High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1413: Self-investment

"It seems that I can only fight back so that you can understand that the majesty of the gods is not to be humiliated." Seeing Mazu's damned Anat's eyes narrowed, she said in a cold voice. .

"The majesty of the gods is not based on the lives of ordinary people." Mazu Niangniang said coldly.

Then, without hesitation, he stretched out his hand and pointed forward. The thick water column resembled a dragon rising up into the sky, violently shot out from above the sea under the feet of the three of them. The dragon head rose high and roared and slammed into Anat. past.

"I am Anat, the ruler of Venus, the ruler of secular wars and hunting, the guardian **** of barbarians, the sister and lover of the lord of storm and sky, the patron of the gods of Canaan! Wherever I am Wherever, the light of Venus will fill the sky, the earth is full of swordsmen, the city is sheltered, the people are protected, and the calamity cannot be added!” But Anat, who faced Mazu’s attack, did not try to deal with Qin Heqing. As they did, they responded directly with wild combat techniques, but the divine power exploded, the divine power was manifested, and the declarative spirit aroused the corresponding rules between heaven and earth.

So the next moment, the huge Venus is like a detached satellite that has broken through the shackles of day and night, and suddenly appeared in the still bright sky at this time, and the dazzling golden light bloomed like a boundless rain of arrows, shooting in all directions——

Of course, this is for those people or creatures who are not hostile or have other ideas about Ana, or secular creations, it just feels that today’s wind is a bit noisy and the light is a bit weird, but it falls on the side of Mazu Niangniang and Qin Heqing, The golden light in the sky turned into a real, sharp blade like a sword soldier, and launched a full range of blows against the two.

At the same time, a soft golden light appeared outside of Anat, like a shield, shielding all the external forces that wanted to offend her.

This included a pair of soaring water dragons that became dilapidated and precarious under the lasing of golden light, and a soaring water dragon that was about to explode at any time, also collapsed from the head of the dragon at the moment it touched Anat’s outer shield. The water droplets that turned into a large handful fell downward.


After that, Anata stretched out her hand and grabbed it, and a big golden spear made up of golden light appeared in Anat's hand, and then Anat's waist was straightened, like a javelin throwing mobilization. , Shot the golden spear in his hand towards Mazu Niangniang.

"call out!"

The streamer flew and arrived in front of Mazu Empress almost instantly, without giving people the slightest reaction time.

Fortunately, Mazu Niangniang is not an extraordinary person, but a goddess who guards ocean navigation, commercial safety and eradicating disasters. Naturally, she has no lack of combat awareness. What's more, when she was still a mortal, she also learned from a teacher and learned some simple things. She’s bodyguard martial arts, so she didn’t panic in the face of the divine power attack of this unknown system. The golden light flashed in her eyes, and the air in front of her quickly rippled with violent ripples, like the waves of the sea. The power contained in the golden light gun that killed her money was passed on----

The resulting effect is that at this moment, the sea under the feet of Mazu was violently turbulent, as if an invisible shock wave generator was constantly vibrating on the surface of the sea, sending ripples one after another in all directions. .

Then Mother Mazu waved her hand--


The violent explosion immediately wrapped Mazu Niang in...

"Mazu!?" Qin Heqing exclaimed.

"Before worrying about others, you should first worry about yourself." Anat, who was holding a golden light bow with several arrows on it, sneered.

Then as soon as the fingers loosened, the countless golden lights really turned into immeasurable arrows, shooting at Qin Heqing at one-third the speed of light, and covering all the paths of his left, right, up, down, and right in front of him. He can't hide.

As for the direct retreat, Anat guessed it could not be desired. Anyway, the speed of retreat is fast, and it must not be as fast as the light arrow she shot!

Therefore, Qin Heqing’s response was also very simple. The power of the demon refining pot was turned on, like the gluttonous whale swallowing the world, and he shot everything in front of him without any disdain, and the golden light shot in front of him was swallowed into the pot. .

"It's a pity that I didn't bring Taibai over, or else he would not be able to steal Anat if he didn't believe him as the main **** of Venus." Qin Heqing murmured in his heart.

Then the energy smoke enveloping Mazu's mother dissipated, and the terrifying lead cloud quickly gathered in the sky, and the thunder violently bombarded Anat with the aura of groundbreaking, destruction and creation.


Lei Guang exploded, but the attack was blocked by the hemispherical golden light barrier that suddenly appeared above Anat.

Empress Mazu couldn't help frowning, she could only stir the sea water again to create a group of nine-day dragons, as if she wanted to **** the dragon ball-Anat, rushing to Anat in no particular order.

When Anat saw this, he smiled slightly, took a step, and in an instant broke free from the atmosphere of winning the bead in Nine Dragons, appeared in front of Mazu Empress like a streamer, slashed with a doghead knife in her hand, and slammed down.

Mazu Niangniang did not dodge, after all, she can even use the golden gun that Anat made before to transfer all the impulse, kinetic energy, and lethality contained in it by the way of the sea substitute. How can she care? Nat's casual attack? What if the power and strength of the Golden Light Spear are stronger than before? As long as you can't collapse the sea in one blow and make the entire ocean disappear, then the Mazu empress who is in the ocean will be invincible by nature!

This is her divine power and her divine power.

So after doing a defensive response ~www.ltnovel.com~ Mazu Niangniang was not polite, and she waved her palm as if she was beating the mother of a disobedient child, with swift winds, lightning, and sheer power. His slap slapped Anat’s cheek.

If this is true, not to mention the amount of damage, but the insult contained in it is enough to drive Anat crazy and even runaway.

Therefore, in order to protect the identity and face of the gods and the heads of the female gods in Canaan mythology, Anat still avoided the attack of Mazu Empress with the help of Venus's golden light flashing all over the world, and appeared on the sidelines. It seems that behind Qin Heqing who is playing soy sauce, the dog-leg knife stabs forward and directly hits Qin Heqing’s kidney with a kidney attack...

I really don't want to call him.

After that, Qin Heqing's body became virtual, passing through the body of the goddess Anat like a phantom, and appeared behind her, the projection of the world in the pot unfolded, directly bringing her into his own domain——

"The tiger doesn't show off, you really treat me as a decoration." Qin Heqing looked at the sudden change in expression before him, and Anat sneered with a vigilant and cruel face.

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