High Priest in Japan

Vol 2 Chapter 1414: 1 language suppression

In an instant, both Qin Heqing and Anat disappeared from Mazu Niangniang's eyes, causing the follow-up chase controlled by her to fall into the empty space, only to disperse, turning into heavy rain and falling back into the sea.

"Puff, wow, la la la..."

"Where's the person?" Mazu Niangniang glanced around and said in surprise.

However, he did not leave, but remained on the sea, waiting for Qin Heqing or Anat to reappear——

At the same time, in the unique space divided by the projection of the world in the pot, Qin Heqing also officially launched an attack on Anat.

"Divine power stripping!"

"Theocratic seal!"


In an instant, I saw countless golden regular chains emerging from the void, and in an instant it was wrapped around Anat's body, whose complexion changed drastically, but she didn't know what was wrong, binding her body like a person. Confined in the air like a pile.

Then Qin He Qingfei reached out and pointed at the constrained Anat. The chains entangled in her body were inexplicably displayed countless thin golden needles as long as cow hair, following Anat's The skin and the thousands of pores on the skin pierced into Anat's body.


"How do you have the ability to seal my divine power?!" Anat asked, ignoring the extreme pain of ten thousand ants on her body, staring at Qin He, who had already flown in front of her.

"Guess." Qin Heqing asked with a defiant smile.

In fact, it is very simple to put it bluntly. Who would call him noble enough to be the real founder of the world in the jug, the creator of the world, the king of the gods, so as long as it is within the scope of the world in the jug, it will be projected In the false world, Qin Heqing can also use his personality to use some means far beyond what a fairy can achieve!

Just like the first three seals in the opening. It is the effect achieved by Qin Heqing's use of personality and home court advantage-the cooperation of the world.

Of course, it can only be in the projection space of the world in the pot, as for the outside...

He is an ordinary god, but there is no way to be like a **** king in the DND world. In a word, he cut off the blessing effect of the godhead on the gods, making Anat fall from the powerful **** of war to the **** of the gods in an instant. It was a little stronger than the ordinary demigod, and then he was completely sealed the divine power circulation in the body by his successive operations.

"Don't forget, I am one of the envoys of this cross-border negotiation mission. I have important tasks. Are you sure you want to risk destroying the master plan of the two circles and seal me?" Anat stared deeply. After Qin Heqing was in a hurry, he finally asked with a solemn expression.

"It is precisely because I want to maintain the relationship between the two worlds that I have to suppress you." Qin Heqing retorted.

If you really allow Anat to continue to quarrel, to the extent that it is unacceptable, it will really cause things to develop into an unpredictable situation.

After all, Mazu Niangniang is the **** of the Eastern Heavenly Court, and she is a kind of lofty personality, fighting her desperately here, it doesn’t matter if she is tied or Anat is defeated, if Mazu Niangniang is injured or even fights. The ghost of victory knows how the heaven will react! Don’t think that if you leave the Kyushu barrier, the Heavenly Court will not notice the situation here—

Otherwise, what does the existence of clairvoyance and shunfeng ear do?

What's more, the place where they are fighting is still above the Yellow Sea, which is the original influence of the Eastern Heavenly Court. It is enough to give you face without immediately sending the Heavenly Soldiers or the Three Altars of the Sea to crusade. Leave your life in this world?

This is the reason why Qin Heqing suddenly broke out and did not rashly intervene in the battle between Mazu Niangniang and Anat.

That's not disdain to join hands, but not wanting to make the internal contradictions too obvious and show jokes to the gods in the heavenly court of this time and space.

It's just a pity that everything was ruined by Anat's fighting spirit, and then he had to make up for it, and suppress her in the fastest and most violent way, and quell the riots, also for the subsequent interrogation-to ask clearly. How does Nat's preparation work for finding something to come to without revealing her position.

Afterwards, Qin Heqing was too lazy to talk nonsense with Anat, whose mind seemed to be abnormal. When he thought about it, he wrapped Anat with the projection world, put her in the demon refining pot, and placed her in the void to wait for his follow-up processing and Interrogation.


"Where is the goddess?" Mazu asked, looking at Qin Heqing who appeared suddenly from the void.

"I have suppressed it." Qin Heqing replied in a flat tone. It's like doing a trivial thing that is not worth mentioning.

"Is it suppressed by you? How was it suppressed?" Mazu said in surprise.

She didn’t see the strength of Anat. She really fought. Even with the whole ocean supporting her, Mazu didn’t think she could do anything to Anat. At most, she could keep herself unbeaten or not. Looks so embarrassed.

After all, she is the protector of commerce and ocean navigation, and has the power to eliminate disasters. She is not a full-time fighting god-like **** of war like Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun, Santan Haihui Great God, and Wang Lingguan. The base of martial arts obtained by human practice is still not known at first glance that it is an opponent of Anat, who has experienced countless blood battles and has rich experience in fighting and fighting, so she really hasn't thought about suppressing anything.

But when it came to Qin Heqing's side, even the time for a cup of tea was useless. The goddess Anat, who was also a headache, was suppressed. How could this make Mazu believe, and how could she believe it?

So the only thought that came out of her heart now was that Qin Heqing shouldn't have used the opportunity of disappearing to negotiate something with that Anat and use this to cheat herself.

As for the purpose, it is also very simple, that is, not to destroy the relationship between the two circles, so that there will be redundant variables in subsequent negotiations.

"Don’t underestimate me, Niangniang~www.ltnovel.com~Although I am a loose fairy, what I got is the inheritance of Nuwa Niangniang, coupled with some coincidence methods of the earth and immortality, it’s not a real battle. It’s weaker than ordinary fighting gods. What's more, Anat has never paid attention to me before, so coupled with the unfamiliarity with me and the spells I have mastered, it is only natural that I will be easily overcast. Things." Qin Heqing explained with a smile.

"Nv Wa Empress... I didn't expect you to be a descendant of the Great God Nv Wa." Mazu said in astonishment.

"Hehe..." Qin Heqing also smiled, putting on an appearance that he wanted to be humble but couldn't stop being proud, making Mazu look a little speechless.

"Forget it, as long as she doesn't come out again to destroy it." Mazu Empress shook her head and let go.

"No, absolutely not."

"That's it, I have to go back to see the wounded in the city, you..."

"I'll go to Dongying, and I don't need to cause unnecessary chaos in Quanzhou City because of my business." Qin Heqing replied.

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