High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1377: Water daily

Soon after, Qin Heqing met Kato Megumi who hurried over at the iconic building Hachiko, the faithful dog.

It is still a typical Japanese girl dress, with a white shirt and cherry-colored pleated group. The legs are wrapped in black stockings of about 60D, and paired with a pair of light brown short strapped leather boots, it looks playful and cute.

She wears a simple knitted jacket, and the beret on top of her head looks youthful and lively.

"Wait for a long time." Kato Hui walked to Qin Heqing and asked.

"I just arrived soon." Qin Heqing smiled and took Kato Hui's hand. "Hui, your dress is really good."

"Then you mean, I didn't look good in my previous dress?" Kato Megumi deliberately lowered his face and asked back.

"No, you look good every day, but it's even more beautiful today." Qin Heqing Xiaotianyan, who has already exercised and already knew what a scumbag should say, almost opened his mouth.

"It's really becoming more and more slippery." Kato Hui looked at him and sighed helplessly.

In the past, Qin Heqing was not so calm and skilled in dealing with these.

"You taught me well." Qin Heqing smiled.

"By the way, what did we come out to celebrate today?" Kato Hui cast a small glance at him, and then asked curiously.

"Celebrate that the dangerous source of the world's destruction has been solved." Qin Heqing replied very simply, even full of excitement.

"You mean, Cthulhu?" Kato Kee was shocked, and then confirmed thoughtfully.

"Yes." Qin Heqing affirmed, "Remember the astronomical abnormality that appeared on the day of your exam."

Kato Megumi nodded. It was impossible for her to remember such obvious and abnormal weather changes.

Not to mention that during that astronomical change, her mobile phone lost signal, and Qin Heqing, who had promised to accompany her to take the exam, disappeared. If she doesn’t know anything that is dangerous enough to endanger the world, then The knowledge and insights she learned during her interaction with Qin and Qing have been for nothing.

"Those are actually the visions that Cthulhu wants to destroy the world. It is also the reason why I will suddenly leave you alone and leave first. I need to expand the influence before Cthulhu, causing irreparable loss and destruction. Before, stop his actions."

"I didn't blame you." Feeling that Qin Heqing's words were explaining the reason, Kato Kee, who apologized to him by the way, responded in a low voice.

"I know Hui you won't blame me, but I can't just let you accept all this without explaining it?" Qin Heqing smiled.

"But in this way, your words sound like you are showing merit." Kato Hui responded.

"Uh...Is it wrong to show off like your girlfriend with great achievements?" Qin Heqing was astonished as if he had made a mistake.

"No, you can keep talking." Kato Hui said silently.

"At that time, I hurried to Europe with Taibai Jinxing. However, the more dangerous place was that my strength at the time was not enough to support me to fight against the evil gods. So after the initial trial, I hurriedly changed my strategy. The Cthulhu angels who are active in Europe and Africa attacked, completed the improvement and transformation of their strength, and then launched a general attack on the Cthulhu."

"It's just that the Cthulhu is also very cunning. It seems to be aware of my threat, and immediately launched various attacks on me when I shifted the front line. Fortunately, I am strong enough, and there is a platinum star guarding me, so despite The process was a little dangerous, but in the end it successfully completed the transformation and became a god."

"Goddess?" Kato Megumi asked questioningly.

"It's a description of the realm of cultivation by the country on the other side of the sea. Changing to an island country is equivalent to becoming a god. So if the two of us do things like that in the future, you will get more benefits. "Qin Heqing smirked.

"What's the benefit?" Kato Megumi's cheeks were reddish, and his eyes flowed to the left and right, and he asked in a low voice insincerely.

"For example, youth staying forever, long life, longevity, health and longevity can be achieved as long as the frequency is sufficient." Qin Heqing said.

"..." Kato Hui was speechless. She really didn't expect that doing things like Qin Heqing would have this kind of windfall. Shouldn't she be a god, it's really different.


Just chatting like this, the two came to a fast food restaurant, and sat down in one of the places by the window and inside.

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"By the way, I forgot to ask before, did the exam results come out?" Qin asked Kato Hui, who was across from Qing Dynasty, who flipped through the menu sent by the waiter.

"Not yet, I will have to wait two more days for the announcement, and then after the interview, I will know if I can pass the trial." Kato Kee stared at the series on the recipe in front of him and said, "I want a curry beef rice. And this fried tempura."

"Then give me a mixed five-mushroom rice, this fixed-style pork chop, and this seaweed soup." Qin Heqing followed to the waiter.

"Okay, two, please wait a moment." After speaking, the waiter put away the menu, turned and walked away~www.ltnovel.com~ to go to the back kitchen to pass the dishes.

"The day when the results are released, I will accompany you to see the results." Qin Heqing replied.

"Okay." Kato Megumi agreed irresponsibly, "By the way, will you come to the graduation ceremony at the end of the month?"

Graduation ceremony is a kind of ceremony that island country junior and senior high school students will definitely hold when they graduate. As far as the situation is concerned, it is very similar to that of domestic junior and senior middle school students who are organized as a class, except that the island country has a larger scale. If you want to participate in the whole year, a special graduation ceremony will be held in the auditorium. It is just like getting a degree certificate from a university. It is very lively. Not only the parents of the students will participate, but the students of other grades will also follow the school to join in the fun. , And then staged some scenes similar to those commonly seen in Japanese-style film and television dramas.

All in all, it's very interesting.

"If nothing happens that day, I will probably participate." Qin Heqing thought for a while to reply.

After all, this is the last chance to meet and fight with those classmates on campus. If you still want to do it in the future, you can only have chances in private and in society.

"Then I will let you know when the time comes." Kato Kee said.


Then the two talked about other things-such as persuading the Kato family to relocate to a remodeled new city, or the next date itinerary, until the waiter delivered their food one by one. , I stopped, and enjoyed the food in front of me.

After that, there are normal dates, shopping, watching movies, and playing roadside games, such as catching dolls. After tossing around 12 o'clock, the two ended their trip outside, returned home, and started a new round without shame. Unashamed adult exercise...

Nothing happened all night, and time came to the next day.

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