ‘beauty’, and quickly put aside the unworthy things that had arisen in his heart, and returned to the subject.

"Even so, we have to guard against the possibility of the Heretic God being reborn again with the help of rules." Qin Heqing reminded.

"This can be handed over to us. At that time, I will unite some gods and other gods who have the heart and energy to eliminate disasters to consolidate the rules related to Cthulhu, and seal the core rules to prevent the possibility of Cthulhu's resurrection." Athena nodded her head in agreement, and took the work into her own hands with some big deal.

"Then please ask Goddess Athena." Qin Heqing, who also knew that he couldn't help much in this matter, thanked.

"It doesn't need to be so, this is what I should do when waiting for the gods." Athena smiled.

Then Qin Heqing moved his mind to put away the projection of the world in the pot that had been maintained, and returned to the real European land with Athena and Apollo.

"By the way, Goddess Athena, you should also know about the fact that another world is approaching." Qin Heqing, who seemed to be thinking of something, suddenly turned his head towards the elegant and dignified Athena beside him in an ancient Greek white dress. Confirmed.

"You want to ask me, or what the gods think about that world, and how to deal with it." Athena suddenly asked, then with a confident smile.

"Yes. These are exactly what I want to know." Qin Heqing nodded and admitted without pretending.

"I'm going back first." However, before Athena could speak, Apollo, the sun **** on the side, interrupted first.

"Alright." Athena looked at him, did not refuse, nodded in agreement.

"Thank you, His Royal Highness Apollo, for being willing to lend a helping hand to help me deal with the evil **** with His Highness Athena. The gratitude is beyond words and is in my heart, so if I need to use it in the future, His Highness Apollo Although sending someone to the island country to say hello, if it can help, I must be bound to it." Qin Heqing, who also knows where Apollo is going back, also pretended to be polite.

"I see. I'm leaving." Apollo glanced at him faintly, without saying much, nodded at Athena, and the sun chariot under his feet blazed with fiery flames, and then turned into A golden stream of light rose to the sky in an instant, and disappeared from the sight of Qin Heqing and Athena in an instant.

Then the full moon in the sky seemed to soften, the moonlight was no longer dazzling, and the moon disk was no longer huge, but the pure and holy power that permeated the sky and the earth was not reduced by half. Instead, I didn’t know it was because of the absence of the evil god. The influence of suppression and the power of the evil **** has become more and more high, like a tide, constantly scouring the evil and filthy power that pervades Europe and even the northern part of Africa next to it, restoring the balance of the environment...

Taibai Venus is still busy with the reduction of mutant creatures, and has not come to join in the excitement of Qin Heqing and the goddess Athena, making the whole space a place for two people to talk freely, without worrying about who or unrelated people listen. Excuse me.

"Now I will answer your previous question." After a while, Athena, who felt that it was almost brewing, withdrew her gaze and turned to face Qin Heqing beside her.

"Please." Qin Heqing made a please gesture with his hand, and stood there quietly waiting.

Fortunately, Athena did not let him wait for a long time. The next moment, her voice rang, narrating the thoughts of the gods and her current thoughts——

"If it were before today, I can only say that although the gods are very interested in this new world and have ideas, but due to practical reasons, we are powerless, so all ideas and plans can only be Empty talk, as a talk in the defense process, there is no problem, but when it comes to execution..." At this point, Athena also shrugged her shoulders very humanely, expressing her helplessness.

"But now." Athena laughed. "Although there are still a lot of problems waiting for us to deal with, but those ideas and plans are no longer unachievable dreams, so we are dealing with the current problems and answers. After the division of labor for a period of time, we will definitely explore the new world to a certain extent."

"Explore...I'm afraid of the current distance between the two worlds. I won't give you this time to explore." Qin Heqing smiled bitterly.

"So after arranging the seal of Cthulhu's core rules, we will also begin to deal with issues related to world contact and collision and fusion, and try our best to find a future that is acceptable to both worlds." Athena replied Tao.

"How sure are you?" Qin Heqing asked.

"I can't be sure." Athena shook her head.

She is not omnipotent, and the information in her hands is also severely lacking, so even if she has a wisdom godhead and possesses wisdom far beyond mortal, she cannot find a suitable solution to solve the current problem for a time.

"But if you don't try, the final result can only be that the two worlds are destroyed together, and the land is vast."

"Oh...then please ask the goddess Athena~www.ltnovel.com~ and all the gods." Qin Heqing sighed, and fisted at Athena and the heavenly gods who were still paying attention to him. Tao.

"We will do our best to ensure the survival and continuation of the world, and you, do your best to maintain the stability of the world, and solve the abnormal changes and residual problems caused by the evil god. "Athena will catch the strong man, and smile directly and arrange.

"Yes. Just leave it to me on the human side." Qin Heqing also followed with a smile.

Now, unlike in the past, he is no longer threatened by the evil god. He can be said to be the one standing at the top in the world. In addition, there are Taibai Jinxing, Chang'e, Mrs. Shangyuan, Qi Ge, and the Snow Girl Icicle who has begun to take charge of Xuanming With the assistance of several immortal-level existences, it is really not too much trouble to clean up a small area of ​​the world, and you can take over and supplement your own consumption.

"The human world will leave it to you." After finishing speaking, Athena raised her hand and waved in front of Qin Heqing. With the emergence of a sacred light, the power of a certain **** came to Qin Heqing.

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And it's not one. Because immediately after that, various kinds of light appeared in the sky, lasing towards him like a meteor, and did not enter Qin Heqing's body.

"Remember, the gods are with you." Then Athena once again exudes a soft radiance, and the whole person is like a virtual image, and gradually disappeared into the air.

"Another pile of gifts from God..." Qin Heqing smiled bitterly.

This group of gods will get these imaginary things, and they don't know how to give some more practical benefits.

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