High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1388: See you

"grown ups."

At 10 o'clock in the evening, Xing Bu Ji appeared in the guard house of Hanoi, that is, the mansion of Shibata Shengjia.

"I told you that the matter is finished?" Because of Shibata's shy relationship, he did not follow Qin Heqing's operation and fool around with him in broad daylight, so Qin Heqing was still dressed in full and in good condition, watching him appear suddenly Xingbu Ji asked rhetorically.

"I have reported that you are going to meet Suwafang Daming God, and your luck is also good, I quickly got feedback, Daming God agreed to meet you in his God's country." Xingbu Ji, you are coming soon Replied with a compliment expression.

"What's the time?" Qin Heqing continued to ask with a smile.

"Of course it's tomorrow morning." Xingbu Ji replied naturally, "it can't be night or now."

"How did it go?" Qin Heqing continued to ask.

"At that time, I will use my authority and pass directly by way of space transfer."

"All right. Then you remember to come early tomorrow. I don't want to miss the meeting with Suwa Da Mingshen because of your lazy sleep." Qin Heqing nodded and said non-committal.

"I don't want to be hated by you and Daming God because of this kind of thing." Xing Bu Ji muttered very self-aware.

"Or else, do you stay? After I see Daming God tomorrow, you will return to Himeji Castle?" Qin Heqing looked up and down Xing Bu Ji for a while, and could not help but suggest.

"Forget it, I'm not used to the environment here." Xing Bu Ji glanced around, not knowing what caused her dissatisfaction, and muttered.

"Isn't it that this side is not private enough, and there is nothing to make you feel at home. What do you say so hypocritically? It's not that you should stay here all the time."

"Then neither do I!"

After speaking, Xing Bu Ji didn't wait for Qin Heqing to speak any more, and disappeared into the void.

Although Qin Heqing's current strength and the means at his disposal can completely catch her again in one move, it is somewhat unnecessary to do that. The reason is simple and it is not worth it.

Xing Bu Ji didn't make any principled mistakes, just a bit of love and willfulness.

If you grind her for this reason, the ghost knows what else she will make in the future.

Even if, no matter what she was doing, he could suppress it with one hand.

However, leaving this way is good, it is also convenient for himself and Shibata Shengjia to continue to mess around.

So after dinner, Qin Heqing once again transformed into a farming machine and worked **** the paddy field held by Shibata's home!

Because Qin Heqing, who once learned how to be a scumbag from a professional, understands that only the man who has planted the land can keep the land owner's heart.

Even if he leaves afterwards and turns to take care of the land of other people's homes, the original landlord who has benefited in a short time will not forget his goodness and shift to other things he does not want to see. .

After such a chaotic night, time came to the next day in a blink of an eye.


"My lord, let's go." With a breath, Xing Bu Ji appeared in front of Qin Heqing and greeted him.

"Wait until I finish talking to Shengjia." Qin Heqing said.

Then he turned his head and looked to the side of Shibata Katsushika. "I went out with Xingbu Ji. I don’t know when I will be back. So you don’t have to wait for me. What should I do? In short, before leaving officially, I I will visit you again."

"Well, business matters, you don't have to worry about me, I can take care of myself." Although his clothes are still disheveled, but his face is ruddy, Shibata Katsuka, who has been well moisturized, said softly.

"Well, then I'm leaving." After speaking, Qin Heqing leaned forward and kissed Shibata's mouth, then got up and walked to Xingbu Ji's side, and then disappeared into the void together under Shibata's gaze——

The light and shadow changed, and in the next moment the two appeared directly in a shrine.

The only difference from normal shrines is that there are no humans inside the shrines, so the huge shrines seem very deserted. Even if there are three poles in the mountains at this time, there are not half alive people in the shrines coming to worship. This obviously doesn't match the size and cleanliness of the shrine!

From this, Qin Heqing understood that this place should be a special place—the kingdom of the **** of the gods of Suwa!

Of course, it does not refer to the kingdom of God in the living space of special gods like the heavens and the gods. It is the kingdom of the gods on earth, which is based on the human world and built on the foundation of the human shrine, so there will be a shrine here, but there are no traces of living people.

Following that, Xingbu Ji stepped forward, and the following ministers said in a loud manner to meet the monarch, "Xiamen, Himeji Castle Land Xingbu Ji, bring priests Qin and Qing Yizhao to visit His Highness Daming God!"

The voice echoed, as if calling into the air.

But what about the facts? It was indeed shouting into the air. It’s just different from the normal shouting to the air. The shouting here has a response and feedback. So the next moment, with the emergence and explosion of two soft white **** of light, two female ghosts in witch costumes appeared. In the eyes of Xingbu Ji and Qin Heqing.

"The God Lord already knows about your arrival." The one who was standing on Qin Heqing's left hand among the two witches took the lead and said.

"You two, please come with me." The witch standing on Qin Heqing's right hand followed.

Then the two witches turned around at the same time, stepped on the wooden steps to the front of the shrine's main hall, both stretched out their arms, bowed their heads, and moved their hands to open the closed palace gate...


"The Lord God is inside, please go in, please." The witches said in unison.

Xing Buji and Qin Heqing didn't hesitate, and walked into the hall——

Then ~www.ltnovel.com~ a whole body was shrouded in golden sacred light, which made people a little confused about gender and appearance. Only a stalwart presence with outline and general dress came into Qin Heqing's eyes.

A huge golden round wheel was erected behind the gods, and there was light on the round wheel, clearly interpreting a scene of wind, thunder, lightning, and mountain worship.

The brown robe sits in front of the altar table where the shrine is used to place the shrine. A huge cylindrical standing tree floats beside it. The wooden body is wrapped with a rope that is unique to the shrine, floating in the void like a magical instrument. , Complementing each other with the huge rock that exists on the other side of the **** moraine, showing the power and characteristics of the daimyo god——

Mountain god, land god, wind and rain god, **** of all things and so on.

In short, his personality is noble, and he is no worse than Amaterasu.

Even as far as the years of existence are concerned, it is older and older than the Great God, almost the same era as the two priests and mothers of Izanaki and Izanami.

"Meet His Royal Highness Daming God." Xing Buji bowed very sincerely.

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