High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1390:

In the next moment, Qin Heqing and Kikyo once again appeared in the bone-eating well in modern time and space.

Jumped and appeared in the enchantment space.

"I'm back, I don't know how long it has been." Qin Heqing sighed as he looked at the still cold and quiet enchantment space without any change.

If it weren’t for worrying about the flow of time between the two worlds, he could clearly understand things over there, and how could he have been so hurried for a while, and just leave in just a few days. After finishing your own planting procedures, bring platycodons and return to modern times?

How great is Hyundai here...

Well, it's really good.

Not to mention eating and playing, there are also various entertainment facilities. In addition to farming, the dance of the Persian dancers that can be seen at the Songjiu Show is many times stronger.

"Let's go, let's go back."

Kikyo did not refute, and followed Qin Heqing to leave the enchantment space, and after another flash, he returned to the new city under construction.

Then I found the Miko Cuizi, who was in charge of supervising the construction of a spiritual vein node with Kikyo, and asked about the time.

"Time... not long, plus it's less than three days today." Cuizi answered Qin Heqing's question easily.

"Is it only three days?" Qin Heqing murmured.

This is much shorter than the time flow gap he originally knew!

You know, the day here used to be close to a week in the time and space of the Warring States Period, but now that it is better, it has been directly shortened to the level of three to one.

That is one day in modern time and space, three days in the time and space of the Warring States!

And this may not be the final value.

After all, the two worlds are still close. The ghost knows when the time flow rate contrast will be adjusted to the maximum-that is, one to one level. At that time, if you think about the current wave, there is no chance.

"No, it's not exactly three days." Cuizi reminded.

"I know. By the way, how is the progress of the project on your side." Qin Heqing nodded and asked about the Cuizi Witch who was drinking tea leisurely in front of him.

"The foundation has been dug, and then only need to reinforce the surrounding soil, place the magical tools in the soil, engrave the enchantment pattern, and then backfill the soil to build a shrine to suppress the nodes. Or a house for me to live in." After a pause, the Cuizi Witch continued, "Converted into a specific time, the construction of the barrier node can be completed within one week, and the above attachment can be completed within three months. The supporting facilities have been completed."

"That is to say, at most half a month, the entire barrier can be officially established and run, right?" Qin Heqing scanned the construction progress of several other places with the soul, nodded, and speculated.

"Then I don't know." Cuizi shrugged.

She is not a superintendent, so you can know how others are progressing there.

"In addition, the female tengu is looking for you."

"Nytengu? It’s for the settlement, right? If you don’t tell me, I almost forgot about it. That’s all right, you can keep busy. I will help the Nytengu to get things done in the settlement. I'll be negligent later."

After that, Qin Heqing was not hypocritical, Chongcuizi and Kikyo nodded, and moved to the settlement chosen by the Nytengu, which is about one kilometer away from the shrine, and then let go. Sigan locked the whereabouts of the Nv Tengu and pulled her over.

"This is... the dojo?! You finally remembered to help me get the clan's land." The Tianguo was shocked when she saw the environment in front of her, and then said with a bit of bitterness.

"I'm sorry, I forgot for a while, I'll do it now, tell me what you want." Qin Heqing asked with a slightly embarrassing smile before changing the subject.

"Well... first of all, we must have a forest. After all, we are monsters. Even if most of the people can transform into a human form, after all, they are not as comfortable as they are, and the external influence is not good. The forest is just fine. As a barrier, the state of our lives is covered, and then the barrier is added to the barrier, so that even if irrelevant residents stray into this place in the future, it will not cause too much problem." Nv Tengu thought about the situation of her ethnic group and proposed Tao.

"Forest? Yes." Qin Heqing nodded and agreed while looking at the green field of the dojo in front of him.

Although the green area in front of you does not seem to be very large, it is only 35 acres, and it is almost the same as a small community park, as the resident of the Tengu clan...

To be honest, it's a bit small.

But I can't stand the female tengu that has been selected for breeding here, so even if there is a problem, Qin Heqing will help her solve the problem.

For example, relocating the surrounding residents, expanding the scope of green space, and transforming the environment.

The former has been handed over to the people at the Tachibana Mari Organization City Office for execution, and the latter is what he is going to do now, so after scanning the state of the green land with the soul, he stretched out his hand and pointed at the green land in front of him. The grassy green land quickly churns up, and the ground cracks, each of which is still small and weak at the beginning. It looks no different from ordinary weeds, but in a flash, the branches that have become thick and vigorous appear in the green land.

Then it quickly became a five-year, ten-year-old, or even decades-old tall green tree, densely intertwined into a vast forest, completely replacing the original weeds and becoming the main plant in the green space.

However, it only looks from the outside. As for the inside, because the tengu family has to consider the issue of living, almost three-fifths of the space is left for the Tengu family to build and carry out other transformations.

So after completing the growth of the trees, the two dashed into the woods and came to the residence Qin Heqing set aside in advance~www.ltnovel.com~ Continue to build the land underneath according to the requirements of the Nv Tiangu——

Open up the river... Complete the self-circulation of the small river in the form of battle, and by the way, help the Tengu clan to build a house, um, it is the kind with complete water and electricity, all kinds of routes are directly moved out of the underground, and the new city itself The city pipelines are connected together.

As for the materials... Naturally, it came out of the materials in the Demon Refining Pot that were raided from Europe.

Release flowers, put birds and beasts, and set up barriers. It can be said that in just a moment, the green area of ​​the dojo, which was originally a place for youth activities and play, has become a fragrance of birds and flowers. It is like a paradise and a fresh venue, so that you can see it with your own eyes. The female tengu was very satisfied.

"I will summon my people to live here." Nv Tengu couldn't help but said immediately with joy.

Then without hesitation, he immediately raised his hand and shot a black light towards the sky, and countless rays of light lased in all directions.

"Then I will help you decorate a house before your clansmen come." Qin Heqing smiled.

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