High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1375: afterwards

"Ah? Are you serious? The problem over there is solved?" Mr. Spencer who received the call asked in astonishment and inconceivability.

"Yes, it has been resolved." Qin Heqing affirmed.

As for whether my owe-dener-like behavior will reveal afterwards that he robbed the entire Eagle Country and made the Eagle Country a poor and white person...

What if it is exposed? Can they still trouble themselves?

Don't you fear that Qin Heqing will be annoyed by being disturbed, directly incarnate as a demon, and throw Eagle Country into trouble again?

So when he speaks, he is not full of confidence and a group of people who are at ease.

"How to solve it?" Mr. Spencer asked subconsciously.

"Just solve it like that." Qin Heqing said, "Okay, don't ask, let your queen go back to clean up the country, and save time before being discovered by someone from another country, and then Get other moths out."

"Okay. I'm going to notify the queen." Spencer stagnated, but he still replied solemnly. "No matter what, I have inherited Qin Jun's love on behalf of the Eagle Country. Although I can't promise you anything, but As long as it is within the territory of an island country, as long as Qin Jun speaks to me, I will do it for you. This is my promise."

"Mr. Spencer is polite." Qin Heqing smiled.

After a few simple greetings on both sides, Mr. Spencer, who was anxious to confess to the Queen, hung up the phone and went to work on his own affairs.

"The job of global surveillance is up to you." Qin Heqing, who hung up, looked up at the Taibaijinxing and Chang'e in front of him and said.

Taibai Venus rules the daytime, or the hemisphere corresponding to the day, and Chang'e rules the night, which is the hemisphere corresponding to the night. In this way, when the two phases are combined, the entire earth can be monitored, and it is also convenient for Qin Heqing to know the situation in various countries of the earth. , There may still be the remaining movements of demons and ghosts, completing the suppression of all countries on the earth.

"Yes!" Taibai Jinxing, who had already known this decision, responded very simply.

"My lord will really arrange someone." Chang'e sighed.

I thought that I had dealt with Cthulhu, and I could stop here for a while, so that I could better digest the blessings and gains I received when the world in the pot changed. I didn't expect Qin Heqing to arrange such a troublesome errand in the end— —

Yes, troublesome.

After all, it is hard work to monitor the world. Even for gods like them, you can use starlight instead of hands, feet, eyes and ears, but starlight is just starlight, and it is not a real person. He has thoughts and consciousness, knowing what to do when, and finally Didn’t you ask them-Taibai and Chang'e to distinguish the specific situation by themselves?

And the most important thing is that only the two of them can do this kind of thing themselves. Without the assistance of their subordinates, their only possibility is to become 007 employees and review the planet 24 hours a day to pay attention to the planet. Change, otherwise, what is the point of arranging the two of them to monitor the planet?

What is it not to toss people?

"I can allow you to turn creatures, as your dependents and deputy." Qin Heqing, who knew that the work he had arranged was a bit boring and troublesome, smiled back.

"Then I need an adult to help me refine a few elves that fit with the stars." Chang'e immediately opened his mouth and asked after hearing this.

Now it’s different from when they were first created. The world in the pot and the resources are extremely rich. It may not be possible to refining the gods, but mass production of low-level elves is really easy, so Qin Heqing did not hesitate, immediately Nodded and agreed.

"Yes, I will help you refine it later."

"What about you, what's your request?" Qin Heqing asked Taibai Jinxing, who looked at him without comment.

"I am the same as Chang'e, as long as there is the assistance of the starlight elves." Taibai Jinxing replied.

"All right." Qin Heqing nodded, then turned to look at Qi Ge and Mrs. Shang Yuan. "Qi Ge, with your ability, can you now conform to the rules of reward and punishment in the world and be promoted to the **** of justice again? "

"No. With my current cultivation base and realm, I can only control the feedback of good and evil in one place at most. No matter how much, I can't take care of it." Qi Ge felt his own state and replied.

"Then what you mean by a place..." Qin Heqing asked.

"Most of the island area." Qi Ge replied.


"What about you?" Qin Heqing asked Mrs. Shangyuan again.

"My situation is better than that of Qi Ge. The women in charge of marriages and funerals in the entire island country have no problem with disasters and well-being." Mrs. Shang Yuan chuckled.

After all, there are too many things to reward good and punish evil, not only to reward, but also to punish. In other words, what Qige needs to pay attention to is the behavior and behavior of everyone in the field, and to judge and reward specific people. The energy required is not as easy as the work of Taibai and Chang'e.

But she is different, as long as she is in charge of the women’s situation in the island country~www.ltnovel.com~ and it is mainly about birthdays, growth, schooling, love and other things. Relatively speaking, there is a lot less to talk about. Infrequent, coupled with the number of women, so her workload is really not as good as Qi Ge, Taibai and Chang'e, it is a relatively easy job.

"Then according to the plan, let's start with taking charge of one place-the new city." Qin Heqing looked at the two.

With the assistance of the two of them, Qin Heqing believes that the social atmosphere of Niiza City will definitely undergo an extreme change in a short period of time, and the incense of his shrine will become more prosperous.

At this point, Qin Heqing created the eight gods by consuming the world in the pot. It was unlucky to remove the seven fairies. They died in the battle against the Eight Great Serpents. Ehuang and Nvying became the gods of Xiangjiang and Dongting water. Not to mention, they are still seeking the Yangtze River. Lord Shui, even a more advanced **** of the sea god.

Taibai Jinxing and Chang'e became the heads of the Global Eye, responsible for monitoring the world and mastering global geomantic and spiritual changes.

Qi Ge and Mrs. Shangyuan became the patron saints of Xinzuo City. One was in charge of rewarding good and punishing evil, visualizing good and evil, and correcting the social atmosphere. One became the patron saint of women, responsible for supervising the birth, aging, sickness, death, weddings and funerals of all women in Xinzuo City. Marriage and pregnancy, as well as love and study matters, can be said to have great powers and affect a woman's life.

In addition to this, before returning to Egypt, let him return to the Egyptian underworld to re-administer the undead judgments over the Egyptian goddess Matt, all the gods have their own positions and jobs, and it is not let them go in vain , Or wasting Qin Heqing's resources, it can be considered a home.

"That's it, you choose the house yourself, tell me when you have chosen, and then start working."


Then the figures of several people faded one after another and disappeared into the air...

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