High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1393: Go back to old business

After spending some time, the world that Qin Heqing was approaching, the situation in the time and space of the Warring States Period, was mainly the situation in the island countries, and they briefly and concisely described Sugawara Michizane and Shugong.

Sugawara Michizane frowned, somewhat surprised, and somewhat puzzled, and asked, "How do you know the intelligence of that world?"

"No, I just came back from that world." Qin Heqing smiled lightly.

"You just came back from that world? Could it be that you can travel freely between the two worlds?" Jiu Gong looked inconceivably surprised.

He is also a god! Although it is not a powerful **** among the gods of the island nation due to the authority and personality of the island country, but the relationship of long enough time to become a god, but also has a sufficient in-depth understanding of the situation of the island gods.

For example, in this operation, it was said that it was a visit and it was for negotiation, but the real situation is by no means as simple as it seems!

As for the reason, it is also very simple. It is the void outside of the world and the existence of the void. The evil gods staring at their own world and the other world have their existence. The void is definitely not so easy to get through. ! It takes a large number of high-level gods to work together, and even mobilize the power of the world itself to open up the void channel, so that the gods on missions can truly cross the void and descend into another world.

This is also why these gods who do not have important responsibilities are trying their best to adjust the pulse of the world, and Sugawara Michizane, who is the messenger, has not set out yet, but is waiting for the call of the high gods, and waiting until the gods of other gods select all the gods. The reason why the messenger will go out officially.

But such a serious and prudent thing fell into the hands of Qin Heqing, his own younger generation, and it turned out to be something that could be easily achieved. It must be said that it was a huge impact, enough to make Sugawara Michizane and the sake master, and even the gods of the gods stunned. .

"Thanks to the two worlds being close." Qin Heqing replied.

"Then how did you realize the shuttle?" Jiu Gong continued to ask.

"How did the gods achieve it?" Qin Heqing asked back.

"The gods are ready..." Sugawara Michizane did not hesitate too much, and explained what he knew.

In fact, I still want to see if I can switch from Qin Heqing's hands to his shuttle mode in this sincere way of treating others.

After all, this kind of shuttle method is not to mention that the process is still relatively dangerous. It is very likely that if one is careless, the evil gods will seize the opportunity, and then they will be caught and swallowed. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are risking their lives to shuttle.

And Qin Heqing here? Just looking at his relaxed posture when he said that, and the fact that he has safely traveled back and forth between the two worlds is enough to show that the shuttle method he masters is safer and more reliable than the shuttle method the gods are planning.

So when there is a chance to complete the mission more safely, Sugawara Michizane naturally wants to use a safer shuttle.

He is not a rash man, or the mindless group of samurai under Susano's men. For the so-called mission, he can ignore his own life.

"Then my method is a bit tricky." After listening to Sugawara Michizane's introduction, Qin Heqing shook his head, and explained his shuttle method, especially the reason for discovering this shuttle method-the crusade against the Millennium Sakura.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a thing. Thousand-year Sakura... really ignores the peculiarities of this kind of monster." After listening to it, Jiu Gong sighed with emotion.

"Higurashi Shrine, Bone Eating Well... No, this kind of thing must be known to Amaterasu-sama as soon as possible, otherwise it won't be anxious to come when the gods are ready." When Gong stopped, he turned into a divine light, and while returning to the realm of God, he said to Jiu Gong, "Sorry, Jiu Gong, I will go back first. There is something impolite, Dao Zhen is turning around and begging you."

"You! Alas, this Dao is true." Jiu Duke stretched out his hand and screamed, then he stopped helplessly, sighing helplessly. Then he turned his head and looked at Qin Heqing again, "It seems that the bone-eating well you have is about to be requisitioned. But you can rest assured that I will not let the gods take advantage of you for nothing, I Then go back to gather the members of the Qin clan and allies, and work together to generate energy to help you get enough benefits!"

"Then I will trouble you Lord Jiu." Qin Heqing smiled.

After that, the Lord Jiu was not too long-winded, and the same figure flashed and returned to the God Realm.

As for the benefits...

Qin Heqing didn't expect much.

Without him, one cannot believe in the character of the so-called gods.

So Qin Heqing didn't stay in the shrine much, turned around and returned to the shrine.


"You're really going to cause trouble." In the manager's office of the Eve Clubhouse in Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Qin Heqing sighed as he stood in the room, looking a little uncomfortable and embarrassed.

"I'm very sorry!" Makino Uno didn't explain, and he bowed at ninety degrees and said loudly.

"Let's talk about it." Qin Heqing looked at him and said.

"It's like this..." Makino Uno didn't hesitate to tell the story, the cause, and the result.

It's not too complicated. It's just a newcomer to the sound firm. When a senior in the firm brought a mix of experience and a passerby, he heard the content of the senior chatting with others and knew that the senior might have encountered an abnormal event. Later, on the way home after the dubbing, she boldly said to senior that she knows someone who can help seniors solve their troubles——

Of course, the person she said at the time, or the person she thought of was Miko Kikyo.

After all, Qin Heqing hadn't seen it with her own eyes. She only knew that the Kikyo maiden was the other party's subordinate, so Qin Heqing should also be very powerful, and the senior was a woman, so she didn't need to evade anything when recommending Kikyo, which caused some unnecessary troubles.

I just didn’t expect ~www.ltnovel.com~Qin Heqing had arranged the erection of the oversight barrier in Xinza City at this time. He couldn't spare any time to work on other things, so in the end, Makino Uno had no choice but to Can get the idea to Qin Heqing.

There is also this scene now.

"Forget it, it just happens that I have nothing to do now, so let's go out with you." Qin Heqing thought for a while, and found that he seemed to have nothing to do now, then stood up and said.

After all, he had handed over the world's problems to the gods, and even if he needed his assistance in the future, it would never miss his current time. There will be a few more days to wait for the graduation ceremony, and he doesn't need to worry either. Kato Megumi’s interview is over. It can be said that he missed Kato Megumi’s second interview process perfectly during the chaotic time and space of the Warring States Period. I only know that the result is going well, and he can go to Musashino Art Academy in April. The basic design major has become one of the college students.

Cthulhu was suppressed, the impact was processed, or suppressed to the minimum, plus it is still a holiday, and temporarily does not want to waste his time on messing with women, what he can do seems to be only a priest's job. Already working……

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