High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1387: Troubleshoot

Because the urging of marriage took place in these two days, and Hanoi is now the base camp of the Shibata family, most of the elders who stayed in Owari did not move to Hanoi to assist Shibata Masakata to manage Hanoi’s political affairs. . So it didn't take long for the elders who were enough to decide most of the Shibata family's affairs to reappear in Shibata's residence.

   "Since everyone is here, let's go there too." Qin Heqing said to Shibata Shengjia in his arms.


   Then the two got up, and went to the big house where they used to meet foreign customers and discuss business together.

  In an instant, the expressions of the elders in the room changed, and almost everyone's expression became cautious and even gloomy.

   "I didn't expect this guy to come out again at this time..." Seeing Qin Heqing's clan elders glance at each other, they cursed inwardly in their hearts.

   In this way, some of their plans can no longer be implemented.

"Now that the meeting begins, the clan elders have anything to say." The Shibata Shengjia who sat down next to Qin Heqing took out the majesty that a military commander and patriarch should have, and his eyes swept over the clan elders present, and said in a deep voice .

   It’s just that the clan elders seem to be dumb, their eyes wandering, but they refuse to speak. The Shibata Seika, who was relieved, felt very dissatisfied. "What's the matter, speak, is it possible that you are all dumb?"

   "I don't know why the Patriarch called us again." One of the clan elders was a little embarrassed, coughed, and asked embarrassingly.

   "Still..." Shibata Shengjia opened his mouth, but before he was finished, Qin Heqing cut off the conversation and continued, "I heard Shengjia say that you want her to find her husband and get married as soon as possible, is that true?"

   His eyes were cold, no matter which elder he fell on, it made that person's body tighten, and he felt a deep chill from the heart.

   "Yes, I have talked about this, but..." a clan elder who could not bear the pressure replied cautiously.

   "But what?!" Qin Heqing asked.

"But we just put forward this opinion. As for whether the Patriarch wants to marry, it depends on the Patriarch's original intention. If we don't want to, we can't force the family to marry a man we don't like." That person Explained quickly.

   "But in the daytime, you don't say that." Shibata also wanted to take the opportunity to vent his resentment, and directly unceremoniously picked the wrong way.


"Huh?" Qin Heqing raised his eyebrows and rebuked with a sneer on his face, "I think you old guys have lived too long and have been idle for too long, so you dare to unite and force the Patriarch to act. Is it really good to be a winner? Now, the reason why the Shibata family can have the current weather is that Shengjia used his own martial arts to fight with one shot. If she were not there, how many people in the world would know your Shibata family and know you? I still want to intervene in the personal affairs of the Sheng family as the clan elder. What a good old elder does not want to be usurped, and if I really want to die, Sheng Jia and I can fulfill you now."

   As he said, Qin Heqing didn't know how many times he was compressed or diluted, but he still released an aura that ordinary people could not compare and bear, and directly enveloped the several elders in the big house in shock.

   "Don't dare! Don't you have no intention of this!" The family elders who felt the real killing intent immediately bowed to the ground and said with a panic face.

"I forgive you guys for not having the guts. But the death penalty is unavoidable, the living crime is inevitable, Shengjia, you can punish according to your own ideas, if you really dare to stab, I don't mind helping you build a new one Shibata's house." Qin Heqing hummed coldly.

"Then everyone will be fined for half a year. I would like to warn you that if you commit another crime, you will not forgive!" Shibata Shengjia looked at the elders under his eyes, and thought about their achievements in Shibata's house, and sighed. , Pronounced the sentence with an attitude of lifting up and gently letting go.

   "Thank you, Lord Patriarch, for your kindness, I will wait for the punishment." The elders said in unison.

   "Then this is the end, you all go down."


"Wait." Just when the family elders were about to quit, Qin Heqing shouted again, "Shengjia is my shengjia, not just the Patriarch of your Shibata family, so don't think that I will be away for a while or have no news. You can point fingers and make private opinions about her affairs, but next time, even if the victor stops me, I will surely set you down and throw your souls into the **** to endure the suffering of eternity."

   "Don't think I'm joking. I do what I say."

   "Go down all the time."


   The family elders did not dare to hesitate anymore, and immediately got up and backed up to the door, then turned to leave the meeting room, and left Shibata's house in a cold sweat.

   "You scared them." Shibata Shengjia reminded in a low voice.

"What you want is to scare them, make them scared, make them remember, otherwise, with your punishment, they will not constrain for too long and they will germinate again and continue to rely on the old and the old to point you until you become theirs. So far as the puppet." Qin Heqing sneered.


   "Don't care too much about human relations, kill if you should kill, or ban if you ban, or you will have problems sooner or later over time." Qin Heqing reached out and hugged Shibata's shoulders, and said something.

   "By the way, similar to the situation you encountered, is this the only one of you, or is it the same for all of you?" After a pause, Qin Heqing frowned and said intently.

"I don’t know ~www.ltnovel.com~ but it should be something that all female names and guardians will encounter? After all, our age is there, and there are no children. The elders in the family will inevitably be concerned about this. I have thoughts about things, which in turn triggers a situation similar to mine." Shibata Shengjia thought for a while and replied.

This is an objective fact that must exist. Even if Shibata does not investigate, it can almost be inferred. At most, those who have encountered this kind of thing deal with it more cleverly and decisively. Things are suppressed and continue to maintain the present state until there is no waiting.

   Or be more cruel, find a trustworthy woman and let her pretend to be a man to marry herself, and use her marriage as an excuse to fool things over. As for children...

   is regarded as infertile, and just adopted directly from the family, it is not that this kind of thing has never happened.

   As for those who really want to marry a man...

   There are probably only those female names who have not had an intimate relationship with Qin Heqing?

   Otherwise, he should be the same as himself, worried that one day Qin Heqing will suddenly appear, because this kind of thing will bring disaster to his family.

   "It seems that after the matter is settled, I also need to go to other people to check it out. It's exposed." Qin Heqing muttered thoughtfully after hearing this.


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