High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1391:

"How is it, feel satisfied?" In the newly renovated big house, Qin Heqing hugged the female queen's waist from behind, with his chin resting on the female tengu's shoulder and neck, and asked with a smile.

"It's okay. It's far worse than my big house in Hokkaido." Nyotengu didn't know if she replied insincerely.

"How can that be compared? One is newly built by me using magic. Both the materials of the house and the decorations inside are generated by magic, lacking the washing of mind and time. The other is built by you yourself thousands of years ago. It is just materials. It's all cut out of some thousands of years of giant wood, not to mention the furnishings inside, it is all the exquisite items you have collected from all ages, no matter the humanity or the degree of luxury, which place in this world can compare Qin Heqing said speechlessly.

Even Ise Jingu, which is said to have a thousand-year heritage, is incomparable.

After all, although Ise Shrine is elegantly built, magnificent and rich, and the materials used are all made of hundreds of years of giant wood cut in the deep mountains and old forests, but the time of completion is also the time of survival after the completion of the construction. It's only twenty years.

Yes, twenty years.

Because according to the tradition that Ise Jingu did not know where it was inherited, every 20 years, Ise Jingu will move to the palace, burn down the old palace, and move all the staff into another facility that will be used during the reconstruction of the palace. Inside the temple (new shrine) until the next reincarnation.

Therefore, in terms of the time accumulation of the single-wheel house and the building itself, it is really not as strong as the old house of the female tengu in Hokkaido.

"So I said, it's okay." Nv Tengu smiled.

Then the sparse wing shaking sound came, and one after another female Tengu tribe descended from the sky and appeared in the new clan land.


There is nothing to say about the next thing, that is, the Nytengu's announcement of the completion of the clan land, the arrangement of manpower to return to Hokkaido, the organization of the remaining members to relocate collectively, and the issue of how to move things from the clan land. It has nothing to do with Qin Heqing, so Qin Heqing didn’t join in the fun. When the female tengu was talking, he used the space transfer method to return to the apartment in Tokyo’s Toshima district, lay down on the familiar bed, and began to recover from the past ten years. The energy consumed by Tian (Warring States Time and Space)...

Although his current level, realm, and cultivation base are nothing at all, and even the effort of consuming saliva at that time has recovered, but he can't stand his tiredness!

After all, it is a scumbag, and dealing with various female heroes is also a test of mentality and skill.

If the ship capsized, who would he go to complain about?

So it's good to have a big sleep and get a good night's sleep.

"There is the Great God of Suwa in the time and space of the Warring States Period to help deal with, and I don't know how the progress of Athena is in the real time and space." Qin Heqing, who was refreshed and refreshed, muttered secretly while sitting on the bed.

But he didn't act immediately, and went directly across the space to Greece to summon Athena.

There is no reason for him, the relationship is not close enough, and I can't ignore the gods too much.

Even if his realm at this time is converted to a Western level, he is still a serious god-level figure.

But why didn't he tell him that no one helped with the certification, and he did not show this tendency? So even if he is qualified to summon Athena to negotiate, or even use the realm feedback obtained by the fairy queen to discover the location of the so-called God Realm, Gao Tianyuan and other special spaces, and have the strength to break in, Qin Heqing is not good at it. presumptuous.

Therefore, after pondering for a while, Qin Heqing once again flashed back to the new city and appeared directly in the shrine. Saying hello to Ming Taku, Qin Zhizi and others, they entered the main hall where the **** of wine was worshipped, and the Lord of Wine was summoned by the ceremony.

Suddenly, a soft golden light emerged from the void, like a swarm of fireflies flying in the sky by the river in summer, gathered together in an instant, condensed into a human image.

——No one else, but the wine master Qin Heqing wanted to summon.

"You kid, good job! The face of our Qin clan has greatly increased, and the reputation and status of our Qin clan in Tianjin God System has become more stable. Come on, why are you calling me down this time? It's not too exaggerated. Even if it's a mess, we will satisfy you." The wine master who just came down didn't have the slightest pretense, and immediately smiled and smiled at Qin Heqing in front of him.

Even regardless of the so-called difference between gods and people, directly and generously promised.

Although, his promise was somewhat hollow and impractical to Qin Heqing.

Therefore, Qin Heqing was not overjoyed, and after a simple smile, he said straightforwardly about his purpose, "I asked Jiu Gong to come this time, mainly to inquire about the movements of the gods."

"The movements of the gods? What do you want to know?" Jiu Gong frowned slightly when he heard this, and instead of directly reprimanding and rejecting, he asked seriously.

Obviously, it is ready to reveal something.

If it is not the kind of very secret and troublesome content.

"For example, are there any meetings?" Qin Heqing said.

"Meetings? Let alone, there have been a lot of **** meetings recently, but most of them are about the Cthulhu, and the opinions and arrangements for handling various remaining issues after the Cthulhu disappeared. Why are you interested in these contents? "Jiu Gong briefly talked about the recent developments of the island gods, and asked with a surprised look.

"Couldn't there be a gathering of gods from the East and the West?" Qin Heqing frowned.

What he wanted to hear was naturally not these, but those arrangements concerning the future of the world.

"No." Jiu Gong thought for a while, shook his head and said, "Or there may be a meeting between two parties of similar nature, but because of the level of issues, it has not been conveyed to us."

Speaking of this, Jiu Gong is also a little worried-just like he said, although the Qin clan has become a god, there are a lot of people, roughly nearly ten people ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ even all of them are secular island nations The first-grade gods canonized by the government are high-level gods that can be compared with the Amaterasu in terms of sacrificial specifications. However, within Gaotianyuan, the Qin clan does not occupy a very prominent position. Most of them belong to the middle class. There is not much real power. It belongs to a relatively marginalized group, so it is difficult to be sensitive to real high-level news. Basically, every time other Tianjin gods know some signs and reveal them, they can truly discover some. The existence of the problem.

It can be described as painful and tight.

"But you can tell me what you want to know first, and then when I return to the God Realm, find someone to help you inquire about it. Maybe you can get the news you want." After a moment's pause, Jiu Gong again Added.

This is also the benefit of the large number of people. It is possible to establish a wide enough network, and coupled with the mutual aid alliance formed by the Tianjin Shenyi Faction, it is not completely impossible to really want to inquire about some secrets.

It's just that it will be more tossing, and it is not easy to keep it secret.

"I want to know how the gods of the East and the West have dealt with another world that is approaching, as well as progress."

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