High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1376:

After watching a few people leave, Qin Heqing did not sit idle, but re-immersed his mind in the world of the pot. In accordance with the promise of Taibai Jinxing and Chang'e before, the power of refining the demon pot became extremely close to the starlight. The basic elves with strong matching attributes, and quickly produced a hundred and eighty.

However, Qin Heqing still did not stop, but continued to control the power of the Demon Refining Pot, taking part of the source power and source quality as the core, and refining the gods...

Yes, gods.

But they are not the orthodox heavenly gods, that is, Taibai, Chang'e, Seven Fairies, and Madame Shangyuan, but the gods who have cultivated water attributes, and there are two in one practice.

Therefore, in addition to the many star spirits emitting silver starlight, two Eastern Dragons appeared in the void of the pot world.

Then without hesitation, his mind returned to his body, got up and crossed the sea to the Hawaiian Islands near the Hawaiian Islands, where he collected volcanic lava in the no-man’s land. He flew far away, and then took it. The dragon jumped out.


The vitality surged, and the surrounding sea seemed to be pulled by some invisible force, directly rising from the surface of the sea, and gathered towards the sudden emergence of the dragon...

It is really worthy of the legendary identity of Wanshui Benzong, which is really worthy of his water travel.

No, with the surging and turbulence of the sea, the dark clouds in the sky also quickly condense. Lightning lurks and bursts with a crackling roar. In just a moment, a pouring rain is spawned, and it falls from the sky. After he came down, he connected the sea and the sky, turning the eyes into an all-water world.

"Let's control it first." Qin Heqing, who didn't want to turn himself into a drunkard, used his vitality to bless himself with a shield to avoid the rain, and said to the Shenlong who looked at him with the huge dragon eyes in front of him.

"Okay." Shenlong's muffled echo, without seeing any movement, the power of the turbulent water movement between heaven and earth suddenly calmed down, the sea restored calmness, and the dark clouds quickly dispersed, as if the previous changes were all dreams. The illusion was normal, and in a blink of an eye, the wind and the waves were calm, and the sea and the sky rose.

"It seems that my idea is correct." Qin Heqing couldn't help but relax when seeing this.

Shenlong blinked his eyes, looking at him with some unknown reason, waiting for Qin Heqing's next words.

"Do you have a name?" Qin Heqing asked.

"Xiaolong Aoqin." Shenlong replied.

"Qin? Sure enough, his identity is very unusual." Qin Heqing muttered.

If it weren't for a distinctive background, which ordinary dragon species would dare to name his baby Chin?

Are you really afraid that the Sihailong King will trouble them when he knows it?

But Qin Heqing didn't care too much, what else could he do? Anyway, they have become their own creations, the only dragon in the world, even if they are called Ao Guangqin and Qing, they can't control it, let alone the name of Qin, which represents the will of heaven.

"I have something for you to do." Qin Heqing adjusted his mood, and put aside those who hadn't had enough, and looked at the Shenlong in front of him and said.

"My lord, please."

"See the sea in front of you." Qin Heqing turned to look at the vast and seemingly boundless sea under his feet.

Ao Qin nodded.

"I am going to hand it over to you, and your only task is to help me clean up all the mutant creatures that exist in the sea, as well as the remaining evil gods." Qin Heqing raised his head and looked seriously in front of him. Ao Qin said.

And this is the reason why he has consumed the background to create two more dragons in addition to the protagonists who promised Taibai Jinxing and Chang'e.

After all, the situation of the ocean is different from that of the land. Not only is the area larger, but the situation in the water is also more complicated. Coupled with the mutation created by the existence of the evil god, the ghost knows how many mutant fish and sea monsters live in the sea, and because The power of the evil **** suddenly emerged from the deep sea ship, so if you don’t have the intention, time, and patience to deal with it, it’s not that good to clean up the remaining power and power pollution of the evil **** like on land. easy.

It just so happened that Qin Heqing didn't have this patience, so naturally he was thinking about how to be easy and how to come, so he had the current situation.

"Cthulhu...Good lord, Ao Qin is determined to live up to what the lord has entrusted. He will definitely clean up the mutant creatures in the sea and the remaining power of the Cthulhu, and restore the world to peace." Ao Qin returned to his senses with a serious face. Promised.

"Well, I believe you." Qin Heqing said, "Okay, you go and take over the water rights."

"Yes." Ao Qin replied, followed by not talking nonsense. He stretched out his body and shot at the seawater below him, and without any sound, without any splashes, it seemed like a pile of liquid and the entire seawater. Blended into one, even if Qin Heqing probed carefully, he couldn't find his trace.

Compared with one, the quality of Ehuang Nyuying, who also has the personality of water god, is much worse~www.ltnovel.com~ and even feels that the two are completely incomparable. It is simply the difference between heaven and earth.

Then Qin Heqing retracted his mind and stepped forward again, and his figure appeared over the Atlantic Ocean between the United States and Europe. Following the same method, he released the other Shenlong Ao that was created to be responsible for the cleanup of sea monsters in this area.

Then Qin and Qingcai stepped back again and returned to their home in Xinzuo City. With a wave of their hands, they threw the newly refined Protoss to Taibai Jinxing and Chang'e in proportion, and they turned them into Venerable Star and Lunar Star. The elves of the attendants came to help them complete the surveillance tasks assigned to them by Qin Heqing.

"Now, it's up to the situation on the side of the gods." After finishing the defense arrangements on the earth side, and opening the new city enchantment at any time, Qin Heqing, who is basically safe and light, raised his head and looked at the sky outside the window, whispering Groaned.

Then he took out the phone and called Megumi Kato.

"Hui, what are you doing?" Qin Heqing asked.

"Watching TV. Are you done with your business?" Kato Kee replied on the other end of the phone.

"Well, so I want to find someone to celebrate together. How about, do you want to come out to accompany me?" Qin Heqing turned around, let himself lean on the window sill, and asked with a smile while looking at the quiet room.

"Yes. Where can I meet?" Kato Megumi also agreed very happily.

"Then there is Hachiko, the faithful dog near Shinjuku Station. It just so happens that the nearby facilities are relatively complete and it is also close to the shopping street. It is very convenient for shopping, watching movies and eating." Qin Heqing decided after thinking about it.

"Yes, then we'll see you later."

"Well, see you later."

Then Qin Heqing hung up the phone, straightened up, left the house with a smile, and rushed to the city railway station in the city.

For dating, it is better for men to arrive earlier.

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