High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1410: Uninvited Anat

"...Let's do this first. After I have settled the matter here, I will go to Huaxia to solve the problem of Heavenly Court." After listening to Qin Heqing's narration, Athena groaned, and then looked at Qin Heqing on the other end. Replied.

"Yes. Then I will be here in Quanzhou waiting for your visit." Qin Heqing replied.


Then the two briefly said a few words, and Athena ended the communication and went to her own affairs again.

Of course, Qin and Qing did the same, put away the magical instruments, frowned and thought while sitting in the courtyard——

What to meditate on?

Naturally it is to meditate on the issue of heaven.

However, it was not the Heavenly Court in the Warring States Time and Space, but the Heavenly Court in the modern time and space. He was wondering whether he should re-establish the Heavenly Court in the modern time and space.

After all, judging from the current situation, it is far better to re-establish the heavenly court than to let the heavenly court continue to be scattered, and the state of the immortals in their own affairs is much better! At least when negotiating with the heavenly court of the Warring States time and space world, it will not be as passive as it is now.

And he does have the ability to re-establish the heavenly court.

Whether it is the big heaven in essence, or the empty little heaven...

But correspondingly, if the Heavenly Court is to be rebuilt, those ancient immortals that have survived the Tang and Song Dynasties have also become the existence he has to pay attention to, and even have to face it. After all, the Heavenly Court has to give orders to the Quartet, and there is not enough manpower and high-end. Is it possible that the combat power is not enough, and he is all expected to use the demon pot to make it?

Even if he throws the broken Heavenly Court Thirty [Liancheng] into the demon refining pot for three days, he may not be able to make up for this gap, so in the end he still has to put his hope on those hidden in the dark and the world barrier. On the side of the old fairy.

As for the older ones, such as the heavenly gods in the Huangdi period and Emperor Jun period...

Not to mention that they are still not in the shadows of the modern space-time world. Even if they are, he can't invite them with his current prestige. Instead, when they do not exist, they have already followed the Yellow Emperor and went to other space-time expansion. The basic human race left a way for the human race. If you don't stay in the world, you can get it. Otherwise, you can only get the headache in the end, not others.

"You can first build the concept of the heavenly court, and then try to run it to see if there are any problems, then after deciding whether to enlarge it, directly replace the heavenly court in modern time and space to complete the establishment of the name and legal system, completely becoming the so-called Emperor of Heaven." Qin Heqing muttered after thinking for a long time.

It just so happens that he also has this foundation-the new city that is building a barrier, judging from the current settings, there are already many outlines and contexts of the heavenly structure, which can be used as a test product to verify the feasibility of the heavenly concept.

It happened to be convenient for him to arrange and integrate the manpower, so that the Taibai Jinxing, Chang'e, Madame Shangyuan, and the emperor Nvying in his hand could integrate the power of the gods and make things more plausible.

"That's it. After the initial negotiation task here is over, I will go back and try to set up the small heaven." Thinking of this, Qin Heqing was sure, and secretly made up his mind.

He can do things like the Emperor of Heaven...


Only two days later, Qin Heqing couldn't wait for Athena's arrival, but he waited for an unexpected guest to come.


Phoenician goddess, Anat!

That is, Ishtar, the **** of love and hunting and the **** of war in the Sumerian mythology of Mesopotamia.

Or one of the archetypes of Artemis in Greek mythology. A dangerous, beautiful and **** existence.

Qin He Halal didn't expect that this one would appear in front of him silently.

"Why are you here?" Qin Heqing frowned in surprise as he looked at Anat who appeared in the Quanzhou mansion he bought.

Because he remembered clearly that he had never contacted her, nor had she contacted, nor contacted other people to explain where he was, so he really didn’t understand how she found herself without a clue. of.

Could it be that Athena told her?

But when I thought about Athena’s attitude towards her before setting off, Qin Heqing felt that it was impossible. After all, Anat at this time was Anat. At most, he was carrying the identity of an Ishtar. Shen'an's care and maintenance is nothing but Athena's care...

Thinking about it, I feel a little surprising and incredible.

Without him, she didn't show the characteristics of Artemis.

Unless, Athena, or the Western gods, had something to hide from themselves, and their performance at the time was just acting to show him, making him mistakenly believe that Athena was not compatible with her, and wanted to seek something from him...

Then Qin Heqing's eyes flashed, as if he understood something in his heart.

"Why can't I be here?" Anat asked with a coquettish smile as he watched him in time.

"Athena told you my position?" Qin Heqing asked again without changing his expression.

"What do you mean?" Anat smiled slyly. Just don't answer the question.

Qin Heqing frowned: Did he guess wrong?

"Is there anything you came to see me?" Qin Heqing pressed down the doubts in his heart, and stared at Ana Te, who was full of coquettish and seductive air.

"Is it okay that I can't come to you?" Anat twisted his waist and walked slowly in front of Qin Heqing, leaning his face near his face, feeling tired of each other's breathing. Soundtrack.

"I don't think I have this kind of charm that can make a goddess like me regardless of identity." Qin Heqing took two steps back and distanced herself.

"Then you really underestimate your own charm." Anat approached.

And I don’t know if it’s afraid of him running away or what, a scarlet aura and power spread from her at this time, like a realm, quickly enveloping Qin Heqing...

"What are you going to do?!" Qin Heqing changed his way when he noticed some abnormal changes.

"I want to turn you into my love~www.ltnovel.com~ Anat laughed.

Only when the voice fell, a golden streamer flew from the sky fiercely, like a shooting star, directly bombarding Anat's special field.


A huge explosion exploded, and Anat jumped back with a vigilant look, raised his head, and squinted his eyes to look into the distance.

"Who, come out!" Anat shouted coldly.

Qin Heqing also looked up at the sky.

Then the golden light bloomed, and the figure of Mazu Empress appeared above the mansion out of thin air, which was the direction where the golden streamer flew before, expressionless, full of majesty overlooking the goddess Anat in exotic costumes.

"Meet Mazu Niangniang." Qin Heqing leaned over to worship without hesitation.

"Mazu?" Anat frowned and murmured in a low voice.

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