High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1406:

"Danger?" Mazu Niangniang frowned slightly. "Although I have recently felt that some danger seems to be approaching, to be honest, I haven't found or discovered the source of the danger. Is it clear to you?"

"I do know the source of the danger." Qin Heqing nodded affirmatively, "It does not originate from inside the world, but from outside the world. So it is normal for the mother to not find a clue to it."

"Out of the world?!" Mazu Empress said in astonishment.

At this time, she has been sealed by the emperor Yongle to protect the country and protect the people. The wonderful spirit Zhaoying Hongren Puji Tianfei. In terms of personality, she is much higher than ordinary gods and immortals, only under the Yaochi gold mother, Jihe The Nine Heavens Profound Girl is comparable, so the understanding of the world is far from what she could compare to when she just became a god, she naturally understood what was going on outside the world.

Unexpectedly, today she would have heard information about outside the world from a little fairy, and the content was still so exciting, I have to say, this surprised her a bit, incredible.

"Yes, outside the world." Qin Heqing nodded, and then without hesitation, he narrated the news of the evil god, the void, the outside of the world, and the two worlds approaching to Mazu in a concise and clear way. .

"In other words, if it can't be stopped, our world will soon collide with another world and be destroyed, right?" After listening to Qin Heqing's description of Mazu Niangniang, she was silent for a while, and then confirmed.


"Then how do you know this information?" Mazu Niangniang questioned.

As a concubine, the wife of the Jade Emperor in the Heavenly Palace of the East did not know this kind of thing. Qin Heqing had just become immortals and hadn’t been to Tianmen yet, how did the scattered immortals who had been recorded in the Jade Book and Gold Book know about this? This kind of news?

Could it be possible, what else is special about him?

"Don't hide my mother, the reason why I can know this kind of news is entirely because of my background——" Qin Heqing, who understands the root of Mazu's questioning, smiled slightly without concealing it, and calmly explained his origin. It was stated that "I am not a person in the world today, but a person from another world that is about to collide with this world. Because of the blessings of Empress Nuwa and become its heir, I have the opportunity to be otherworldly and exalted. , And participated in all kinds of events that only the gods could touch, and came to this world."

"People from another world..." Mazu murmured in a daze and dazed.

"Not bad."

"Listening to what you mean, it seems that you are not the only people and gods who have entered this world this time?" Mazu Niang Niang stabilized her mind with a strong mind, and looked at Qin Heqing to confirm again.

"Yes, there are more than 30 other gods from our world's east and west gods who have logged into this world to seek cooperation for the security and development of the two realms." Qin Heqing confirmed.

"What do you want to do." Mazu Niangniang said sternly.

"Negotiate, then cooperate to resolve this crisis." Qin Heqing replied.

"Specifically." Mazu Niangniang asked.

What she wants to listen to is not these things without actual content.

"I hope to meet the Jade Emperor, set foot on the sky, make a strong statement with the gods, and then reach a cooperation, and work together to find ways to solve the external evil gods that are hovering in the outside world, cut off the invisible power imposed by those evil gods on the world, and think about it later Ways to find a way that can bring the two worlds into contact and even merge in peace and security." Qin Heqing replied.

"Is Dongfang Huaxia the only person to come to me?" Mazu Empress was silent for a moment, then asked Qin Heqing with deep eyes again.

"Yes, is there any problem?" Qin Heqing asked rhetorically.

"Don't you worry, I, or the gods of the heavenly court, have a vicious mind and will take you down and use domineering means to determine the authenticity of your words?" Mazu Niangniang reminded.

This is really not impossible. After all, people are good and bad, let alone immortals? The ghost knew if there were any unpredictable or fierce existence among those immortals, and then took Qin Heqing the first time he knew that he was an immortal from the outside world, and then used methods similar to search for souls to forcibly read Qin Heqing’s memory. While confirming the authenticity of the information, while inquiring about the situation in another world, as well as the reason and method why they can enter this world, finally organize an army to kill it?

After all, it was a new world, a place where new beliefs and sects spread.

"If you worry about those, I won't come to see you, Niang Niang." Qin Heqing smiled lightly. After a pause, he continued to say with a slightly reduced expression, "And since I dare to come here on behalf of the Eastern Gods of our realm, it is not that there are no cards. If the heavenly immortals really want to slay them regardless of tradition, then I cannot say I'm going to tear my skin and do something grieving."

"Nuwa's descendant..." Mazu sighed, and finally sighed, "I will convey your news to the heavenly emperor. As for how the emperor chooses afterwards, it is not that I have an empty personality and no actual rights. The fairy girl can interfere."

"That's it. I believe that with the wisdom of the heavenly emperor and the heavenly immortals, they should be able to distinguish their priorities, relatives, distant and near, knowing what to do and not to do at this time, if something like that I don't want to meet happens. In terms of the picture, it can only be said that the fate of our two worlds is such that it is not worth living anymore." Qin Heqing said with a free and easy smile.

"I hope so." Mazu Niangniang said quietly.

Then the two talked about the customs of this era and the modern time and space where Qin Heqing lived, and agreed on the time and method of the next meeting. Qin Heqing was sent out of God's Domain by Mazu's empress and reappeared in the previous place. In front of the incense cauldron, he looked at a loss, and did not attract anyone's attention.

Then Qin Heqing once again bowed to the statue of Mazu's golden body, then turned around and left the Mazu Temple, bought a house in Quanzhou City through the hands of the Yaxingya, and lived in it...

At least he was not going to leave Quanzhou and the world before officially receiving Mazu Niangniang's notification that negotiations were impossible.


At the same time ~www.ltnovel.com~ On the other side, the Mazu empress who was separated from Qin and Qing left God's Realm after a while and turned into a goddess, while she changed her clothes into neon clothes that a goddess would wear, leaving a fairy flying The long-sleeved skirt flew away towards the sky for nine days.

In just a few moments, he appeared in front of the most famous Nantian Gate in the legend, crossed the Nantian Gate, the main gateway for entering and exiting the heavenly court, and flew over to Gaoxuan Tianyu, like a jade palace, like a jade palace.

And after the same moment, he appeared in front of the gate of the High Heaven Palace——

However, he didn't go in. Instead, he walked around and moved towards the apse of Lingxiao Hall, where the Jade Emperor mainly rested.

Yes, the apse, which is the same as the imperial palace except for the emperor’s office or residence. The Lingxiao Hall is not only the place where the Jade Emperor summons the officials to discuss matters, but also the general name of the Jade Emperor’s bedroom. Therefore, the Lingxiao Palace covers a huge area, not only is there a lot of palaces, but also each is magnificent and effective. It is the main place of life and activities of the Jade Emperor.

Secondly, it's Yaochi...

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