High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1405: Meet Mazu

"I know." Qin Heqing smiled.

After that, Qin Heqing talked about other things with Li Huamei, and exchanged some scattered silver from Li Huamei. Then, under the gaze of Li Huamei and the other three, he disappeared from the other party's cabin.

"It seems that this adult's words about becoming immortal are not exaggerated." Li Huamei's deputy was dumbfounded for a moment, and then said with emotion and inconceivable sigh.

Li Huamei silently shook her head and put Qin Heqing's affairs aside.

"Regardless of whether that person has become an immortal, what he has to do has nothing to do with us."

"Yes." The first officer agreed. "The most important thing now is to manage the mouths of the sailors on the ship, and tell them not to talk nonsense, so as not to implicate us in what he really did."

"Then this matter is left to you." Li Huamei nodded in approval.

"Yes, let's do it for the small ones."

Then the first officer got up and left the cabin, and went to the front to give the sailors a password...


On the other hand, Qin Heqing also broke into the Nine Provinces barrier by escaping, and appeared directly in the area of ​​Quanzhou City, one of the largest port cities in the world today. After the soul swept away, he found the temple of Mazu Empress. , Walked towards the Matsu Temple.

"It is worthy of the time and space of the Ming Dynasty. After Liu Bowen and other monks in the early Ming Dynasty repaired the Kyushu enchantment, the power of suppression is extraordinary, far beyond the power of the Kyushu enchantment in modern time and space." Feeling the invisible suppression that comes from the body. And Qin Heqing sighed in a low voice with some emotion due to the phenomenon of the stagnation of mana movement that appeared due to the suppression.

If he hadn't experienced the state of Kyushu enchantment in modern time and space, he would definitely not be able to tell the difference between the effects of the Kyushu enchantment on the two sides was so big, it could be said to be a world of difference.

"But it shouldn't last long if you think about it..."

After all, it’s the 20th year of Wanli, which is the year of the rise of Yaoqing’s tribe in later generations. Calculated by their development progress and the change of Ming Dynasty’s throne, it will be a hundred years at most. When the Shamanism was together, the Huangjiao Lama had done it, and even if the Kyushu enchantment wanted to maintain this state of suppression of the entire high pressure on the humans, the immortals, the demons and the ghosts, it was impossible.

This is not only because of Yao Qing's handwriting, but also because of the disaster Liu Bowen left behind when Slaying the Dragon...

"Fortunately, the island country has been calmed down by me. Now Imagawa Yoshimoto is appointed as the general. He does not have much enterprising spirit and has no idea about North Korea. Otherwise, according to the normal historical process, this year will last for seven years. At the beginning of the three major certificates of Wanli, even if you want to suppress Jurchen like now, let them be vassal slaves, it is unlikely that you will be able to suppress it..."

Of course, this change only wiped out the battle to repel the Japanese in the three major expeditions to North Korea. As for the remaining Ningxia and Bozhou campaigns, it would not affect it. After all, it would consume a lot of national treasury funds. The family of Daming accumulated during the ten years when Zhang Ju was alive was almost exhausted, allowing Daming to formally enter a post-dynasty state of decline until Chongzhen broke the country and he hung himself in Meishan in shame.

However, these things have nothing to do with him after all, so after simply recalling the historical knowledge learned in the previous life, and clarifying the current timeline of the Ming Dynasty and the specific situation, I threw these things aside and concentrated on the dynasty. Mazu Temple walked over.

And soon, I came to a very large area, and the incense is extremely prosperous, even if you look far away, you can see the simple temple with the incense. The divine light shrouded the temple and the misty clouds made Qin Heqing understand that the Mazu temple in front of him was not an ordinary temple with gods and no spirits, but a place where gods reside or pay attention.

"It's no wonder that the incense here is so prosperous, and the fishermen and maritime chambers on the seaside have been so devout. It's really not without reason." Qin Heqing said suddenly.

After that, Qin Heqing followed the flow of people into the temple, found the temple who was in charge of the temple, bought a few large incenses, waved them to light, and inserted them in the incense burner in front of the temple——


Suddenly, without knowing whether it was an illusion or what, the whole temple shook slightly at this moment.

Then the next moment, the golden light that can only be observed in Qin Heqing’s vision bloomed from the golden body of the Mazu empress enshrined in the temple, like a field of aperture, in an instant it covered the entire Mazu Temple and the people who worshipped in the Mazu Temple. Entered, but did not disturb, but for a flash, appeared in another peculiar space with Qin Heqing——

Or it can be said to be God's Domain.

Because it is built on the basis of the Matsu Temple, but it does not exist in the real space that ordinary people can touch, but on another dimension.

The environment is very simple, except for a simple house, there is nothing else in the God's Domain in front of me.

After that, the door of the house in front of me opened. A middle-aged woman dressed plainly and dressed like an ordinary folk woman, but with a more kind and kind face, walked out of the house like a mother known to the world. With a light and warm smile on him, he watched Qin Heqing whispered, "I don't know which fairy is coming here, Mo Niang has missed a long way to welcome him, but I hope Daxian don't blame it."

"Don't dare." Qin Heqing didn't dare to ask for a big deal, and quickly bowed in reply.

Mazu is different from ordinary Taoist gods or foreign gods. It is a decent person who can be regarded as a god, and it is also a **** believed by the people for saving lives and saving lives. Therefore, both its identity and achievements deserve Qin Heqing's respect. , And how dare you to treat other gods as if they were to deal with each other on an equal basis regardless of the clone? That’s really impolite, and it’s not to blame for being beaten to death~www.ltnovel.com~ Myself, Qin Heqing, is a practitioner of later generations. By chance, he became immortal, but he did not pass the heavenly gate and did not record the gold book. Therefore, I don't dare to bear the title of "Niang Niang Daxian", so Niang Niang should just call me by my name. "Qin Heqing said modestly.

"Since you said so, then just call you to He Qing according to your words. Then I don't know what happened to the little friend He Qing who entered my temple as an immortal to worship?" Mazu Niangniang smiled slightly when she heard the words. , Continued to ask with kindness.

"Don't be concealed, Xiaoxian went to the temple to worship, but he asked about something."

"Then come in and talk." Mazu Niangniang invited.

"Yes, then I will bother my mother."

After that, Qin and Chiang Mai moved and followed Mazu Niangniang's foot into the Song-style house, and sat down on the guest chair placed in the main hall.

"I don't know if the mother can sense that the current world is in danger?" After sitting down, Qin Heqing did not pretend to be affectionate with Mazu, and asked straightforwardly.

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