High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1412:


Qin Heqing struggled with both arms, and the energy chains on his body burst open instantly, turning into sky-filled light chips and melting into the void.

At this time, he had already figured out the intention of Anat’s shot, nothing more than he wanted to throw him out of the city, outside the boundary of Kyushu, so as to avoid the explosion of his own divine power. Mazu Niangniang provoked her, and she added an enemy for nothing, and she could also avoid the legal suppression of these alien gods by the Kyushu enchantment, so that her strength could be fully displayed.

Therefore, Qin Heqing did not "reject", but allowed this huge inertia to take him out of Quanzhou City and to the sea.

As for the reason?

It is also very simple, because he also needs a place where he can be unaffected and able to fight with all his strength! This is not possible in the city. It is very likely that a bad situation will affect the surrounding residents and even hurt the surrounding residents. Qin Heqing doesn't want to be targeted by Mazu's mother because of this kind of thing.

Even if, on the basis of being stared at, Anat will be targeted and suppressed far more powerful than her own mortal, ‘owner’.

After Quanzhou City went away, the suppressive power of the Nine Provinces enchantment also faded from him...

"All right!"

Qin Heqing's body then stopped for a while on the beach.

Just before he could look around to observe the surroundings, the figure of Anat who followed immediately appeared in front of him. A ring-headed dogleg knife similar to a Nepalese scimitar appeared in her hand, with a blade. Eversion, he cut directly towards Qin Heqing's neck.

Qin Heqing flashed, and violently withdrew thousands of meters away——

"This is, are you going to kill me?" Qin Heqing frowned and muttered.

There seems to be no enmity between him and Anat, right? Even before this, the two had never contacted each other before, and there was only one Athena before, and the nature was still suspicious. As for the fact that the two can really be counted together, the only cause is that they are members of the mission. , Qin Heqing really wondered where Anat was so murderous towards him.

Didn’t you mean to get him?

Is it the kind you want to chop up and eat into your stomach?

Anat didn’t explain, or didn’t think he needed an explanation. He had a certain body shape, so he smiled grinningly and threw the dogleg knife in his hand towards Qin Heqing——

The blade whirled like a boomerang, bringing a terrible tornado storm, and flew quickly in front of Qin Heqing.

Qin Heqing didn't dodge, frowning, he used one of his innate tricks to grab a big shot, and his vitality created a huge energy palm out of thin air, like a child's toy, and a dog with a violent tornado. The leg knife was grabbed into the palm by it, and before taking it back, a bright stream of light quickly approached Qin Heqing.

Qin Heqing changed his face and opened the entrance of the demon refining pot in front of him, forming a passage and barrier, and swallowing the arrow that was shot in front of him.


Then, in a big shot, Anat exploded, and Anat, who suddenly appeared beside her big hand, stretched out her hand and grabbed the dogleg knife. With a terrifying aura as if a cheetah was pounding its prey, with a blade like a claw, he killed Qin Heqing again.

"It's really endless."

Qin Heqing, who was repeatedly attacked by Anat in this way, became angry. The eight-handed sword hidden in the world of the pot instantly came out of his hand, and simply raised his arm with him, one after another. To the ground, a platinum ray of a huge opening and closing crack with a depth of more than ten meters emerged from the sea directly under the two of them, and with the breath of slashing the sky, it met Anat's dog knife.


Then a violent explosion exploded, and Anat himself seemed to be hit by a huge impact, spinning back and flew out.

However, Qin Heqing did not remain indifferent. Instead, with a stroke of his idle finger, a fairy-level Guishui divine thunder blasted in front of Anat, and hit the dog knife thrown by Anat in a hurry. Are together.


The dog knife shot back and fell into Anat's hands again.

Although the electric light lingered, it also made Anat feel all this more excited.

"I appreciate you more and more, Qin and Qingjun."

Qin Heqing didn't answer, but stared at her with Shen Su's gaze, waiting for her next attack and brewing his next attack method.

Just before the trip, another golden light suddenly appeared over the sea where the two were fighting, condensing and manifesting, presenting a majestic posture that belongs to Mazu.

"His Mazu, if you come here this time, aren't you here to stop me again." For a while, Anat, who shattered his arm around the dog knife and the residual power of the Guishui Divine Thunder on his arm, looked and appeared. Empress Mazu frowned.

"You know, I have left the city-state you guarded at this time and came to the ocean, and I also deliberately avoided the ships that might be walking on the ocean at this time. If you still intervene in my battle, then I I have to doubt your intentions and attitude."

"The ocean is my domain." Mazu Empress looked at Anat who was wary and repulsive and said quietly, "And I chased you out of the city not because of the battle between you and Qin and Qing Sanxian. "

"What is that?" Anat questioned.

"For the residents you hurt in the city." Mazu Niangniang replied.

"It's just a few mortals. Are you sure you want to provoke a magical battle for these few mortals and get unnecessary enemies for yourself?" Anat asked with a strange expression.

Even if she is also the patron saint of the city-state in the Phoenician region~www.ltnovel.com~, it is not so much that even a few mortal lives are scrupulous.

What's more, if you still have to carry a divine enemy for this, if it is not necessary, even if she was incarnate as Anat, she had the attributes of barbarism, bloodthirsty, and warlike existence in her divinity. .

"In your eyes, those are just a few insignificant mortals, but in my eyes, they are my compatriots, the people I want to protect, so whether it is one or a group, as long as they are not due to natural factors or diseases Such as the sacrifices caused by the damage caused by force majeure, then I have to escape and respond to some justice for them!" Mazu Niangniang responded firmly and sonorously without hesitation.

Sure enough, it is indeed the Mazu Niangniang who can arouse the residents of the southern coast and even attract countless believers around the world. This responsibility alone is not comparable to ordinary gods, or even the so-called monotheistic gods!

It is no wonder that his personality can rise year by year with the changes of the past dynasties and emperors, until later generations become the Queen of Heaven without losing the Golden Mother of Yaochi.

It really wasn't for nothing.

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