High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1384:

The next moment, Qin Heqing's figure appeared in the General's Mansion of Kyoto Prefecture.

"Huh? Not in the bedroom." Qin Heqing muttered thoughtfully while looking at the empty room.

Wouldn't you be kicking Cuju with the servants in the mansion?

Based on Imagawa Yoshimoto's love for Cuju, it is really impossible, so Qin Heqing did not talk nonsense, and directly let go of the original spirit, scanned the entire generals' mansion, and searched for Imagawa Yoshimoto's whereabouts.


He saw Yoshimoto Imagawa, who was playing with the people in the courtyard that was particularly widened after the renovation of the General House.

"Yoshimoto, I'm back, don't come to see me soon." Qin Heqing sent his voice to Yiyuan Imagawa's ears with a thousand miles of sound transmission.

"Huh?" Imagawa Yoshimoto who was dribbling the ball was shocked, stopped and scanned the surrounding area.

"Master General?" The accompanying men asked in confusion.

"Did you hear any sound?" Imagawa Yoshimoto asked, looking back at his subordinates.

"Is there a sound?" The subordinates looked at each other, shook their heads, and vetoed.

"Stupid, I use Thousand Miles Sound Transmission. Except you, no one else can hear my voice. Come back quickly. I'll be waiting for you here in the bedroom." Because of the peculiar power of the soul, even if it is not there. Qin Heqing urged in his eyes and ears what was happening here and the sound.

"Is it really Heqing?" Imagawa Yoshimoto asked in a shock.

There was no nonsense when he arrived, and he threw the ball directly, turned and walked towards the mansion, and said without looking back, "Today's entertainment is here, I'm going back."

"Yes!" Then the others responded and watched Imagawa Yoshimoto leave the stadium under the **** of many escorts and returned to his mansion.

"You all go down." Imagawa Yoshimoto asked again after entering the mansion.

"Yes." Thinking that there should be no more people here who could hurt the general, the people happily responded, letting Yoshimoto Imagawa walk quickly into the mansion, through the corridor, and came to her bedroom. In front of the door.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he opened the door decisively and stepped in.

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After that, the figure of Qin Heqing, who had disappeared for almost a year, came into her eyes again.

"Heqing?! It's really you!" Imagawa Yoshimoto said in surprise.

"It's me, surprise or not?" Qin Heqing asked rhetorically with a smile with open arms.

"Hmph, don't think you are back, I will forgive you for leaving before." Imakawa Yoshimoto snorted as if he hadn't seen Qin Heqing's movements, and responded quite arrogantly.

"Do you really forgive me?" Qin Heqing asked, still keeping his arms open, waiting for Imagawa Yoshimoto to give him a hug.

"Unless you are willing to apologize to me and promise me not to leave me in the future, I will forgive you compassionately." Imagawa Yoshimoto proudly said.

"So... then it seems that I can only go to Shibata's house, or Song Yongxiu and the others." Qin Heqing sighed, lowering his arm and said strangely.

"No! I don't allow it!" Imagawa Yoshimoto immediately stepped forward to stop him.

"Then what should you do?" Qin Heqing smiled, then opened his arms and smiled at her and asked.

"You, hum. If it wasn't for you to help me gain the position of general and help me level the love of the world, I wouldn't forgive you so simply." Yoshimoto Imagawa's cheeks were slightly red. With a snort, he muttered insincerely, and hurriedly fell into Qin Heqing's embrace.

"Wear twelve singles to kick Cuju, count the entire island country, probably only you can do this kind of thing." Qin Heqing, who held Yiyuan Imakawa in his arms, smiled lightly.

"It doesn't affect my ability." Imagawa Yoshimoto mumbled.

"But don't you feel hot?" Qin Heqing asked back.

"The skills of those people under my team are not enough for me to warm up even if I play a full game. How come I am hot?" Imagawa Yoshimoto asked rhetorically.

But I have to admit that Imagawa Yoshimoto is indeed qualified to say this. Because of Imagawa Yoshimoto’s Cuju technique, it is truly the premier existence in the island nation in the time and space of the Warring States Period, and even Cuju is not only an entertainment game at the feet of Imagawa Yoshimoto, but also a martial skill! As long as Cuju is in hand, even if there is a small group, a dozen or so warriors suddenly jump out to assassinate her, it may not be possible to get close to her body and injure one of her hairs.

This is not cow eating, but an event that has actually happened.

This shows how powerful and profound Imagawa Yoshimoto's physical strength and Cuju skills are.

"Then let me touch and see if you are sweating." As he said, Qin Heqing reached into Imagawa Yoshimoto's twelve orders, went deep inside, and explored.

"Don't make it, itchy..."


After a long while, Qin Heqing sat down with Imagawa Yoshimoto.

Of course, the hand was not taken out of the twelve sheets, not only did it not take it out, but still maintained the posture of the tiger's claw hand, holding the child treasure of Yoshimoto Imagawa and playing with it, just like it was a toy, and passed the hand. idle.

"Will you leave this time when you come back?" Imagawa Yoshimoto, who knew that he could not resist and resigned, leaned against Qin Heqing's chest and asked aloud.

"Yes." Qin Heqing replied without hesitation.

"Can't you stay?" Imagawa Yoshimoto asked with some dissatisfaction.

"In that case, it will only make you and my 20% of the world fall into crisis at the same time, and eventually we will die together. None of us will survive." Qin Heqing sighed.

"What do you mean by this?" Yoshimoto Imagawa was shocked when he heard the words, sat down, raised his head and asked Qin Heqing.

"Hasn't Banbingwei reported similar information to you?" Qin Heqing asked back.

"No." Imagawa Yoshimoto frowned and shook his head.

"That may be because she doesn't know it~www.ltnovel.com~ After all, the danger this time comes from the outside of the world, not from the inside of the world, so astrology alone really can't fix the context of the crisis. "Qin Heqing explained for Takenaka Hanbei.

"Outside the world. Is that why you came back?"

"Yeah." Qin Heqing nodded slightly. "I'm going to visit the Great God of Suwa, and even the Great God of Amaterasu, and discuss a reasonable and effective solution for the future of the world, so I will not only leave, even if I can stay with you. The time won’t be too long, because there is no time for me to continue the wind and snow, Jiuchi Roulin."

"Then there is nothing I can do." Yoshimoto Imagawa was silent for a moment and asked again.

After all, her identity is extraordinary. She is the general ruler over the entire island nation. Besides the so-called emperor, she is the highest ruler on the ground. The resources and power that can be used are far beyond the reach of ordinary people. If there is anyone in this world who can help Qin Heqing, it is probably her.

Otherwise, as soon as Qin Heqing came back and didn't see any of the other women, he would come to find himself first.

Isn't it because of your special identity?

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