High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1374: Make a fortune

Qin Heqing did not pay attention to these blessings, and turned his attention to Europe in front of him——

"Well, if you don't take such a large treasury in front of your eyes, isn't it a bit bad?" Qin Heqing muttered with a strange expression.

After all, there is no one in Europe. It’s not right, or that all the people who stay in Europe have mutated. There is no one in the entire European area that can be called a human being, so even the buildings and materials in Europe have been placed in no place. Qin and Qing always feel a little sorry for the furnishings in the locked warehouse without taking a penny.

Especially when he had spent such a great effort to attack the evil god, if there were no extra gains, it would seem to be a loss.

"Forget it, no one has seen it anyway, I don't tell, Taibai doesn't tell, who can know if the gods don't tell?" Qin Heqing comforted himself.

Even if your mind is certain, execute it without hesitation——

The first to suffer was the reserve treasury of the Austrian National Bank, as well as major public and private museums. Qin Heqing didn't care whether the cultural relics stored in it were from the motherland or not, but without saying a word, all were collected into the pot world.

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It is assumed that Austria has compensated.

Then, after transferring to other neighboring countries, we will continue to do the same, confiscating the gold deposits of these countries, US dollars in cash, and historical relics in major museums, implementing a strategy similar to Sanguang, and digging out the wealth of these countries.

Of course, in return, Qin Heqing helped these countries clean up the corpses of mutant creatures that existed in the country when moving things, cleaned up the air and environment of these countries, and thoroughly cleaned up the remaining pollution of the evil gods, so that these The country has returned to the state it was in before the evil **** descended. As long as the citizens who fled out come back, they can relocate to their homes and start new construction.

If their government still has money by then...

In short, the world in the pot in the refining demon pot may not have grown much after a lap of Europe, but the amount of money held by Qin Heqing has skyrocketed. The US dollar cash alone has exceeded trillions, not to mention the fact that there are also from various countries. The treasury, especially the gold reserves moved away from France, Germany, Britain, and Switzerland, are also calculated on the basis of 10,000 tons, and converted into US dollars, they are also nearly 600 billion. It is almost two trillion US dollars of usable funds, which is not worse than the GDP. It is said that there is no problem with a rich and enemy country, and it is enough to support him to complete the transformation of the new city, and even make more crazy plans. Up.

Not to mention, the various gems, precious artworks, and fine cultural relics brought back from the bank vault in the process are really going crazy and sold out. It’s estimated that you can hit the pot of the international financial market. There is no problem.

However, what made Qin Heqing happier was that in the process of evacuating the bank in Europe, the various magical creations and various peculiar and fantasy materials stored in the hands of those secret associations that were discovered with the convenience of the gods were all lost. To swallow the world in the pot, even if the world in the pot still cannot grow significantly in the end, it is still enough for Qin Heqing to do some other extraordinary things.

It can be regarded as greatly alleviating some of Qin Heqing's urgent needs, making him more calm.

So after a day, when Qin Heqing settled the European environment and internal wealth, as well as the corpses of the mutant creatures that existed and reunited with Taibai Jinxing, the whole person’s face was full of smiles, but he couldn’t stop it. .

"By the way, if you are allowed to monitor the world, can you live it under surveillance?" Qin Heqing suddenly thought of something and turned to ask Taibai Jinxing beside him.

"From Xingjun's perspective, it should be no problem. But the problem is that I can only guarantee that most of the planet is under my watch at the same time. As for the remaining small part, it can only be replaced when the planet rotates." Taibai Jinxing thought about it and replied.

To put it bluntly, the sun can only guarantee the light of the hemisphere. Even if Venus is too platinum to open the planet's vision, it can only take care of the area where the stars are scattered, which is the so-called place where the sun shines. On the back of the planet, he naturally didn't have much to do.

Unless, he is willing to spend time and energy to specifically control the starlight laps...

"The hemisphere is the hemisphere. It's better than the one who can only control Gu Yidi like this." Qin Heqing, who understood what Taibai Jinxing meant, nodded, and exhaled.

"My lord, you want to..." Taibai frowned.

"I promised the goddess Athena to help the gods take care of the safety of the world. At the same time, in exchange, the gods will concentrate on dealing with the problems of the new world and ensure the continuation of the planet and civilization." Qin Heqing replied.

"So that's it. Then I know what to do." Taibai Jinxing said suddenly.

"But before that, let's talk about the influence of the evil gods in North Africa first." Qin Heqing replied.


After that, the two of them did not scream, they crossed the Mediterranean Sea and reappeared in the sky above North Africa~www.ltnovel.com~ and then both released the power of the Yuanshen, and cooperated with the space manipulation methods mastered by the Queen into the Yuan. The monsters and monsters scanned by the gods as well as mutant creatures, as well as various cultural relics and gold that existed in Egypt were brought to the volley and transported into the world of the pot.

Therefore, within two hours, all of North Africa, and even the whole of Africa, the Cthulhu followers, Cthulhu apostles, and mutant creatures that appeared due to the influence of the Cthulhu power were cleaned up, restoring peace in Africa.

Then Qin Heqing continued to do the same, purifying the air environment on the African side and leaving the goddess Mart to take charge of the underworld of Egypt, and then left Africa with Taibai Venus, a leap appeared in the sky above the southern country, and continued to release the soul to scan the country. All anomalous creatures in the southern country were wiped out...

Of course, it just wiped out the anomalous creatures and purified the air. As for the treasures, gold, and U.S. dollars of the Nanguo Bank...

The southern country is not Egypt in Europe or Africa. Except for those who fled, those who stayed in the country are already dead or mutated. You can safely and boldly carry out the work of clearing and squeeze your own interests and gains. There are still others in the southern country. A large number of citizens exist, so even if Qin Heqing wants to take the money from Nanguo Bank, it is not good to take it all, but it is better to leave some foundation for Nanguo.

It also saves them that they will go crazy again after discovering that the bank has no money.


In this way, it took two days to clean up the earth-mainly the evil **** apostles and mutant creatures raging in various countries on the five continents. After earning an amazing extra money, Qin Heqing officially returned with Taibaijinxing. The island country.

"Mr. Spencer, you can contact the queen and let her go back to take over her own country." Qin Heqing, who returned to his home in Xinzuo City, didn't think about anything else, and directly took out the phone and called Ying Lili's father.

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