High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1411: Crazy woman

"Mazu, are you the gods of China?" Anat narrowed his eyes and said with a strange smile on his face. "But even if it is a local god, it seems impossible to attack me so inexplicably?"

"If a good **** comes here with etiquette and communication, the **** naturally welcomes it, but if it is an evil **** and uses his divine power domain to interfere with reality without telling his purpose, then I don’t blame this place. You're welcome, the patron saint." Mazu Niangniang said in a cold voice with the same expression.

"The patron saint of the place, that's how it is." Anat said suddenly.

After all, she was in Phoenician, which is also the patron saint of Phoenician in Canaan mythology, so in terms of nature, she is the same as Mazu.

Therefore, if you change to Mazu inexplicably enter the city-state you guard, and then inexplicably expand the realm of divine power to affect reality, it is estimated that you will not be too polite to Mazu.

Why is this provoking the majesty of the patron saint? Even if it is suppressed, it deserves it.

It's just that she didn't expect Mazu to react so quickly. She just released the divine power domain, but it didn't spread out to affect other unrelated personnel. She reacted and attacked.

To be honest, this speed is really a bit too extreme...

"I admit that I was wrong this time. I am willing to apologize. I hope that His Highness Mazu will not blame me and forgive my ignorance and inadvertent offense." Anat is quite knowledgeable, completely unlike her appearance. His temperament and the brutal and brainless apology recorded in the mythology.

"I, accept your apology." Mazu glanced at her, frowned slightly, and said in a low voice without the intention of making things worse.

"Is there anything going on with your Highness?" Anat asked, standing up.

"You are so good at it." Mazu did not speak, but turned to look at Qin Heqing next to Qin Heqing with a pun reminder.

Qin Heqing laughed, but for a while, he didn't know whether to find an excuse to let Mazu stay, in order to deal with a wolflike goddess, Anat, who would not want to devour him alive.

Then Empress Mazu flashed herself, turned into a streamer and disappeared into the air.

"Now that the unrelated people are gone, let's continue what we haven't done before." Anat, who watched Mazu leave, turned around, and looked at Qin Heqing with a bright eye and greeted him with a smile.

"Anat, what exactly do you want to do!" Qin Heqing frowned, and asked when he looked at Anat who seemed to be about to pounce.

"Sure enough, you are very different from ordinary mortals." Anat, who was directly called by Qin Heqing without adding any honorific name, gave a dazed chuckle, followed by a more entertaining smile.

"You'd better explain your purpose today, otherwise, even if you are also the **** of the modern world, I can only be rude to you." Qin Heqing was annoyed by Anat's operation. Warned.

"Yes, even if you just let me come, as long as you can defeat me, let alone want to know the purpose of my coming and the secrets of the gods, even if you want to treat me like this or that, it's all right." With the two powers of war and hunting, Anat had no fear at all, but became more excited and tempted.

Qin Heqing frowned, stopped and attacked Anat.

He really didn't believe it. Under the suppression of the Kyushu enchantment, he still couldn't take a foreign god.

After thinking about it, Qin Heqing pointed at his arm and directly moved the five-sacred mountain projection to affect Anate's body! The majestic pressure is generated, like tens or hundreds of times of super strong gravity, which oppresses Anat to make it difficult to move.

"This kind of power..." Anat, who sensed the pressure on her body, changed slightly, and looked at Qin Heqing in an unbelievable way. "It's simply not something ordinary mortals can master!"

"Didn't Athena tell you before you came, did you know my details?" Qin Heqing ignored Anat's reaction, and at the same time that the Five Sacred Mountains suppressed the opponent, he pointed at Anat again, with countless golden rays of light. The twisted and condensed rope appeared in the void out of thin air, and when it flew, it entangled Anat's body like a python that preyed on the prey——

Xianshu, the golden rope!

Anat's body couldn't help tightening, making the divine power that was originally stagnant due to the suppression of the Kyushu enchantment and the five-mountain true form become more and more stagnant, and the body's resistance decreased, and finally could not bear it after a breath. The gravity of the five sacred mountains fell to the ground with a puff...

"You really are so cruel." However, Anat did not show any tension or fear at all, and even an angry expression on his face, but showed a sad expression of resentment and a man's incomprehension. To Qin Heqing, complained pitifully.

Obviously, he has not been forced to a dead end.

But it’s normal to think about it again. In Canaan mythology, even Pluto Mott, who was able to swallow the Canaanite king Baal, was chopped into a smashed fleshy female **** of war, how could she be killed? The suppression of such a level of force will destroy the fighting spirit and go to bed?

Even Qin Heqing suspected that if it weren’t for China, if it weren’t for the suppression of the Kyushu enchantment in the general environment, and the powerful **** Mazu Niangniang hidden on the side in a small area, Anat might not have been given him so easily. Suppressed-

Haven't seen people until now, haven't even the solemn divine power and divine power used?

But the next moment, the situation in the field suddenly changed. In an instant, the divine power that was majestic enough to affect the weather exploded, and the magically evolved golden rope wrapped around Anat was directly broken by her arms~www.mtlnovel. com~ Then he rushed towards the night, projecting the true shape of the five mountains above his head into the air, ignoring the collapsed houses and the damage caused by her supernatural power, and directly dashed to Qin Heqing like a streamer, reaching out and grabbing towards The collar of Qin Heqing.

Qin Heqing dodges, an inexplicable energy chain blasted out of the void abruptly, entangled Qin Heqing's body, and then followed Anat's sweeping motion as if to throw a meteor hammer, directly volleyed into the air, and went for a while. Under the effect of the huge inertia that suddenly blessed him, he lased towards the Yellow Sea outside Quanzhou City like a streamer.

After that, Anat Kwanghwa caught up and left the place that had become dilapidated because of her explosion.

Then Mazu Niangniang appeared, frowned and looked at the surrounding situation, waved her hand, and dropped a large shower of rain to heal and relieve the wounds of the wounded around. Then she did not stay at all and shot at both Qin Heqing and Anat. And the direction to go catches up-

If you dare to make trouble in her place, even if you are a foreign envoy, she Lin Moniang has no intention of ignoring her.

Besides, it hurts.

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