High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1385:

   "Not necessary for the time being, I will tell you when I use it." Qin Heqing replied.

   After a while, Hanbei Takenaka, who also received the transmission of Qin and Qing Yuanshen, also rushed to the general's mansion.

   "Shogun, Takenaka Hanbei, please see me." Imagawa Yoshimoto's maid knelt outside the bedroom door, and said Gongsheng.

   "Hanbei Takenaka? What is she doing?" Imagawa Yoshimoto was surprised.

   "I asked her to come." Qin Heqing whispered to Imagawa Yoshimoto's ear.

   "Let her come in." Yoshimoto Imagawa was shocked, knowing that it should be the same way Qin Heqing contacted him just now, and he did not refuse, and ordered the maid outside.


   Then the door opened, and he has grown up, but still does not lose his thinness, and a look like Takenaka Hanbei who seems to be easily bullied walked into the bedroom...

"Uh..." Hanbei Takenaka, who saw what was happening in the room, looked a bit stagnant, and turned around with red cheeks. "Sorry, I don't know you are doing this kind of thing. Excuse me, I'll leave. I'll be here when you are done."

  Speaking, Takenaka Hanbei stepped forward and walked outside.

   "Stop it, none of them are outsiders." Qin Heqing stopped when he saw this.

   Imagawa Yoshimoto did not refute, but he adjusted his posture and cleaned up the appearance of impropriety that appeared before...

   As for Takenaka Hanbei, he has a weird expression. I don't know if he should stay here or leave here with his own opinion.

After all, she is really not Qin Heqing’s harem, and she has not had any special close relationship with him, so she really wants to stay as if she is an outsider. To be honest, she is still very difficult to do~www.ltnovel.com~ Welfare] Pay attention to the public.. [Book Friends Base Camp], read books every day and get cash/points!

   "Stay, this is an order from me as a general." Yoshimoto Imagawa, who knew a little bit about Takenaka Hanbei's situation, said immediately.

   has a more dignified tone, as if he is actually giving orders to a general.

   Even with her current status, no matter how nonsense it is, it is still a general order...

"Yes." Takenaka Hanbei responded, turned his head down, and glanced at the two quietly. After seeing that they had separated and arranged their clothes, he knelt down and said, "See you, Takenaka Hanbei. Master General, Master Qin and Master Qing."

   "Get up." Imagawa Yoshimoto responded.

   Takenaka Hanbei straightened up and looked at them.

   "I don't know why Kazuki-sama summoned me?" Takenaka Hanbei asked curiously.

   can't it be that you want to regain the management right of the Yin Yang Liu?

   Although she doesn't mind this kind of thing very much, she can't explain to the group of people who just handed over her rights so inexplicably.

   Even though, most of those people were given by Qin Heqing.

"I asked you to come here to know if there are any abnormal phenomena detected in Yinyangliao recently-such as special astrology, or spiritual feedback, or else it is the movement of monsters or other things, but you You can tell what you think is different from the previous situation." Qin Heqing watched as he became more confident and mature because of his role as the leader of the Yin Yang Liu, and he would not ask Hanbei Takenaka who would avoid his eyes at will.

  The purpose is naturally to understand the situation of the island country in the Warring States time and space.

  Especially whether there is the influence of the evil **** in the territory, or the extent to which it is affected, these may affect the smooth implementation of his next plan, so Qin Heqing will not pay more attention.

"Is it abnormal? There are indeed some." Takenaka Hanbei groaned, and then replied thoughtfully, "However, it is different from the feedback from the astrological signs and spiritual veins that you are concerned about, and it is a pure catastrophe. Phenomenon, the frequency of appearance is much higher than before, even in the Heian period, and the core is no longer the traditional monsters, but a collection of negative energy that cannot be accurately determined, so it is very troublesome to deal with. It is difficult for general Yin Yang techniques or Tantric Buddhism to have sufficient effects on them, so it has caused a lot of trouble."

   "Why don't I know this kind of thing." Before Qin Heqing could speak, Imagawa Yoshimoto asked with some dissatisfaction.

"Because these are matters within the scope of Yinyangliao's authority, and the scale is relatively small, and they have not yet reached the level of affecting the country, so the news is limited to the Yinyangliao, Shinto, and Buddhist circles, and they are not reported to Shogun, you know." Hanbei Takenaka responded without panic.

   "What about star observation? Have you found any special signs?" Qin Heqing asked again.

   "We haven't found any notice that can affect the level of national transport."

   "As for the gods and Buddhas, are there any special oracles issued recently."

"I heard that there seems to be a special oracle on the Buddha Zong side, but the Yin Yang Liao does not have a core eyeliner relationship on the Buddha Zong side. So until now, we don't know the specific content of the oracle. "


   This kind of yin and yang is really wasteful.

"Then sort out the specific information about the abnormal intelligence that you know or Yinyangliao knows, and give it to me. It will be of great use." Because of the relationship that has been prepared for a long time, Qin Heqing is not too disappointed. Asking those useless things, he ordered Hanbei Takenaka instead.


   "You can withdraw."


   Then Takenaka Hanbei rushed towards Imagawa Yoshimoto and Qin Heqing, got up and exited the room.

"Okay, the business is done, now while I still have time to fool around, let's do some interesting things." After watching Hanbei Takenaka leave, Qin Heqing pulled Imagawa Yoshimoto back into his arms. Middle ~www.ltnovel.com~ palms into the twelve orders, smirked.

   "Wait, I'll take a bath first." Imagawa Yoshimoto stopped.

   "No, I don't think you are dirty..."

There is no need to say more about the following things. The door was closed tightly, and the grievances spread. All the maids who wanted to come over to report or inform the generals all fled with crimson faces and gave up this peach blossom land. Let Imagawa Yoshimoto and Qin Heqing be better able to behave in a wild and arrogant manner.


Takenaka Hanbei moved quickly. Less than half a day after receiving Qin Heqing’s order, he sorted out all the anomalous information she thought was strange, and then sent it along with hand-book documents such as the retreat report and situation introduction. It was handed over to Qin Heqing, who was enjoying life in the general's mansion.

   And Qin Heqing? After reading the information, he didn't stay anymore. After greeting Imagawa Yoshimoto, he crossed directly to Himeji Castle and appeared in the secret room where he saw Kuroda Kanbei and Kenbu Hime.

   "Xing Bu Ji!" Qin Heqing shouted unceremoniously.

   "Who is it." Xing Bu Ji, who just woke up, flashed out of the void while rubbing his eyes, muttering with an angry expression on his face.

   "Who do you think I am." Qin Heqing said with an angry glance at her.


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