High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1392: Sugawara no Michizane

"About this, I really know some things." Qin Heqing didn't expect that this wine man asked unexpectedly.

Qin Heqing didn't say anything, and waited for Jiu Gong's following.

"The current meaning of the gods is to concentrate their efforts to deal with the arrival of the new world, and in the process try to contact the gods of the new world, see if they can achieve some kind of cooperation, and then gather all the power of the gods on both sides. Eliminate collisions, try to bring the two worlds into contact and even merge together in a peaceful manner. So, except for the high-ranking gods above, gods like us who have no special authority and are not basic in terms of rules are all stabilizing the world. The state of affairs, adjust the pulse of the world to deal with various unexpected problems that may arise at any time." Jiu Gong replied.

"The island country decides which **** to send to contact the other party?" Qin Heqing asked.

"If Moon Reading hadn’t been corrupted, Moon Reading should have been responsible for carrying out this kind of thing. After all, he is the adjutant of Amaterasu Omikami, Gao Tianyuan’s recorder and diplomat, and he is most appropriate to handle such things. .Unfortunately..." The Jiu Gong sighed and continued, "Unfortunately, Yue Ming Ming was corrupted by the power of the outer god, and it is now being sealed and dealt with, and can only be replaced by someone else. So after a round of discussion, finally Everyone decided to send the literary **** Sugawara Michima, who is in charge of culture and education, as a messenger to go to the new world to negotiate with the gods of another world."

Sugawara Michizane, the minister of the Heian period, is also one of the four so-called grievances that have been circulating on the island country for a long time. He was revered as the **** of learning because he loved literature during his lifetime and was good at Chinese poetry. Therefore, both knowledge and knowledge can be competent for important diplomatic work.

As for the name of the ‘loser dog’ on his back, it was also because of political factors, not because of his lack of ability, that he was defeated by the Fujiwara family, the head family of the six Gochu family, in the political struggle.

Qin Heqing nodded and said again, "Has he already set off?"

"Not yet, why?" Jiu Gong asked suspiciously.

"I want to see him." Qin Heqing said.

"Now?" Jiu Gong frowned.

"Yeah." Qin Heqing nodded.

"Wait for me to ask." Jiu Gong looked at Qin Heqing, and in the end he still did not reject Qin Heqing, the most beautiful of his descendants, and the most upsetting cub of Qin's face, nodded and agreed.

Then closed his eyes, the mind returned to the gods, and connected with Sugawara Michizane who was drinking and having fun with the shrine spirits in the gods.

"Dozen, Dozen, are you at home." The sake master who came to Sugawara's God Realm called out loudly.

"It's the wine master, what brought you to me? Come in, please come in.” Sugawara Michima appeared, watching the wine master smile.

Obviously, the relationship between the two should be very good.

But this is of course taken for granted. After all, Jiu Gong is the **** of wine on the island country, and his son is the **** of music who is in charge of noh. It can be said that the whole family-the Qin family has the divine power in eating, drinking and playing. Experts and leaders in this area, so any large-scale gatherings and small private gatherings cannot be separated from their support. Otherwise, it will be difficult to eat or drink, or else it is impossible to play.

This is simply the most uncomfortable and sad thing for the gods who have been watching for a long time, as long as there are no accidents, they cannot die again.

Therefore, the Qin family did not occupy a high enough position in Gaotianyuan, which is dominated by local gods, because of the relationship with foreign gods. However, the breadth and acceptance of the network relationship is more popular than Xu Fu, the oldest Tianjin god. Much more.

"Come on, taste the Izumo wine I just got from Jian Su Lei, and see how it tastes better than the divine brew in your hand." Sugawara Michizaki, who took the wine master into his shrine, did not have the slightest politeness and grabbed it directly. A cup on the side was handed to the wine master and poured onto the wine channel.

"What kind of wine does that old man Jian Su Lei make?" Jiu Gong said with disdain.

In wars, he may not be as good as Jian Su Lei, the legendary Jian Yu Thunder God, but when it comes to winemaking, the entire island country’s wine culture was established after he traveled east to the island country. How could he be afraid of one? A place famous for fighting wars?

Is it true that the nickname of the God of Food, Drink and Fun of the Qin Clan comes from Flicker?

So after finishing talking, the wine master poured the wine in his hand into his mouth.

"How?" Sugawara Michizane asked.

"I don't know the so-called, wasted materials." Jiugong said crumbly.

"Really? I don't believe it. Unless, you take out your self-brewed wine and let me taste and compare." Sugawara Michizaki's expression changed when he heard that, and he immediately grabbed the sake master's arm and questioned.

"Heh, have you been fooled by my old man? Okay, I will be satisfied if I have something to trouble you later." Jiu Gong sneered. However, he still did not reject Sugawara's proposal. With a wave of his arm, he took a bottle of wine in his temple with supernatural power and handed it to Sugawara.

"Sucking... really good wine." Sugawara Michizaki slapped open the mud seal without hesitation, and murmured intoxicated as he smelled the aroma of the wine from the bottle. Then when he woke up, he stooped down and picked up his own glass from the desk to pour a new drink on himself, and at the same time, he asked, "The wine master is looking for me for something. I don't know why?"

"It's not my descendant..." Jiu Gong sighed.


In any case, after the general meeting, with the advent of another divine light, Sugawara Michizaki, dressed in Heian period costumes, also descended into the temple under the lead of the wine master, and appeared in front of Qin Heqing.

"Is that you want to see me?" Sugawara Douzhen asked Qin Heqing, who looked up and down, with a faintly divine light on the surface.

"Junior Qin Heqing, I have met Master Daozhen." Because of the relationship with the wine master ~www.ltnovel.com~, Sugawara Daozhen is no longer simply regarded as a god, but an elder Qin Heqing greeted him with a fist.

"I've heard of you, the most outstanding younger brother of the Qin family today, let's say, why do you want to see me?" Sugawara Michizane smiled and nodded, and said with a gentle look in his eyes.

"Listen to Lord Jiu, Master Daozhen will be the liaison for this visit to another world?" Qin Heqing asked straightforwardly without being hypocritical.

"Yes, do you have any questions?" Sugawara Michizane frowned slightly before asking rhetorically.

"Does Master Dao know the situation on the other side?" Qin Heqing asked again.

"I don't know." Sugawara Michizane shook his head.

"Then I have some information that I want to tell Master Daozhen here, but I don't know if Master Dao is willing to listen." Qin Heqing smiled.

"Oh? I would like to hear the details." Sugawara Michizane turned his head to look at each other, and then stared at Qin Heqing with thoughtful depth and said slowly.

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