High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1386: Trouble with Singer

   "My lord, why are you here?" Xing Bu Ji rubbed her eyes, glanced at Qin Heqing carefully, and then exclaimed in surprise.

After all, this is reality. It is the main city of Himeji Castle where she lives, not the special space she used to communicate with Qin Heqing. So according to common sense, Qin Heqing shouldn't be here, but now she has appeared. ...

  Mingming was still separated by thousands of mountains and rivers and even a world before, and in a blink of an eye, you reappeared in front of you. If you are not surprised or surprised, Xing Bu Ji is not Xing Bu Ji.

"Thanks to the blessing that the two worlds are approaching each other, the communication channel has been opened again, so I am here, what's the problem?" Qin Heqing casually conjured a chair and put it next to him, sat down short and raised his legs. , I looked at Xing Bu Ji, who didn't seem to understand the specific situation in time.

   "Uh...no problem." Xingbu Ji shook her head and said, "That lord came here this time..."

   "I want to see the Great God of Suwa." Qin Heqing replied.

   "My lord, doesn't it mean you want me to recommend you?" Xing Bu Ji asked with a bit embarrassed face.

   "Otherwise, I will live a happy life, but what am I doing here to see you?" Qin Heqing retorted in an angry voice.

   "You can also go directly to Suwa Shrine and contact by means of offering sacrifices." Xingbu Ji whispered in a somewhat slanderous voice.

It’s a pity that the scene was too quiet, and Qin Heqing’s cultivation base was there again, so even if Xing Buji’s voice was very small, it still seemed to be speaking in his ear, and the words were transmitted clearly. Qin Heqing's ears.

   "No, that method is too uncertain." Qin Heqing rejected it.

   There are 17 or 8 shrines used by the Qin clan to worship Jiugong in reality, but apart from his shrine, who among the Qin clan really has to see or experience the oracle of Jiugong?

   is not just a routine sacrifice, it has no practical effect.

   What's more, there are so many things about the gods, and there are so many believers. If it is not for special circumstances, special events, or even sacrificial prayers carried out by special personnel, how can the gods have the leisure to come to you and give feedback?

   God is not a wishing machine.

   "Then my referral may not be useful." Xing Bu Ji yelled with self-awareness.

   "At least it is more useful and practical than going to Suwa Shrine to pray." Qin Heqing pouted.

   Of course, the more important reason is that he can use Xingbu Ji's trajectory to find the coordinates of the gods of Suwa Da Mingshen, and then cut in with the various special abilities he acquired after becoming a god, and directly enter the room to negotiate with Da Mingshen.

   Even though, this kind of behavior is not much worse than provocation to some extent...

   "Well then. I'll go." Xingbu Ji said helplessly.

   "Go, I am waiting for your news at the guard house of Hanoi." Qin Heqing responded.

   did not verbose afterwards, got up for a moment, disappeared into the secret room, leaving only the chair that hadn't been hot and remained in the secret room, showing the traces of Qin Heqing's existence.

   "It's really troublesome..." Xing Bu Ji murmured, but she didn't hesitate when she arrived. She also flickered and disappeared into the air.


   At the same time, Qin Heqing's figure suddenly appeared in the guardian residence of Hanoi that Qin Heqing said.


   A sigh, then passed into Qin Heqing's ears.

   Qin Heqing then looked at the master of the voice——

   No one else, the official goal of his trip, Hanoi guardian, Shibata Shengjia.

   dressed in a thin dark blue kimono, sitting on the cushion with a sad face, looking out at the courtyard, not knowing what he was thinking.

Seeing this, Qin Heqing, who was deliberately funny, didn't make a sound, smiled badly, and flew behind Shibata's lightly like a ghost, then leaned over and grabbed his hand. It is said that there is something on Shibata's body. The third majestic mountain of the island nation was caught in the hand.

   "Little Shengjia, why are you sighing here?" Qin Heqing's voice sounded in Shibata's ear and asked.

   Suddenly, Shibata Katsuji's action to counterattack, the expression on his face became incredible——

   "Qin Jun?!"

   "It's me." Qin Heqing sat down shortly behind Shibata Shengjia, and leaned his face in front of her to confirm.

   "When did you come back?" Shibata Shengjia breathed out lightly, and immediately asked.

"Yesterday afternoon, because I went to Kyoto beforehand, I spent the night with Yoshimoto. After I got the things I needed, didn't he come to your side to accompany you?" Qin Heqing rubbed Shibata's cheek with his face. , Very scumbag explained.

   After a pause, he went back to the topic and said, "You haven't told me why you sighed just now."

   "It's not the elders yet." Shibata Katsuya, who seemed to want to find someone to vent his boredom, didn't hesitate when he arrived. He sighed and opened his mouth.

   "Old man? How did they provoke you?" Qin Heqing asked curiously.

   As for who the elders are, he doesn’t care, nothing more than those old men from Shibata’s family.

   And besides them, there are few people who can be called the elders by Shibata Katsura.

  Because the family of Oda's first lineage had already won the victory with Imagawa Yoshimoto, Shibata Katsuya and Niwa Nagahide were separated after being divided into separate families, and they could not be contacted together when there were no special circumstances.

"I don't know what kind of madness they are mad, and they suddenly told me that I am old enough to find someone to get married." Shibata Masuka muttered, "Why didn't they know why I didn't find a man to marry?" "

Naturally because she is Qin Heqing’s woman and was put to sleep by him, so even if she wants to find a son-in-law to marry, she must pass Qin Heqing’s pass first~www.ltnovel.com~ Otherwise, the consequences will be caused, but Not necessarily what her Shibata family can afford.

   After all, Qin Heqing’s most superficial identity is the man of General Imagawa Yoshimoto.

   But actually? Qin Heqing is ninety-nine percent of the female princes and men of great names in today's world. They are people who truly control the world. If you really upset him and destroy a Shibata clan, it would be a verbal thing.

   She didn't want the Shibata family, who had finally grown up so easily, to decline again because of such a mess.

   "You didn't tell them about me?" Qin Heqing frowned when he didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing, and asked very dissatisfied.

"Say. But the clan elders said that you have been missing for more than a year, and there is no news at all. The ghost knows if you have encountered an accident outside, so for family considerations, let me choose a husband-in-law to get married as soon as possible. Give birth to an heir. No matter how bad, you have to choose an heir, or adopt a child from the relatives of the family to your own name, so as not to have any problems with me in the future, no one will inherit the family." Shibata replied Tao.

"It's really a bunch of nosy old guys." Qin Heqing said angrily. "In this way, later you will have someone go and call the elders of your family and let me confront them in person. I don't believe it, I see. After me, they still have the courage to force you to choose a husband-in-law."


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